Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 193: : Ling Xiao's request!

Chapter 193: Ling Xiao’s request!

"Yeah, it’s been a long time since I saw it. It’s almost seventeen years!" The marshal looked back, and Ling Xiao was the peerless enchanting he had personally named. It was his pride. When he first heard his bad news, he was really sad.

"Ling Wei, this time, the military returned promised to hold a press conference to announce your return. Also, congratulations on your official becoming the ninth general of our federation, this is the honor and status you deserve!" Marshal After a mixed feeling, after taking a shot of Ling Xiao’s shoulder, he sat down on the single sofa and gestured to Ling Xiao to sit down and talk.

"Thank you for the marshal's love!" Ling Xiao smiled faintly, then sat down on the sofa on one side. He did not appear to be arrogant because of his status, which formed a strong contrast with his young appearance, and also let the marshal secretly nodded, the more satisfied he was.

The hardships of Ling Xiao’s seventeen years are not white, and it makes Ling Xiao’s whole person seem calm and steady. It is worthy of convincing to sit on the high post.

"About your arrangement... The Seventh Army, after all, has been rebuilt for more than ten years. All aspects of the group army have matured and are not suitable for major adjustments." The marshal said that he was somewhat cautious. He knew very well that the Seventh Army was against Ling Xiao. The meaning of the situation is only that time has passed, and the Seventh Army has no position at the moment.

"The military, how do you want to arrange me?" Ling Xiao did not think so much as the marshal thought, but faintly asked the military to arrange for him.

"The military is preparing to set up a group of officers and men to form the 23rd Army in each group army. This year's recruits will give priority to the 23rd Army. You will be the only army leader of the 23rd Army. The deputy will be there. Free selection among the various legions."

The marshal spoke of the arrangement of the military department. Since Ling Xiao became the ninth general of the federation, he must of course let him lead the army independently. However, all the regiments now have the head of the army. Unless there is a major mistake, the regiment will not be easily replaced. The highest commander. At last. The military decided to set up a new group army, which was responsible for Ling Xiao. In order to appease Ling Xiao, they also gave some preferential treatment and privileges.

"That's good!" Ling Xiao thinks that this arrangement is also good, although the Seventh Army has different meanings for him, but this is not the name of the Seventh Army, but the brothers and sisters in the group.

Seventeen years is enough for everything to be wrong. Although the Seventh Army is still the name, the comrades who are living and dying with him are no longer there, so he does not go to the Seventh Army.

but. Ling Xiao will not reveal his true thoughts. Let those in the military think that he is sorry. He can make some excessive demands.

"What are your requirements? As long as I can do it, I will help you." As expected, the first Marshal was the first one.

Ling Xiao was silent for a moment, then said: "I want to know everything that happened to my wife Lan Luofeng and Ling Lan in the past seventeen years. I want to make up for the missing seventeen years."

The marshal looked at Ling Xiao deeply. With a sigh, he asked the staff around him to take over a prepared file. In fact, when he knew that Ling Xiao was still alive, he was ready to return this information. Knowing Ling Xiao, he knows that Ling Xiao will definitely ask him for this information.

After picking up the file to be submitted by the staff, Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed. He fixed his mind and he reached out.

Ling Xiao can't wait to open the file, first browsed the blue and phoenix for the past seventeen years. Lan Luofeng has been home in the house, the content is not a lot, Ling Xiao will soon read this information.

When Ling Xiao picked up the information written by Ling Lan. He took a deep breath and turned the information of Ling Lan. The first thing that leaps into the eye is a 13-year-old Scout photo of Ling Lan. The red scout suit makes him look bold and he has a small face. A small adult feels like a smile, and the appearance of a stranger makes Ling Xiao feel very cute.

Is this his son Ling Lan? It is definitely a combination of his and Lan Luofeng's advantages! Ling Xiao instantly became the twenty-four filial father, how to be good is good for their children.

He turned his head very well, and began to introduce everything that happened to Ling Lan from birth. When he saw the Ling family's attempt to infect Linglan's honorary military power, his eyes were cold. I was originally worried that these greedy people would bring trouble to Lan Luofeng and her mother. I didn’t expect their appetite to be so big. I wanted to directly grab the things that he left for the children. I must give them some lessons.

I saw that Lan Luofeng used the military and political parties to drive out the entire Ling family from Doha, and could not help but smile. He knew that Lan Luofeng was not so weak on the surface.

However, his good mood quickly disappeared, because he saw Ling Lan was assassinated halfway on the first day of enrollment. Not only that, but even Linglan’s slain appeared traitor... See here, Ling He almost blew his chest, and he decided to go back this time. He had to clean up the dead man of Lingjia, and he must not let the danger lurk around Linglan.

However, the subsequent information, Ling Xiao's anger slowly subsided, when he saw every qualifying war, to the last moment, Ling Lan will automatically admit defeat, clearly the strength of the same grade students, but refused to show, and finally become The innocent king of this grade has mixed feelings in his heart. His son chose to go differently from him. He has always been the strongest person. He has always been the focus of attention, while Ling Lan chose to hide, but his hidden means are somewhat inferior and can be seen at a glance.

The information is full of Ling Lan’s great achievements in Scouting Academy. In particular, when he saw that the large-scale fighting in the dusty century was successfully opened by Ling Lan, he was proud! This is his son Ling Lan!

Ling Xiao’s excited and proud mood has only come here. The following content makes him faceless.

Unexpectedly, in the big fighting, there were enemy sneak sneak into, pretending to be a mentor, attempting to kill Ling Lan, fortunately Ling Lan was suspected to have been sent to the power of the gods Mushui, but even so, Ling Lan has been hit hard, the body Almost destroyed.

"Damn!" Ling Xiao was furious, his fingers tightened tightly, and the piece of paper he pinched turned directly into a powder and scattered directly into the air.

This time, Ling Xiao returned to calm, he looked at the disappearing white paper distressedly, damn, he still has something to see...

Ling Xiao can only jump to the next page, but found that it is gone...

"Marshal, my son Ling Lan was hit hard at the age of 13 years. How is it?" Ling Xiao anxious, want to know Ling Lan's current situation, then asked the Marshal.

When the marshal heard Ling Xiao’s question, he knew that the content behind Ling Xiao had not seen it. He replied: “Because Ling Lan was over-created, after a professional doctor’s diagnosis, he must cultivate for three to four years to raise his body. The injury, during this period can not carry out any strong exercise, otherwise it will hurt the injury, it is likely to leave a permanent hidden danger to the body."

The marshal said it. It feels awkward. Anyway. Ling Lan was assassinated in the college, and the senior military officers who were born in these colleges were responsible. He signaled the secret secretary to give him a cigarette, and then continued: "In view of this situation, Ling Lan made a three-year retreat to go home to rest. Only when the final assessment of the final year is passed back to the Scout College to apply for colleges and universities. ""

"So, is his body now well cultivated?" Ling Xiao’s eyes were looking forward to.

The marshal took a deep breath and slowly spit out: "No! According to the latest news, Ling Lan's body was over-created. Three years is not enough to make him recover. The doctor diagnoses it. At least one year is needed before he can recover. ""

Ling Xiao's entire face became cold and cold, and his lips were closed. With both hands clenched, the finger bones squeaked because of the strong crushing...

The marshal went on to say: "The days before your son Ling Lan applied for colleges and universities. You also know that the military school requirements are extremely strict. Especially in the first year, students who focus on exercise are physical, and students who fail to meet the standards will be dropped out. I don't know which Linglin will eventually choose to apply for, but those military schools are not expected to apply."

"Can you find it now?" Ling Xiao asked.

The marshal looked at the staff and asked the staff. The staff immediately nodded: "The marshal, has been able to query."

Ling Xiao did not look at the staff, but fixed his eyes on the marshal, waiting for the marshal's answer.

"I really served you, my temper is so embarrassing!" Ling Xiao, who did not know the result will not go, let the marshal helplessly shake his head, he had to let his confidential staff to inquire about the results of Ling Lan's final application.

Soon, the staff came back, his face was extremely weird, and he glanced at it with a slight sigh of relief. However, he still remembers his identity, resists nothing, and gives the information he has found in his hand to Ling Xiao.

"What, Ling Lan even reported to the Ming Huangxing's chasing fan repair school? This is what college, I have not heard of it?" Ling Xiao was directly stupid by the information in front of him, even if the military school can not apply, the federal government has many well-known The public comprehensive college is enough for Ling Lan to choose.

"That is a private college, the grade is f." The staff whispered. The f-class is the lowest-level college, and almost no colleges are worse than him. At the time, he was shocked to see this information, so he went to check the relevant information and grades of the wind-fighting repair department.

"Hah, my son, Ling Xiao, actually went to the private college of the f-class... Marshal, I think you should give me an account." The whole person was not badly beaten by this news, no more. The kind of respect at the beginning, talking is not welcome. Some people have some things that are his inverse scales. They are never allowed to touch. In the past, Lan Luofeng was, and now Ling Lan is also.

Marshal certainly won't mind this. In fact, it is also Ling Xiao who regards him as an elder who cares for himself, so it will be so straightforward. He frowned in distress, didn't know what to When he saw the staff coming in with a tangled face, he knew that things were not good, but I didn't expect it to be.

"Then you said, what do you want to do?" He did owe a lot of money, and the marshal could not refuse.

"I want my son to go to the first men's military school in the Federation!" Ling Xiao said that in his heart, only that place is qualified to let his son attend school.


Originally wanted to be three, I did not expect that in the afternoon when I was about to complete a chapter, I was pulled out of the party by the girlfriends, and I have been playing until now... I quickly sent a chapter written during the day, and today it seems to be only double! The owed pink plus is slower.

I have to go to drink wine two days after tomorrow. I don’t know when it’s time to come back at night. If there is enough time, it will be more. If it doesn't work, I'm afraid it will only be one more, so first apologize to everyone. On the 4th, it will guarantee a double, and a good state will add a pinker chapter...

This April, because of the support of the parents, I overfulfilled my wish. Here, thank you again for your love and support! ()

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