Chapter 154: Awakening!

In outer space, in the command room of the Sun Moon Empire's Starship, a group of people have been patiently waiting for hours, but they have never received the following good news. This makes them a little impatient, and they have to discuss how to arrange next. .

"Commander, now the rescue fleet of the other party has come here, and the fleet we support is here." The chief of staff pointed to the star map on the big screen and reported the military with the highest commander.

"There are still three hours, the other star ship will appear in the outer space of the planet." The chief of staff continued to read the forecast data and continued.

"This fleet, before coming to us, should be blocked by the fleet that our imperial sent to support, we still have time." The commander refused to stop, the planet, now in the melee phase, no one knows Who is the final winner or loser?

"Is there a place for Ikeda Jun?" the commander asked again.

"It has been safely landed on the planet and is carrying out the decapitation. However, only two teams have successfully assembled, and the others are not missing or bravely broken." The other staff member who has the number of casualties is open.

"Is there any change in the other federal fleets?" The commander asked the staff chief.

The chief of staff directly pointed out the three nearest points from the planet: "At these three points, there is a fleet open, although our agents did not find their destination, but in the current situation, certainly It is against us."

"If they arrive, we have no chance of winning this battle." The planet is far from the Confederacy, Caesar, and Glan. It is far from the sun, so their Starfleet cannot be as fast as the Federation. Additional fleet rescue.

The commander meditated and asked: "How much time do we have at most?"

"The nearest fleet is not considered for a maximum of seven hours." The chief of staff decisively gave their remaining time.

"Commanded Ikeda, they only have seven hours, no, only six and a half hours. If they are six and a half hours, they can't perform the decapitation. They will become abandoned." The commander was cold and authentic.

"Hay!" Everyone fears to bow down and order. In the sun, the top commander can completely determine the life and death of the soldiers below.

A little bit past, the first Fleet of the Federation that came to the rescue was blocked by a fleet that had arrived from the Sundial Empire in the starry sky that had not yet entered the planet. The two sides launched a fierce starship battle, the minimum number of the two countries. Thousands of star ships, more than 100,000 Star Warriors died in this Star Wars.

When the last half hour of the time left, the Sundial Starship’s command room was already clouded, and everyone’s face was gray, and they had already felt the failure of their invasion plan.

"Why is there no news of Ikeda Jun until now?" Seeing the other side's rescue fleet is about to arrive, the mothership commander in outer space began to violently.

The people around me can only bow their heads and silence. At this time, everyone feels that Captain Ikeda is afraid of being too fierce.

"Gossip, a bunch of waste!" The commander actually had this kind of bad premonition in his heart, but he never refused to believe it. Of course, they did not know that the only two squad ace of their team, one of the squads died silently in the hands of Ling Lan, but this fact is never known, except for the Qilong four.

The other squad, who succumbed to the squadron of the highest commander of the camp, was the master of the ace of the ace, and was able to advance to the rank of the king in only one step, and to protect his team. The worst is also a special master. Moreover, the commander of the camp was a dangerous one. When he saw the other ace squad, he ordered the armored team to be killed.

The squad had no chance to resist, and he died in the beam guns of countless mechs. The dagger action was easily removed.

When Qi Long and others rushed back to the base camp, the war was already at the end, and the star ships over the planet began to evacuate to their home regions in a planned manner.

Of course, the evacuation of the starship means that these mechs that were placed on the planet became abandoned. The Star Base Camp issued a signal of surrender, but the Japanese armor was thoroughly washed by the Japanese empire. When they knew that they had no way to live, the morale of these Japanese sergeants did not fall, and they did not choose to surrender. Amazing combat power, often dragged together several federal mechs, which made the federal mechs shocked a cold sweat, did not dare to pity on these abandoned children, see a live directly slammed .

This kind of scene also makes the wounded in the two countries very few. The Japanese don't need to be captured, so when they win, they directly solve the opponent's life. The federation pays back the blood and blood, and in the end, no one will leave. These prisoners were contaminated with their comrades-in-arms, and the killings were still in progress.

Qilong forced them to march for fifteen hours, and then they rushed back to the big camp. When the medical officers in the camp saw Qilong, they carried the unconscious Linglan, and quickly let Qilong put Ling Lan into one of the treatment rooms for treatment.

"Fortunately, when you come back in time, if you wait an hour at night, I am afraid that the treatment cabin will not be treated well." The therapist saw the feedback from the treatment cabin and could not help but be grateful.

Qi Long anxiously asked: "How many hours does he have to heal to wake up?"

"If you wake up, maybe you can do it in about three days, but if you want to completely treat his body, it is estimated that you should lie in the treatment cabin for three months." The medical officer did not exaggerate the words. In fact, Ling Lan’s body has already Close to the collapse, but there is still a glimpse of the body inside, and this power of power happens to give Ling Lan the energy of recovery. If this power is completely destroyed, Ling Lan will not be able to lie in the treatment cabin for ten years.

"Three months, so long?" The little friends felt that they were scared. They knew that Linglan was very hurt, but he didn't expect the injury to be so heavy.

"So long? Little guys, you should be glad that there are only three months, not no time." The medical officer shook his head and sighed, and only the children would care about the length of the recuperation time, as if they were used to life and death, as long as there is still a chance. Lying inside, no matter how long, it is happy.

The medical officer has countless patients entering and leaving every day. After Arranging Linglan, he did not take this matter to heart. And several people in Qilong came to the medical department almost every day, staying in front of the treatment cabin, waiting for Ling Lan's awakening.

The medical officer is very strong, saying that three days is three days, Ling Lan woke up in a faint.

A few people were very excited and asked about what Ling Lan needed.

Ling Lan shook her head at them, and Xiao Si told her what happened after she was fainted. She also knew that the four people in Qilong knew that she would control the mech. However, Han Jijun’s final aftermath, Ling Lan was very satisfied. Originally, she also wanted to take advantage of this and completely destroy all her possible things.

At this time, the planet was finally controlled by the federation, killing all the Japanese invaders who invaded the planet. Of course, there were some mechs in the Sundial that chose to give up the mech, and they went straight into the forest of the Moriyama to hide. Look forward to the next counterattack opportunity.

For this part of the people, the Federation did not send troops to clear the line, because they entered the f-class beast range, there are no mechs of these mechs, there are really few who can play the beasts...

The post-war reconstruction was also very fast. From the federation, the material was continuously sent to the planet. Thanks to the Japanese empire, because of their invasion, the federal government announced the interstellar coordinates of the mysterious planet and incorporated it into the federal territory. Named World of Warcraft. Because there is nothing but an endless beast, nothing else...

After half a month, Qilong resumed their hunting missions. Of course, every time they came back, they did not forget to give Ling Lan a sum. In this way, after three months of turning around, Ling Lan was finally announced by the medical officer, he could walk out of the treatment cabin and start free activities. ‘

Ling Lan’s first thing to get up is to eat, because she is really hungry. Although the nutrients can supplement the various elements needed by the body, the stomach that has been working for ten years still has no way to resist this hunger. .

When she was full of food, she found that Qilong Han Jijun was sitting patiently and waiting for her to finish eating.

"When did you come?" Ling Lan suddenly, just concentrating on eating, let her ignore the situation around her.

Of course, she asked the geology to ask for a small four. Why didn't she remind her? This made the little four very speechless. These people were told by the boss that there was no need to remind her. When did the boss change his mind? Why don't he know?

"I just came I saw the joy of your boss, we also feel very happy." Han Jijun smiled back.

Ling Lan reluctantly rubbed his brow, depressed and said: "Han Jijun, I would like to ask what to ask, this devil looks really not for you." Han Jijun suddenly changed from a cold and serious scout to a smiling gentleman, How to look at how to be awkward, Ling Lan only feels the goose bumps.

"It doesn't seem to fit here." Han Jijun converges with a smile and glances around and regrets.

Because the post-war reconstruction has been open for more than three months, many veterans have got their own new weapons, and they are very happy, so it is easy to see the enthusiasm of a table.

Ling Lan nodded and said: "Yes, then come back to the dormitory with me."

Ling Lan took Qilong and they came to their dormitory. He washed it first and then put on a new protective suit. Then he sat in his position and said, "Okay, what is the problem?" Ask, but only today.” Ling Lan is not a person who likes to introduce himself, so it will only be so long that he has not told them that his father is Ling Xiao. Rs! . ()

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