Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 190: : The mysterious mech in the black hole!

Chapter 190: The mysterious mech in the black hole!

"Aoki, inform the super ace team, killing their ace masters!" Since the sneak attack has no effect, then simply shoot down their ace sergeants to achieve the purpose of reducing their combat effectiveness. The general decisively ordered.

"Hay!" Aoki received the order of the general, and the original pride on his face suddenly converges and respectfully stands upright. Then turned and relayed the order to the mechs who were confronting each other's ace.

At this time, the first batch of Longteng ace mechs that had been ejected had been confronted with each other, and the brutal slaughter began.

The two-party command is patiently waiting for the progress of the ace warrior battle. At the center of the war, an invisible energy is forming.

On the federal command ship, a soldier who monitored the battlefield suddenly screamed in surprise.

The soldier around him was shocked by him and asked: "What?"

"Look, what is that?" The soldier brought the strangeness he found directly to the picture, and saw the center of the battle. A black spot appeared there very suddenly.

The soldier always felt that the black spot was a bit strange and terrible. He directly enlarged the black dot to the maximum multiple. The picture finally clearly saw that the center of the black dot seemed to be faintly inflated, and what was even more strange was the black spot. It is expanding rapidly.

"Is this hole!" This chilling airflow phenomenon caused him to flash a flash of light and screamed out.

"What happened?" The captain, who was in charge of the monitoring room, heard the sound and quickly rushed over.

"Sir, it's a black hole, there is a black hole in the center of the war, let them retreat." The soldier's face was already scared. Black holes are the terminators of everything. Once they are swallowed up by black holes, no one can escape from them. Therefore, once a black hole is discovered, even if both sides of the battle will choose to stop the war, they will escape together.

The captain also saw the black spots of the soldiers' infinite enlargement. During this time, the original black point of a finger size has expanded to a round hole of 20 to 30 cm in diameter. The expansion of the black hole is very fast, and it is foreseeable that in a short time, it will form a super giant hole that can swallow everything. At that time, people here would have no way to escape this disaster.

The captain knew that the situation was urgent. He quickly rushed to his own brain and started the wartime emergency procedure of the brain! Of course, this kind of program can't be messed up, once you find that you use power. Will be sent to the military court for sanctions.

"The wartime emergency program started successfully. Please select the required item!" asked the brain coldly.

"Open the entire military channel. I want to carry out the announcement of the whole army!" This time, the captain's forehead and nose are dripping with sweat. The black hole is terrible, and he is afraid that it is too late.

"Connect the entire military channel, success!" When the light brain said this sentence. The captain presses the call button of the whole army announcement: "Now the army is urgently notified, the center of the battle, the black hole is forming! All the mechs are immediately withdrawn, and all the mechs are immediately withdrawn!"

"An urgent announcement to the whole army, the battle center, the black hole has already formed! All the mechs will be withdrawn immediately, and all the mechs will be withdrawn immediately!"

This abrupt announcement of the entire army made the federal soldiers feel awkward. The commanding department had already received the black hole picture from the surveillance room. The top commander did not think about it. Directly let all the starships carrying the armor hit the retreat signal.

At this time, the black hole of the battle center has expanded into a direct black hole of three or four meters. The power of the swallowed airflow is already very obvious, especially the ace of the black hole, and the battle is stopped nervously. Looking at it with fear, it is getting bigger and bigger, consuming the black hole that is getting stronger and stronger.

Everyone knows what a black hole represents, and that is the root of disaster, death, and destruction.

"It's a black hole, hurry up!" Such an obvious black hole allowed the Japanese empire's mechs to quickly retreat without waiting for their starship to make a retreat.

At this time, all the armored men of the two countries have not continued to fight. All the mechs quickly rushed to their own starships, fearing that the speed was slow and swallowed up by the black hole.

But it is still slow. It has expanded to a black hole with a diameter of more than ten meters. It suddenly bursts, and then the black hole is opened like a force. It suddenly becomes a giant black hole with a diameter of 100 meters. This makes the innermost machine A is sucked by the phagocytosis of the black hole.

"Damn, add horsepower, the engine is turned on with 1% power!" The innermost mech has already felt more and more powerful suction behind him, and there is a quick response, a decisive master, the biggest driving force on the spot. To drive the engine, trying to escape the devour, but 1% of the engine is open, there is no way to last, once the opening time is long, it will have permanent damage to the main engine. The general armor who loves the mech is reluctant to do so.

This group of fast-moving mechs was lucky, and despite the cost of engine destruction, it still rushed out of the black hole's swallowing range and lived a life. However, more mechs have completely lost their vitality because of their slow response, and they are directly swallowed up by this swallowing power. When they want to open the strongest engine power, it will not help.

Under the power of this terrible natural starry sky, even if the strength is strong, the ace of the battlefield is also like a child, can not compete.

Although most of the responsive princes escaped the range of black hole devour, the black hole was ruthlessly inhaled because of the presence of the ace of the ace.

Faced with this situation, the masters of the two countries can only watch the mechs being swallowed into the black hole, and even many of the masters have been swept away by the powerful turbulence before they are swallowed into the black hole. Direct explosion, becoming a myriad of fragments...

"817, you give me support!" The federal ace of the armor formation, the same crisis occurred, the host 87 responded quickly, almost escaped the strong center of suction, as long as the mech no problem, escape Birth days are not a problem.

After ten meters behind, the 817, but not 87, is lucky. His position is still in the strong range of black hole swallowing power, and the most important thing is that the two sub-engines of his mech, one of them is too heavy. It broke out directly. This made his speed slow down, and his crisis was above this slowdown.

The black hole's devour ability smoothly caught it. 817 Because of this powerful suction, the mech began to slowly retreat. This shows that his mech engine has no strength to counter this powerful devour.

As the host of the 817, the captain of the formation saw a huge crisis in his 817. He didn't even think about it. He directly controlled the mech and grabbed the opponent's right arm.

"Captain!" When the most dangerous time was seen, the captain shot his hand in disregard of his safety. 817 eyes were red, and he desperately ordered the light brain to increase the output of the engine. He hoped to escape this by the captain’s drag. A robbery.

It was deadlocked for thirty seconds. When he saw another sub-engine of his mech, it exploded again due to overload. He knew that he had no hope.

"Don't give up!" Even if you know that you have escaped from the sky, there is not much hope. 87 still has no choice to let go.

"Captain, let me go!" 817 said with a bite, he could not pull the captain to die together.

"No, 87 has been sacrificed. I must not look at my last brother to die!" 87 directly refused.

All of them have reached the point where the mountains are running out of water. 87 still refuses to let go, just say it hard, don't give up! The tears of 817 flowed out. "Captain, let go.... Do you want to die with me?"

"Brothers are dead. What is the meaning of living? We have said that if one day we will die together in the battlefield, then we will be brothers in the afterlife. Now 87 sacrificed. Plus two of us, even if we go to the underworld, our brothers three They can also get together." 87 smiled, it is also a kind of happiness to be able to die with the brothers.

"Captain!" 817 eyes though tears. But I laughed. "Thank you for taking care of you for so many years, it is my luck. It is my luckiest thing." After that, he extended his left hand and pulled out the beam sword of the back, then exclaimed at 87. Decisively cut to his right arm...

"Hey!", the right arm of the mech fell, 87 because the hand suddenly lost weight, the engine that was overloaded directly pulled him out of the black hole swallowing range.

"817!" 87 Tiger eyes with tears, shouted heartbroken, his last brother, in this fierce way, abandoned himself and saved him...

87 chest pain, I don't want to, I rushed directly to the black hole, but was directly detained by the 81 formation that had already arrived: "7, you calm down for me!"

"That is my brother!" 87 finally burst into tears.

"That is also my brother!" 81 sighed. "You remember to me, your life is no longer a person, it is also 17."

This sentence made 87 people shocked, and the body that was still trying to struggle suddenly stood still.

At this moment, the 81 81 machine suddenly exclaimed: "Captain, look, there is something flying out of the center of the black hole..."

81 decisively look Indeed, in the center of the black hole, something is slowly moving outward from the phagocytosis, although the speed is very slow, but it is gradually getting out of the center of the black hole: "How is this possible? ”

Everyone knows that the most central devouring power of a black hole is absolutely horrible. There is absolutely no power to resist. What is it that can resist this devouring power and slowly detach from it?

81 The picture there is directly pulled closer, and there is a mysterious mech in the center of the black hole that is moving hard, trying to break away from the powerful swallowing power of the black hole. The mysterious mech fuselage has been bruised and even broken. But on this broken mysterious mech, there has been an unprecedented miracle.


Third, 3 pink plus! Being coded fourth! Dear to force, I must give strength! Come on!

Who is the mysterious mech controller? Uh... everyone knows, that’s what we’ve been calling out for a long time...

Hey, I actually passed the next chapter! ()

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