Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 191: : The terrible power of the god-level master!

Chapter 119: The terrible power of the god-level master!

However, what he discovered later made 81 surprise. In the other's left arm, a broken arm mech was being held. It was just 817 that had just slashed his right arm and was swallowed up by the black hole.

"Look at the left hand of the mech, is that 817?" 81 asked, unfortunately, although he knew he was not mistaken, but this surprise made him somewhat suspicious, and the mortal comrades could still Going back to them?

The question of 81 made 87 beat the chicken blood, and the whole person cheered up. He quickly manipulated the mech and pulled the picture of the center of the black hole closer. He immediately shouted: "It is him, it is him, it is 817!"

"The armor, do you feel that the style is familiar?" The 81st 811 of the 81 is of course also seen, but his research focuses on the style of the opponent's mech.

"It's the armor of our federation. I saw a golden five-pointed star pattern on his right arm! That's the exclusive logo of our union!" 81 on the other side shouted.

At this moment, the mech of the center of the black hole seems to be in opposition to the phagocytosis of the black hole. After a period of movement, the mysterious mech finally moved out of the center of the black hole, perhaps the swallowing power slightly weakened, the mysterious mech The speed is getting faster, and it looks more clearly exposed to everyone.

The fuselage of the mysterious mech is bigger than the ace of the ace. It is called a giant mech. This kind of mech is very demanding for the driller. The shape of the mech is quite simple. The scars on the body add countless vicissitudes. All this proves that this mech has experienced hardships and suffered.

Although the whole fuselage of the mysterious mech is old and ruined, the accident is that the armor chest represents a personal totem, but it is unexpectedly bright. The fiery red phoenix is ​​reborn in the flames below, and the dancing phoenix It is like enjoying the energy given by fireworks. This totem makes all the mechs in the Federation feel very familiar, and this familiarity seems to come from the depths of the heart...

"Fire Phoenix! This is the fire phoenix that wants to be born again!" The public military channel did not know who exclaimed this sentence.

"It’s Ling Xiao, it’s Major General Ling Xiao!” All the people like to be awakened, they shouted, and the phoenix totems that were reborn in the fire, only one person in the Federation can identify, that is, the god-level master Ling Xiao! And the Major General Ling Xiao is like a fire phoenix, reborn and returned to the Federation!

"Yes, it’s Major General Ling Xiao. I have seen it in the textbook. Yes. It is a god-level mech!" Someone also recognized the sleek giant mech is the legendary god. Mech.

This also explains why this mech can resist its powerful phagocytosis in the center of the black hole, and only the god-level mech can do this.

On the other hand, the people of the Japanese empire also recognized that the giant mechs that were trying to escape the center of the black hole were the legendary car of the legend that had been killed by them.

Faced with this picture, the command ship of the Japanese Empire. The Aoki staff who are paying close attention to the black hole are stunned by the whole person: "How is it possible, how is this possible, isn't Ling Xiao killed by our warriors? Why is he still alive and suddenly emerged from the black hole?" He felt The pride in my heart is collapsing. The original source of self-confidence is suddenly told to be false. He can't accept it for a while. "No, this is definitely not true. What I see is an illusion. It is an illusion!"

"啪", Aoki’s face was slap in the face, and the general standing beside him directly gave him a slap and woke him up: “If you are alive, ask him to die. Very simple!"

The general is a decisive person. He knows that once Ling Xiao or back to the China Federation, the Chinese Federation's combat power will reach an unprecedented height, which is beyond the reach of their Japanese empire.

The general’s eyes flashed, and he quickly connected to the military channel and issued his order: “No cost, killing the god-level division!”

With this order, the mechs of the suspicion of the Japanese empire were also answered, and the mysterious mech of the center of the black hole was indeed smashing.

"killing the cockroaches! Killing the cockroaches! Killing the cockroaches! Killing the cockroaches! Killing the cockroaches!" The soldiers of the Japanese empire empire practiced brainwashing education, killing the god-level sergeant Ling Xiao is the monument of battle fruit erected by their country 16 years ago. They absolutely cannot allow this glory to be destroyed. All the Japanese empire's mechs controlled the mech near the black hole, raised the beam gun in their hands, and madly fired at the center of the black hole.

"Damn, they want to kill our Major General Ling Xiao!" This despicable move of the Japanese empire angered the federal sergeants who were nervously waiting for Ling Xiao to escape.

"Protect Major General Ling Xiao!" Major General Tang Xu saw this scene and couldn't help but scream at the channel.

Ling Xiao is the ultimate weapon of their federation, one of their patrons, and must not let him happen here.

"Protect Major General Ling Xiao!"

"Protect Major General Ling Xiao!"

"Protect Major General Ling Xiao!"

With the roar of this voice, all the federal soldiers raised their weapons and began to intercept each other's attacks. Many of the mechs even plunged into the edge of the black hole, forming a tight armored protective wall, using their own body to withstand the enemy's beam of fire.

They know that they are likely to let them pay the price of their lives, but they are not afraid, because they want to protect their military idols, the god-level master - Major General Ling Xiao.

Therefore, after each beam attack, the federal armored protective wall will always blow up and burst due to exceeding the tolerance. At this time, a new mech is quickly placed on top of the air, and the fuselage is again blocked. Next beam fire.

Of course, the Japanese empire's mechs were equally uncomfortable, and the federal mechs also fought fiercely, and almost the beam of fire was roaring at the same time. This battle has become a tough battle. The mechs are not mechs. They have no flexible flight maneuvers and no complicated and varied means of attack. The two parties, like a puppet, stand on the spot and shoot at each other.

It should be said that this is a tactical armored battle. It also pays the lives of countless mechs in both countries, but for the same goal, it is struggling to escape from the black hole.

The federal mechs didn't know how many attacks were blocked, and they didn't know the passage of time. Finally, they heard a cheer from the entire military channel: "The Major General Ling Xiao, successfully broke away from the black hole!"

When I heard this news, all the federal mechs had a kind of death and it was worth the joy.

At random, a very gentle voice sounded in the entire military channel: "Thank you for the guardianship of the brothers." This voice made everyone excited, and also made General Tang Xu a hot eye. This familiar voice is "sacrificial" near The voice of the seventeen years.

After Ling Xiao handed the 817 in his hand to a mech of the federal army, he manipulated the upward flight and hovered directly above the federal mech.

"The **** punishment system is open!" Ling Xiao said faintly.

"Accept the command, God's punishment is open!" The tacit understanding with Ling Xiao has reached an extreme. Within a second, there are suddenly 12 wings blooming behind the wings, and then the wings quickly absorb energy and reach the top.

Ling Xiao controls the mech, and the twelve wings are divided into twelve directions, pointing to the front of the Japanese machine group.

Ling Xiao decisively pressed the launch trigger, and the twelve powerful beams swept the front of the sundial armor, making the entire star sky instantly bright. The Federal Mechs only felt that their sights were blind because of the strong light.

When the twelve glare disappeared, the eyes of the people recovered again. It was discovered that there were twelve blank lines in the Japanese group, and the mechs that existed there had disappeared. What is more terrible is the traces. Did not stay.

What is this attack? too terrifying! Everyone put their sights on the armor of Ling Xiao, and found out that Ling Xiao’s mech has changed at this time. Behind the mech, there are twelve wings, each of which is perfect. People are enchanted, and people have the illusion of an angel coming.

At the top of the wing, the white beam energy is condensing, slowly becoming brighter and almost burning everyone's eyes. Not only that, but a huge amount of energy begins to emanate at the top of the wing...

At this time, the twelve wings were adjusted at the same time, still pointing to the Japanese team, but this time, the twelve directions he attacked have been different.

Soon, the twelve beams were launched again, and after the beam disappeared, a new 12 blanks were left.

Two simple beam attacks destroyed nearly 2,000 mechs of the Sundial Empire. Although most of them are medium and high-level mechs, there are also many ace What kind of mech, in the face of this terrible attack, they have no power to fight back.

"Gossip, you must let Ling Xiao die!" Seeing the terrible bombardment of the god-level sergeant Ling Xiao, the general knows that Ling Xiao is not allowed to live, otherwise it will have a devastating blow to their Japanese empire. "All starships The main gun is aimed at Ling Xiao, call me, hit the ground, and must kill the work of Ling Xiao!"

The general is very clear, even if they are all damaged here today, as long as they can successfully kill the cockroach, everything is worth it. For the empire, all sacrifices are worthwhile.

"It's not good, the other side wants to break the boat." The change of the enemy star fleet of course made the federal command found. They were a little panicked. They must know that the power of the main gun of the starship is terrible, even the most solid interstellar mother. The ship can't hold back three or five attacks on the main gun of the starship.


Fourth, complete! Because the pros went all out, pushed the pink ticket to the peak! There is still the last hour left... still suspenseful rebirth, in order to wait for the final result, I will continue the codeword, if possible, there may be another chapter!

Come on! Pink! Come on! Codeword! I am full of blood! ()

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