Chapter 192: First Marshal!

"Give me the top, intercept the starship, don't let them have the opportunity to launch the main gun!" Major General Tang Xu roared in the channel. At this time, I only had to fight, really not, it is worthwhile to drive the starship to stop the artillery. As the order was issued, all the federal starships began to act. Unfortunately, the starship was too bulky and heavy, and it was not so easy to turn the hull.

This is also why the Star Wars, although the Starship has a powerful main gun, but there is no way to become the protagonist of the war. Compared to the flexible armor, these slow and bulky big guys of the Starship can't adapt to the flexible warfare and are played by the mechs. If the starship hull itself is too strong, and the mech attack damage is too weak, there is no way to solve the starship, otherwise they will probably withdraw from the war stage.

"Lock Ling Xiao, give me a launch!" The main gun of the first starship was finally aimed at Ling Xiao, so he ordered the main gunner of the starship to attack the slamming armor.

"Hey!" A loud noise, the main artillery fire directly hit the Ling Xiao, the smoke was full of fire, completely drowning Ling Xiao's mech.

The main gunner of the starship jumped excitedly and shouted: "I hit him, I hit him." If Ling Xiao died in his hands, he is the hero of the Japanese Empire!

The smoke disappeared and the fire disappeared! When Ling Xiao’s mech was in perfect presence in front of everyone, the main gunner who was still excited was like a neck, and the words of excitement stayed in his throat. His face was unbelievable. Because the powerful gunfire of the main gun could not leave a little scar on the armor of Ling Xiao.

The federal soldiers are equally confused. I don’t know why Ling Xiao’s can be unscathed in such a powerful artillery. The sharp-eyed person sees a faint radiance on the outer shell of Ling Xiao, and immediately realizes: “It’s a shield.” Ah, the Aegis system unique to God-level Mech!"

The reason why the god-level mech can become a god-level mech is because the armor's light brain has several systems that cannot be carried by ordinary mechadies, one of which is the Aegis system, which can use the energy source to produce intensity close to perfection. God light shield. It can be said that the weapons currently developed by humans are not likely to break his protective power. Of course, the Aegis system is not without weaknesses. That is the energy consumption is too high, God-level mech is called endless energy, and can only last for three minutes.

Ling Xiao's mechs resisted this main gun attack, and did not choose to continue to stay in place as a target, the air around the mech suddenly twisted, and the next second he appeared next to the other star ship.

"It is a **** wind system!" This is one of the exclusive systems of God-class mechs. Once turned on, it can reach four times the speed of the beam, and truly achieves the degree of teleportation.

At this time, Ling Xiao, who has appeared next to the starship. Quickly remove a giant hilt from the back. The right hand of the mech slammed the hilt. A 100-meter-long beam sword appeared out of the sky.

Ling Xiao clenched this giant sword and vigorously waved to the starship...

When the sword fell, Ling Xiao did not look at the starship and directly removed the beam sword. Hang the hilt on the back again.

Then, the air around the mech was twisted again, and it appeared in the enemy's mech group.

At this moment, the starship suddenly split, and the people inside suddenly burst into the starry sky because of the sudden burst, and officially became the garbage of the starry sky, and died instantly.

Ling Xiao’s killing did not stop there, and the squad that flew into the enemy’s mech group was like a wolf. At this time, there were two short blades in his hand, which is the most basic magnetic blade of the mech. But these two most common weapons, slashing the opponent's mech is as simple as cutting watermelon, the speed of the Kamikaze system, the level of manipulation. The pace of ghosts makes the mechs appear in time. In the blink of an eye, Ling Xiao destroyed dozens of mechs, and even many of them were ace.

At this time, everyone understands why the human world will spread the saying that the god-level master can dominate the war, because no one can resist the attack of the god-level division, and no weapon can break the defense of the other. Only rely on the power of nature, such as black holes (this will also be excluded) such as the explosion of the original magnetic energy (this is a question mark), the serial explosion from the planet (almost impossible), the time to kill the knife (the most helpless Waiting, etc. etc., maybe there is still a possibility to solve them.

When the general of the Japanese empire saw this scene, he knew that he would never reach his goal today. Even if he sacrificed all of them, there would be no way to kill Ling Xiao. Seeing that there is no hope, he immediately made a retreat order, and he must report the news of the emperor to the emperor in the first time.

The Japanese empire's fleet retired quickly, disappeared without a trace, and looked at each other escaping back to their starry sky border, all the federal soldiers cheered! They cheered for the victory of this war and cheered the return of the god-level division.

"The deputy commander of the Seventh Army of the Federation, Ling Xiao, requested a temporary login to the friendly starship!" Ling Xiao connected the public channel of the whole army and filed a login request with the other party.

Tang Xu took a deep breath and was very excited. Pressed the call button: "Tang Xu, the commander of the First Protection Fleet of the West Coast Frontier, allowed Major General Ling Xiao to log in to our ship." With this sound, the command ship launched Guide the signal flare.

Ling Hao controlled the mech and slowly landed on the navigation frame of the command starship, and quickly slid into the interior of the starship along the navigation frame.

Ling Xiao’s control is extremely accurate and accurately stopped at the stop line. At this time, a gentle and sweet voice sounded in the mech channel: “Mr. Ling Xiao, hello! I am guiding you into the body this time. Please follow my instructions for the next step."

"Understand!" The sweet and familiar voice made Ling Xiao recover immediately after Qing Yi. The voice just reminded him of Lan Luofeng. She was his exclusive. He had not seen her for 17 years. I don't know how she is doing now? And their children Ling Lan... Ling Xiao’s heart actually produced an emotion called a near-home feeling, and his heart picked up.

Under some instructions, Ling Xiao accurately put his mech into the rack. With the operation of the starship system, the mech was sent into the armor cabin of the command ship.

Ling Lan closed the mech and opened the hatch. At this time, the entire armored cabin was already full of soldiers in the command ship. There were men and women. They all wanted to take a look at the real Major Ling Xiao, which sacrificed seventeen. Year, the legendary hero.

Ling Xiao has long been used to such a look, he has always been the pride of the sky, the fascinating world, all the way to be worshipped, although leaving the Federation for 17 years, but this kind of eyes he is no stranger.

Ling Hao stepped on the lifting frame and came to the ground. The original mech clothing was worn out. Even so, it still did not damage its eye-catching style. The gentle and elegant smile and the incomparably handsome face made all the female soldiers blush and rush to go up. Embrace it and leave a good memory for yourself.

But this is just thinking about it, they simply can't act rashly. Although Major General Ling Xiao looks so elegant and gentle, just like a modest gentleman, there is a magical power to stop their eagerness and make them afraid to act excessively.

"Liao Ling Major General, welcome you to return!" Tang Xu has rushed to the mech cabin, saw Ling Xiao landing, rushed up, grabbed Ling Xiao's hand, full of excitement.

The two had seen several faces 17 years ago, and once talked about it once, but unfortunately, with the "sacrifice" of Ling Xiao, their interactions came to an abrupt end. At the beginning, he was extremely sorry and felt that he had lost a like-minded comrade-in-arms.

"Dr. Tang Xu, long time no see!" Ling Xiao greeted Tang Xu's epaulette before greeting, knowing the other's current rank. Seventeen years, enough for many friends to change the position of the rank, just do not know, is his enemies the same? Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed a flash of murder.

Although Tang Xu wants to say something to Ling Xiao, he can't say anything, he can only shake the hand of Ling Xiao, although he knows that they are more suitable for military dialogue.

Ling Xiao glanced at the people around him, revealing a bitter smile: "If you can, please help me arrange a place to rest. I lived in the **** black hole for a long time, and I was physically and mentally exhausted."

Tang Xu was reminded, and quickly nodded: "Well, I am ready!" Ling Xiao’s exhausted spirit proves that he climbed out of the black hole. It is not as easy and simple as they have seen, and definitely paid a great deal. cost.

In this way, Ling Xiao temporarily settled in the first protective fleet of the West Coast Frontier Defense, and the Mecha could not be repaired because of technical and material problems. Only after Ling Xiao returned to Doha, can he be repaired and maintained~www.mtlnovel .com~ At this time, I already know that Linglong, who was all admitted to the first men’s military school, did not know that a man who is about to change her direction is on his way home...

A week later, the First Army headquarters, the Federal First Marshal quietly came here, the staff around him told him that the guest was waiting for him in the living room.

When the marshal enters the living room, the man who sits in the upper end of the sofa is about twenty-seven or eighty, or maybe thirty or so. The handsome face seems to have a smile on the ground, which makes people feel good. However, because of a brand-new outfit, the almost invisible general will make him become more aggressive, leaving the original gentle atmosphere less and a rare majesty.

"Ling Wei, you are still alive, it’s great!" The marshal said with excitement at a glance, and the pace also accelerated a lot.

When Ling Xiao saw the Marshal coming, he immediately stood up and gave the other party a military ceremony: "Marshal, I haven't seen you for a long time!"


This is the first one today! Must sleep! Good night! ()

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