Chapter 194: How many fierce and fierce?

"Impossible!" The marshal thought that he did not want to refuse directly.

The first men's military school in the Federation is the focus of the whole federation. Those who can be admitted to it are the top geniuses of the federation, each of which is outstanding enough. From the beginning of the school, in order to put an end to the back door, indiscriminate enrollment and ruin the gold signboard, the military and political sides supervised each other, and refused to enter the back door of all privileged examinations. Even if he wants to help Ling Xiao, there is no way to get the political party, especially the first prime minister of the old tyrant.

"Marshal!" Ling Xiao's entire face was gloomy. He stared at the marshal tightly and was very dissatisfied. For the sake of his child's future, he will never regress.

Seeing this kind of Ling Xiao, the Marshal is very depressed in his heart. On the surface, Ling Xiao looks very good. In fact, his mind is very positive, especially when he makes a decision and never stops.

"Damn!" The marshal took a sip of smoke and pulled it straight to the bottom. He heavily smouldered the ash in the ashtray of the coffee table. His face was angry and said, "If I can help you, definitely help. But enter The first men’s military academy is not the one I have the final say. At the very least, you have to get the first prime minister of the State Council."

After the Marshal said this, he calmed down a bit and then persuaded him: "Ling Wei, even if we allow it, your son has gone in, but have you ever thought that your son’s body could not survive the first year? If you have any permanent trauma in his body, don't you regret it?"

"Is there not you?" Ling Xiao directly threw the problem to the marshal.

"What do you mean?" The marshal found that he couldn't keep up with the rhythm of Ling Xiao.

"As long as you special approval, let Ling Lan exempt from the exam in the first year, isn't it?" Ling Xiao had already made up his mind. In the first year, Ling Lan would not participate in any training, and still concentrate on self-cultivation.

"Ling Wei, don't be too much!" The marshal blew his chest. The first men's military school in the Federation was not opened by his family. What should I do?

"I remember that as long as the military has developed a special training plan for students, the first year can completely take over the training arrangements for students." Ling Xiao has long thought about it. However, this special training plan must be signed by the Marshal, so he will rely on the Marshal here, let him give a promise.

"Let the military open a special special training plan? No, this relationship is too big..." Marshal instinctively wanted to shake his head.

"Can our Twenty-Three Army not be free to choose the middle and high-level officers of the Legion? I can open this training plan and train Linglan into the backbone of the 23rd Army." For the future of his son, Ling Xiao does not mind. Take power for personal gain.

"Ling Wei, let you take charge of the twenty-three army, not let you engage in dictatorship." The marshal heard Ling Xiaoguang’s righteousness to seek personal gains, and suddenly exploded. Oh, can't you converge in front of him? Well, he is the commander-in-chief of all the federal groups in the federal army.

"Marshal. I don't want to talk about Linglan's relationship with me. I just refer to Linglan's talent and quality. If he was not assassinated by the enemy three years ago, he is still healthy. Can he be admitted to the first men's military school this year? "The anger of the marshal did not make Ling Xiao panic, he still said calmly.

The marshal nodded. Ling Lan's talent is not weak. If he grows up smoothly, even if he can't achieve Ling Xiao's achievements, he has almost no problem as a ace.

"So, at that time, when he graduated from the first men's military school, is it qualified to become the backbone of the legion?" Ling Xiao asked.

The Marshal did not say good-naturedly: "As long as the students from the first men's military school are the targets of the major group army." The words did not deny it, if no assassination occurred. Ling Lan’s future is as Ling Xiao said.

"So, what I did was not to use power for personal gain, but to be responsible for the military." Ling Xiao’s eyes were stunned. "Ling Lan was successfully assassinated because the enemy sneaked into our military to protect it. The student’s army, that is to say, the military has absolute responsibility in this matter."

In fact, the Marshal also knew that Ling Lan was assassinated. The military did have to bear all the responsibilities. It was their numbness that made the enemy lurking and succeeded. This finally caused this regret.

"We only bear the responsibility of one year's guardian time, we can save a genius future. The military owes the other party's debt, I just help the military to repay it." Ling Xiao said that righteousness is strict, as if he really No selfishness.

Ling Xiao’s words made the marshal’s heart cry and laugh, and Ling Xiao really did nothing to the purpose, but he liked it, because this reason is bright enough.

"In this case, I don't need you to come to this training plan, I will arrange it." The marshal did not want Ling Xiao to carry the notoriety of power for personal gain.

Ling Xiao didn't mind the so-called bad name, but the marshal minded that he would not force it. Ling Xiao is very clear about how to leave a good impression on the hearts of the superiors. It is necessary to properly obey the orders.

After the marshal finished this sentence, he suddenly found himself unconsciously being taken away by Ling Xiao. The main question: "How come you talk about it later? Ling Xiao, you first convince the first prime minister, as long as the other party agrees, I have nothing wrong with this. I can help you with the following things."

"Why do you want to convince him?" Ling Xiao’s mouth showed a smile, although as gentle as usual, the Marshal always felt that there was a hint of treacherousness in the smile.

"I remember that there is such a thing in the federal military regulations. In order to recognize the military's contribution to the federation, when the military becomes a federal general, the son has the quota to be sent to the first men's military school. As long as the first marshal approves, he can directly enter. The first men’s military school was enrolled. Since this is the power of our military, the administrative system is not qualified to raise objections...”

The federation is a military state with all the people, and the military is the most powerful. No authority or individual can hinder the use of privileges by military contributors.

The Marshal's face slammed and looked at the generals of Ling Xiao. He suddenly regretted himself. Why did he act so fast?

The original Marshal suddenly appeared in the return of Ling Xiao, and when several other factions were in a chaotic situation, he proposed to upgrade Ling Xiao as the rank of general. Because Ling Xiao’s strength was achieved and his reputation was achieved, and they were stunned by this news, there was no excuse for finding opposition. The political side also wants to take advantage of Ling Xiao’s return to divert the people’s attention and stabilize the recent internal affairs that are not too peaceful. As a result, Ling Xiao was promoted to a general. Under various coincidences, he did not attract strong opposition and passed smoothly.

In order to fear that things have changed, the marshal signed a consent form on the spot and completed the matter. It’s just that he didn’t think of his kindness, but now he’s got a stone that smashes his foot, and he’s getting a tiger.

It is necessary to know that the federal government has given this privilege in recognition of the contribution of the general to the federation. Of course, everyone thinks that this is only a privilege of honor. No one will use it at all, because it is almost impossible to become a general without a sixty or seventy. This age does not say that the son, even the grandson may have married his wife and children, who will activate this privilege.

The Marshal found that several federal military privileges existed in the Federation, which used to be a nominal existence, and no one could enjoy them. But now, their existence is obviously to open the back door to Ling Xiao... The age of Ling Xiao is too young.

"Okay, I know." Marshal was helpless.

Seeing Ling Xiao still standing in front of him, he did not say goodbye: "What do you want?" If the kid dares to ask anything, he must definitely fight him out.

"The first men's military school admission notice!" Ling Xiao said.

"Ling Wei, you really thought that I am a omnipotent god, responsive, notices come by hand? tmd, give me back to your home, wait patiently!" Marshal roared.

Ling Xiaowen smiled, and he respectfully respected a military ceremony: "Yes, Marshal!" He turned and left, went to the door, and suddenly turned back, "Marshal, in fact, I just want you this sentence!" Then laughter came out of the door.

"Bad boy!" The marshal couldn't help but smile, and only Ling Xiao dared to be so arrogant in front of him, asking for a lot. This allowed him to enjoy the feeling of family affair, since he became the first marshal of the Federation, in some ways, he lost a lot.

When Ling Xiao came out of the gate and stood in front of the door, the officer of the major who was waiting patiently, his eyes lit up. He quickly came over and saluted: "General!"

"Go back!" Ling Xiao said, and took the lead out of the headquarters of the First Group Army and came to the gate of the compound.

A black, fully enclosed luxury top-of-the-range suspension car is coming, and then slowly stops at the door. The location is very accurate, and as long as you walk down the three steps, you can board the car.

The major stepped forward and stepped forward and opened the door.

Ling Xiao stepped into the seat, and the major closed the door, and he sat in the passenger seat.

This floating car is not a light brain control, but a manual driving. There is already a driver sitting on the driver's seat. The shoulder is also a major level. It is known that this is definitely not an ordinary driver.

"Return to the temporary military camp!" The major who just sat in the vice seat said to the driver.

When the driver nodded, he slowly started the suspension car. He drove safely and at a constant speed, so that the person sitting in the car did not feel the car driving.

Although the suspension car is very stable ~ ~ can not be slow, blink of an eye disappeared into the sky, quickly go to the destination.

Sitting in the suspension car, Ling Xiao, the mood is extremely complicated.

Must go home! I don't know if Luo Feng will forgive him. After all, he left their mother and son for seventeen years!

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao is a bit timid. However, he also knows that if he returns home after being announced, Lan Luofeng will definitely beat him out of the house.

Be sure to be as soon as possible! Ling Xiao didn’t know why, I always felt that he would be fierce and less when he went back this time...


I always feel that I am writing awkward, but I am tired today, I have no intention to sort it out, so this chapter, some water, and parents subscribe to Shenzhi.

Tucao today's wedding banquet arrangement, never encountered this situation, the evening opening time actually went to 7:30, directly hungry me and the prostitute!

Also, the drunk husband is the most annoying, take care of the small does not say, but also take care of the big ... tired one word! ()

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