Chapter 221: Salute!

The major saw Ling Lan alone leaving the captain's room, and his captain stood alone. He walked over without a word and pushed his own buddies: "Why are you standing stupid?"

Tianfang University smiled bitterly: "We are not losing."

"Why do you say that?" Major school.

"Ling Lan is the son of General Ling Xiao..." Tianfang University whispered, he just said that he would go to teach Master Ling Xiao, this is the rhythm of finding death...

The major was shocked by the words: "What?" But he quickly calmed down, thinking about what Ling Lan did during this time, and the kind of sorrow and embarrassment that threatened the heavens, which is not something that ordinary students can do... ...

He sighed in a low voice: "Only only the generals of Ling Xiao can raise such a enchanting child... Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs." After that, he and the big school of Tianfang looked at each other and saw each other’s excitement and heart in their eyes. Hi, knowing that the strong people of worship are succeeding, they are undoubtedly very excited, and the original frustration is also reduced a lot.

Ling Lan has already arrived at the main control room at this time. The main control room is currently temporarily responsible by Han Jijun. He saw Ling Lan coming and greeted him and asked: "Lan boss, what is the order?"

"If I have fun, I hope to land on the landing gear next time." Ling Lan's tone is very light, it seems to be just a voice.

Ling Lan’s words made Han Jijun’s face violently red. He immediately replied: “I know, Lan’s boss, the next time it’s absolutely successful!”

As Ling Lan said, Han Jijun’s military freshmen here are indeed crazy, because it is extremely rare practice to control the precise landing of the spacecraft, so that the students in the main control room do not want to end immediately, thus causing the spacecraft to land several times. There is no success because they still want to come again.

In the passage of Ling Lan and Han Jijun, the Tianfang University and the majors could not know. Because Xiaosi has already shielded this scene. In fact, in the captain's room, Ling Lan also had a lot of opinions about the spacecraft not landing in place, but she could not dismantle her own younger brother. So I put on the scalp and pretended not to care, and passed the two.

And this time. In the tower of the fortress, the guide who guided the horns couldn't help but close the liaison with the horns: "md, what is the ghost in the horn, is the operator confused, and landed? Failed so many times..." The former horns were not so troublesome, and one coordinate passed, and they quickly landed. Is it necessary for him to roar the coordinates over and over again?

"Patience, the Tianfang University of the horns is not a good one, he is the most short-sighted." The partner who is also a guide is whispering to him.

"I know, otherwise I will not close the contact. It will open directly." The guide was depressed.

"Well, you see, the horns seem to be in the right position..." The other partner inadvertently saw the direction of the horn, and immediately reminded him.

"Oh, I finally got it. I really want to be mad at them. I haven't seen such a clumsy spacecraft controller. Has he got the qualification certificate?" The horn horn guide was again in the buzz. Open the contact and follow the instructions below, of course, from the moment you open Mein. His voice became calm and patient, and it seems that the ignorance was just an illusion.

"Attention, there was information from the monitoring station, and another spacecraft came..." The receiving information officer on the command tower reminded the free guide to guide the new spacecraft.

"I am coming!" The guide who reminded the partner at the beginning took over the task and then connected the signal to the other party: "Hello, I am the guide of the origin fortress, number 72..."

This time, the horns landed cleanly on the landing gear of the fortress ship terminal, because Han Jijun directly used Ling Lan’s original words to warn the over-excited military school freshmen, let them suddenly converge and listen to Han Jijun’s orders. I dare not mess up again.

This has made the spacecraft staff who have been watching the show somewhat lost, but they also secretly admire Ling Lan's lofty status in the military school freshmen. Of course, he is also very appreciative of Han Jijun's ability to use Ling Lan's majesty to quickly control the control room.

And with the horns landing, there is a spaceship smaller than the No. 1 horn, docked on the pier next to them. Perhaps there are fewer new students on the spaceship, and the time to open the hatch is a little earlier than that of the horns. There are dozens of military freshmen on the road.

Like the previous ships, these freshmen bowed their heads and dared not to scream, and trembled to the platform, and then, under the direction of the instructor of the fortress, quickly left here to where they should go. The speed is like the feeling of escaping from the Longtan Tiger Cave. The pace is obviously messy.

The duty military on the platform looked at these expressions with a blank expression, and the frightened teenager appeared. Only the sharp-eyed people could see a trace of disdain in their eyes. They did not like the teenagers who fled with their tails. I think this is the face of the lost soldier.

However, they are used to it. Almost no freshman is not like this. It is rare for a few faces to be unyielding. Here, they will endure humiliation and bite their teeth into the fortress. If a teenager squats down from the spaceship, then they are shocked.

Originally thought that this scene will never appear, but the reality proves that everything is possible.

The door of the horns was finally opened, and the freshmen of the military school who had packed their bags were excited to walk down the spaceship. Their eyes were full of curiosity. Some daring and even whispered about the weapons on the duty personnel. The unusual behavior allowed the duty personnel to look at each other and began to doubt that the people on the spacecraft were really the freshmen of this military school. Or a group of tourists who came to visit the fortress?

Of course, the latter is impossible. The origin of the fortress is the secret fortress of the federation. It is not open to the public. Of course, there are no so-called tourist visitors. The cause of the illusion of the duty fighters is entirely due to the freshmen of these military schools. There is no fear in their eyes, no fear, no humiliation, no anger and unyielding, and some excitement, curiosity, and obvious self-confidence and publicity.

After the new students disembarked, they did not follow the instructions of the fortress, but stood on the platform and patiently waited for the students behind. This made the instructors somewhat depressed, and began to complain that the comrades in the spacecraft were too weak, and they did not educate these new students.

When everyone walked off the spaceship, Ling Lan, who had already disembarked, lost a look to Qi Long.

Seeing Qi Long immediately shouted: "To thank all the staff of the horns, salute!"

I saw that all the military academies stood up straight, and gave the captains who did not go down the spaceship, and collectively respected a scout who belonged to them! This is what they negotiated before disembarking. This day and night, the staff in the horns gave them a lot of help. Everyone learned more or less what they wanted, and also let the students Very grateful.

"Salute!" Inside the spaceship, the strong voice of the Tianfang University was heard. The soldiers at the door of the cabin and the places where the freshmen in the spaceship could not see, all the commanders and fighters looked at the serious face in the screen. The cadets of the military ceremonies, also solemnly returned to the military service of a dedicated federal soldier!

"Thank you!"

This solemn, grateful mutual respect for the military ceremony, so that everyone in the venue was shocked!

Another freshman who has not left yet, seeing this scene, is also shocked, but soon, their faces are gloomy, and they are the same as military academies. Why are they treated differently?

"Where is the new life?" One of the freshmen boldly asked the guiding soldiers around him.

"It’s from Doha." This was not a secret, so the soldiers were replied without hesitation.

"Doha? The place where the so-called federal geniuses are gathered?" New students gnash their teeth, because they are better than them, can they be treated differently? Their eyes are full of hatred...

At this time, Ling Lan did not know that because of these behaviors, they attracted the hatred of different planet students, and they secretly figured out that they should give them a little color in the military academy...

In the general command post of the fortress, the top commander of the fortress, King Jing Ren, was sitting in the back of the dock to see what happened after the docked dock. He couldn’t help but said to himself: "It’s weird, the guy in the heavens. Not so kind..."

At this time, the door was slammed open, and a tall figure walked in without any greeting, and then sat on the big sofa in front of the major's desk, and the image of the Erlang leg was not at all.

Major Jing Rong couldn't help but shook his head: "Heavenly, can you please keep a little image? You are also one of the image projects of our federal soldiers."

"It's not what I have to do!" Tianfang University said without hesitation, there was no convergence at all.

Master Jing Ren is familiar with the temper of his old It is not on this topic, he pointed to the screen in front of him, it is the picture of the two parties saluting, asked: "What is going on? Are you hard to be kind?"

When Tian saw the picture, he smiled bitterly: "Don't mention this, or I will be dry."

Jing Ren was shocked and asked: "What happened?"

The heavens couldn't help but cover their faces with big hands: "This is a shameful thing, I really don't want to say..."

At this time, a clear voice came from the doorway: "Of course he didn't want to say it. This time we lost but lost." It was the major of the horns.

"Luo Yang, you are here too." Major General Jing Ren was surprised and stood up.

Major Luo Yang closed the door and smiled and walked forward. He and Jing Ren met gently to touch each other's fists. This is a greeting between them.


Kavin, the card I want to die... This is to make up yesterday, today's chapter will be filled tomorrow! Tears!

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