Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 219: : Counterattack success!

Chapter 219: Counterattack success!

Ling Lan saw Luo Lang and Xie Yi quiet, and this closed her eyes slightly, thoughtfully knocking on the handrail, and soon she opened her eyes and pointed to the major standing on one side, faintly said: "Forget to tell you This is also my hostage! You say, what do you use to change him?"

"Impossible!" The first reaction of the captain was unbelief. He knew the strength of the major, and the spacecraft was the strongest under him.

Ling Lan’s slightly mocking eyes turned to the major: “Or, do you tell him the truth?”

The major sighed: "He is right, I am indeed his hostage!" Majors can't blink and say, if Linglan really wants to subdue him, it's not impossible... although Ling Lan wants to pay one Fan Kungfu, but the major believes that as long as Ling Lan time, he is definitely not Ling Lan's opponent.

Besides, during this time, the major also learned that this seemingly ruthless teenager is actually very well-informed. The crew members under his control are not life-threatening. Even if the powerhouse is heavily damaged, the guardian captain has already been properly Treatment is not life threatening. Therefore, he does not want to destroy the promises and expand the dispute between the two. If he can, he wants to resolve this matter peacefully.

When the majors hit the captain, his face changed and he found that things were really tricky. However, the strike that Ling Lan brought to him did not end there. "Let's do it, let you see two more pictures!"

Ling Lan pulled out the scenes of the power room and the dormitory area. I saw that the crew members in the dormitory area were all **** in a closed room. They were also locked in a closed room. They also saw that the guards of the power room were also bundled together. And their guardian captain was not tied, but lying weakly on the ground. In the picture, the captain clearly saw that there was a lot of blood flowing in the place where he was lying...

"What happened to Xiaowan?" The captain angrily yelled. Did his powerhouse guard captain suffer unexpectedly?

"Not dead, still alive!" Ling Lan facelessly pulled the picture of the power room into magnification, letting the captain clearly see the other side's breathing undulating chest, "However, if you insist on not admit defeat, I do not guarantee that he can live. How long?" Ling Lan's voice is very cold, as if she did not care about the other's life and death.

The captain’s chest was undulating, showing that he was extremely angry and uneasy at the moment, but as the warning in Ling Lan’s words, the life and death of the entire ship was all in his mind.

"Captain, do you think you have any chips to negotiate with me?" Ling Lan finally raised his eyebrows and looked at each other. The tone brought a bit of sarcasm. I don't know why, this is different from the cold and calm at the beginning. The scornful words of the microstrips caused the sense of crisis in the captain's mind to rise.

Ling Lan used his right hand to prop up his chin. It’s like laughing and laughing: “Yes. Your strength can kill any of us here, and even control the ship soon... But you really thought that I was just waiting for you here, didn’t do anything at all? ”

The captain's face was pumped. But it was hard to hold back. He kept telling himself that the other party was just scaring him. He could not be scared by a 16-year-old boy...

"Actually, during this time, I gave the main brain an order. As soon as I died, the spacecraft directly slammed into the ruins of the starry sky. That is, you and I can't live. Not only that, the comrades who follow you can only be buried here because of your choice."

Ling Lan said this terrible consequence with an understatement and a calm tone, and her face still carries a smile that looks like a smile, as if she was talking about a trivial matter. But Ling Lan’s eyes showed a kind of madness, which proved that her words were not fake.

This strange way to make Linglong and other people familiar with Ling Lan, can not help but shudder, this somewhat abnormal Lan boss is really their cold face straight blue boss?

Ling Lan seems to know the doubts of the captain's boss, gently poked the aperture of the main brain, and asked friendlyly: "Yes, my little master!"

"Yes, my master!" The main brain replied mechanically, but there was tears in the back: the former master, I am sorry for you, deceived you, but my big predecessors are staring fiercely, I can't help but talk.

The captain heard a big change in his face. He threw down Qilong on his shoulder and pointed at the number of people in Lin Zhongqing in the spaceship. He said with anger: "Don't you cherish their lives? Losing them so trusting you, willing to make it with you." This crazy thing?"

Ling Lan didn't look at them. The cold eyes made Lin Zhongqing unable to bear a shudder: "Do you want to choose humble living? Death with dignity will undoubtedly make them feel glorious, I believe they will choose This." Ling Lan brows lightly, asked faintly: "Is it?"

Xie Yi didn't want to think about it. He replied directly: "Yes, we all obey the boss!" He didn't want to be killed by Lan's boss... If so, it would be better to die so quickly.

"We can live with the boss, we also feel proud!" Luo Lang laughed, the smile was very beautiful, not a little bit stubborn, Luo Lang believed Lan Lan's decision, so he said that he did not hesitate.

"The decision of the boss is our decision!" Lin Zhongqing is very indifferent, but the more this lightly, the more the captain believes, they have already prepared for sacrifice.

Because the captain was too shocked, he did not find the small movements of the three men of Xie Yiluo Lin Lin, and the other four got their hints, and they all expressed their support for Ling Lan’s decision.

"You are crazy!" The captain can only bite his teeth and say this. Ling Lan’s decision is that the captain’s ability to have a body but can only be controlled by Ling Lan, dare not move, afraid to really kill Ling Lan, the spacecraft Was self-destructed.

He wiped his face slyly and angered: "Let's say, what do you want?"

"This day and night, we are the masters of the spacecraft, and you must meet all our needs, including what we want to learn, to the real registration of the first men's military school, I will exchange the mastership of the spacecraft." Ling Lan Go back, "This is our transaction, you can choose to refuse, and then we both will die together."

The captain pointed to Ling Lan with his trembling fingers, and finally took out three words: "Count you!"

“Don't you get what you want?” Ling Lan raised his eyebrows. Could it be that the captain could agree so easily if she took over the mastership of the spacecraft?

"And, don't do those assessments, it's boring!" Ling Lan's next words made the captain and the major's face very ugly. It turned out that their behavior had long been noticed. "If it is not because of this, I don't want to be so big." ......"

Ling Lan decisively threw responsibility to the other party. It seems that the scene was so big, it was entirely the captain's fault, which made the captain and the majors almost spurted blood.

Oh, I haven’t seen such a shameless new life. Is it true that the new students are so arrogant, mean, shameless?

"And, the little master, don't break my words!" Ling Lan coldly poked the aperture of the main brain again, so that the small body hiding in the virtual space of the main brain could not help but shake, he quickly hugged a small four The thigh cried: "Hey, the masters of the predecessors are terrible!"

Xiaosi couldn't help but rolled his eyes, how depressed is this little guy so cowardly? How good is my boss, gentle... Hey, this doesn't seem to be, my heart is good... Hey, it seems like he is bullying him too much?

Xiaosi feels that she is a little confused, but he quickly loses those confusions and once again firmly tells himself that his boss is the best boss! That's it!

In order to complete the task that the boss explained, he had to continue to persuade the main brain. This patiently left a good image of the predecessor in the heart of the little guy, and let Xiaosi make a request in the future. The little brain has helped them without hesitation...

The next thing is much simpler. The captain announced in the video of the whole ship that during the time of going to the destination, the spacecraft will be controlled by the freshmen of the military school! The declaration acknowledged the formal conversion of the control of the spacecraft. The original arrogant crew members were completely smashed for the miscellaneous personnel. The military school freshmen finally made a heroic feat of turning over the serfs and singing them. They were crushed from the beginning and became this. The owner of the ship.

However, the students belonging to the Scouting Center College quickly received instructions from Lan’s boss, hoping that they would take the opportunity to learn about the spacecraft they are interested in during this time. Of course, how to get those crew members to give lectures, just look at the students. Their respective skills.

The crew, under the captain's default, began to intentionally or unintentionally guide the students to learn the knowledge. The two sides who had been arrogant and arrogant quickly got along well, and did not see a big battle.

As Ling Lan expected, the ship from the captain to the crew, from the mech to the maintenance of the handyman, are actually federal soldiers ~ ~ so they will not be because of Ling Lan their counterattack Angry and hateful military freshmen, they may be annoyed, but also greatly appreciate the strength and strength of military freshmen, which is the biggest reason they are willing to guide students.

These soldiers are well aware that these six generations will become the mainstay of the federal army after six years... They are very happy to see some outstanding fighters in their country's army.

Linglan did not give any hints to those students who did not belong to the Scouting Center College. They did not participate in this action (Ling Lan also reminded them), Ling Lan did not have the obligation to remind each other. Come, if you are a student of your heart, you will definitely be aware of their purpose from the words and deeds of the Scout Center students, and they will know what to do.

As for those who are slow and undetected, Ling Lan does not think that there will be any development in the future. The opportunity is equal for everyone. Who can grasp it is the opportunity that belongs to them.

The strong will not miss these opportunities!


Second, last month, 400 pink plus! I have to work overtime tomorrow, and I have to entertain at night. I am afraid I can only get a chapter more...

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