Chapter 153: Lady Luck?

Then, they saw that the right shoulder joint of the Japanese armor was sparking, and a magnetic dang blade was inserted there, only the handle was pulled out. A few people immediately understood what the white light was. The original federal armor was at the most critical moment. The magnetic dang blade was shot in the air. The place of choice was the weakest joint of the mech defense.

Undoubtedly, the unique fighting style of the Federal Mechs has opened their eyes and allowed them to learn the mechs in the future. They have not been sealed by the experience of their predecessors. They dare to do it, in the armor control. In the fields of their own, they have created countless wonderful fighting actions...

At this point, the Federal Mech has been close to the Japanese armor, but it has no weapons. It can only hold the enemy aircraft tightly by the remaining mechanical arms, and randomly sees the pop-up of the control cabin... ...

In addition to Lin Zhongqing, Qilong came out of the military and political system. Although he did not actually control the mech, he still knew the mech-related knowledge. He knew that this was the federal mech-class who chose to blew himself to solve this last one. opponent.

But can the 30-second self-explosion time keep the control cabin safe from the explosion? In fact, the mech of the mech is used to kill the enemy...

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

The first sound came from the self-detonation sound of the Federal Mech, and perhaps the energy collision detonated something. The Japanese armor's right arm light source gun suddenly burst open, followed by a violent big explosion in the Japanese armor.

Of course, before the big bang, the opponent's control cabin has also been ejected, but the subsequent two explosions undoubtedly increased the power of the explosion. The other party did not have time to escape the explosion range, and was directly blown up in the explosion center to become a thick The smoked coke quickly fell to the ground.

Qilong did not need to check and knew that the Japanese armor was definitely dead, and it was almost deformed and reduced by half of the volume. I also know that the people inside can't live.

Fortunately, the control cabin of the Federal Mech was opened earlier, and the speed of flying exceeded a certain limit. It flashed away from the center of the explosion almost 500 meters, just out of the most dangerous range, but even so, it was The explosion was pushed out again for nearly a hundred meters, and then a natural fall was made and it fell quickly to the ground.

Qilong, they were very nervous, and their hearts were very high. They silently prayed that the explosion of the previous explosion did not destroy the light brain inside the control cabin...

Their prayers are valid. When the control cabin is lowered to a certain height, it is also the most suitable height. The reaction thrust of the control cabin is opened on time, which slows down the gravity of the control cabin.

After the self-explosion, the ejection control cabin is a matter of life and death. It is basically a kind of comforting device. Because the range of self-explosion and the height of the ejection, the reaction force is accurately opened, each item can not be biased, otherwise the ejection is also a dead end. .

Fortunately, the control cabin is controlled by the small four, otherwise relying on the current light brain of the Federation, I really don't know what the consequences will be. The federal light brain can only remember some data rigidly, and operate according to the rules set by it, and will not consider other variables at all.

Seeing that the control cabin was under the reaction force and landing safely on the ground, several people in Qilong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. They rushed to the landing position of the control cabin to investigate the situation of the other party. If they could help, Then they are too valuable to come.

"Boss, boss, we are safe." The accurate calculation of the small four, let the control cabin safely landed, he excitedly called Ling Lan, want the boss to praise him.

However, the silence in the control cabin, the small four found that the blood of his own boss's mouth is flowing: "Boss, don't scare me, wake up!" He shouted desperately, but Ling Lan still has no voice. Xiao Si thought of something, immediately ran back to the learning space from the mechaguang brain to find Ling Lan, but found that Ling Lan was not inside, suddenly, he panicked, he knew that things are not good.

"The boss must have been seriously injured and passed out. At this time, he has to be given a therapeutic agent..." The little four reacted. He was just an invisible wise body. He didn't have any hands and feet to feed Ling Lan. At this time, Xiao Si especially hated himself. Why is it just a smart creature without a physical entity?

At this time, Xiao Si suddenly felt that someone was close to him. He scanned the past nervously and saw the familiar figures. He was ecstatic: the boss was saved! It turned out that several people from Qilong arrived.

Qi Long saw that the control cabin was lying quietly on the ground. He signaled that Han Jijun, who was behind him, stayed here waiting, and then carefully approached the control cabin and wanted to observe the situation at a close distance.

He had just walked less than a hundred meters from the control cabin, and the door of the control cabin suddenly opened, which made Qilong startled, then the surprise followed, and the control cabin opened from the inside, it means the person inside. Still alive, otherwise it is impossible to open it. Of course, Qi Long is not clear, there is a magical little four in this world.

Qi Long did not choose to approach, but patiently waited for the mechs inside. A stranger is approaching for no reason. This is undoubtedly easy to misunderstand. Especially on the battlefield, warriors who are **** are very sensitive. When there is a wind and grass, they will fight back. Although Qi Long has the heart to help the life-saving benefactors, but also does not want to be inexplicably accounted for here, there are some cautions he did not lose, of course, Ling Lan's subtle influence has also been a reason in recent years.

Qilong waited patiently for a few minutes, but did not see someone in the control cabin. In fact, Xiaosi has been rushing in the control cabin. If he can't make a sound, he has already called Qilong and they have come.

Qi Long did not go forward and let Han Jijun behind him be suspicious. Han Jijun rushed up with Luo Lang Lin Zhongqing and came to Qilong’s side. At this time, they also saw the open control cabin.

"Zilong, will the people inside be injured, so can't climb out?" Han Jijun thought of this possibility.

Qi Long’s eyes lit up and the dark road Han Jijun said that he was right, so he decided to go forward and see, let Han Jijun continue to wait here. As he walked closer and closer, he saw the blood stains in the control cabin. He had a little bit of caution. At this time, he was suddenly lost. He quickly stepped up and walked to the door of the cabin to explore.

"Fee, it's not good, you come over!" Qi Long's voice was so sad.

Han Jijun suddenly surprised, is it that the mechs inside are Qilong’s relatives? He quickly ran with Luo Lang and Lin Zhongqing, and saw the young figure in the mouth that was faint, and his mouth was bleeding. He suddenly shouted: "Lan boss! This is impossible, how could it be him... "That is the ace of the ace, and Lan is only ten years old. It is impossible to control the mech. Han Jijun feels that the mech information he has received in the past has completely collapsed."

"Lan Boss, will it die..." Luo Lang saw Ling Lan's misery, his body was cold, and his body shivered uncontrollably. Lin Zhongqing was even more shocked, and he could not find his mind for a while.

"Fast, feed the therapeutic agent..." Han Jijun saw that several people in front of him were panicking, and immediately converge on the shocked heart, calmly telling.

"Oh oh..." Chiron asked a few people to find the pharmacy from the backpack. He wanted to feed Linglan, but he fell to the outside because of the hand shake, and slipped from the corner of his mouth.

"I am coming!" Han Jijun pushed open the idiots who were daring in the ordinary time. At this time, they were so flustered that they took a potion from Luolang’s hand and squeezed Linglan’s mouth with his left hand to pour the potion. .

"Come back!" Han Jijun indicated that he continued to pour, and after filling five, he only stopped.

The effect of the five medicinal herbs is still very good. Linglan, who was originally pale without blood se, gradually improved his face. The situation of vomiting blood began to improve. After three minutes, Ling Lan never vomited blood.

"We must go back to the camp immediately, otherwise the injury of the boss's body can't be cured. If it leaves hidden dangers, it will ruin the future of the boss!" Seeing Ling Lan is out of danger, Qilong's calmness is back.

Qi Long’s words were of course recognized by everyone. They carefully lifted Ling Lan from the control cabin, and then searched for materials around, preparing to make a simple stretcher and carrying Ling Lan. After all, Ling Lan’s current situation. It is better to lie down and not to move him.

When looking for materials, they found the light source gun that was dissipated by the team leader. The light source cannon is very heavy and heavy. It is impossible to take this big guy with four people.

Han Jijun thought about it, and let Qilong several people lift Linglan's control cabin to the light source gun. In the sleepy eyes of Qi Long and others, the control cabin was placed in the position of the light source gun attack line, and then an energy cannon went down, and Ling Lan’s control cabin was completely melted Leave a trace.

At this time, they were only able to react to the Qilong Luolang, and Han Jijun did this. Destroy the control cabin, that is, destroy the black box inside, no one can get Linglan to kill three Japanese ace ace mechs (they don’t know that Xiaosi has completely deleted the black box). . That Linglan’s true strength can be hidden and not discovered. If you find it by others, Ling Lan will definitely be troublesome next time, and even life will be dangerous. The reason why Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng They all understand.

In this way, the four people destroyed all the things that could violently lure Ling Lan, and then they carried the faint Ling Lan back to the camp.

On this road, they went through hardships. On several occasions, they almost became the intraday meal of the f-class beast. But every time they fell into desperation, the fierce beasts suddenly turned around and stunned and fled, disappearing without a trace... let them sleepy At the same time, they are also fortunate that they have been loved by the goddess of fortune, so that this wonderful event of inexplicable survival has occurred continuously.

Xiaosi screamed at one side, and for the lucky goddess who didn’t know where to come from, he was not satisfied with his merits: Oh, if I didn’t release the hidden blood of the boss, I scared away the little guys, you It became the feces of the beast... and the goddess of luck... rs! . ()

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