Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 155: : Father is Ling Xiao!

Chapter 155: Father is Ling Xiao!

Several people looked at each other and finally asked by Han Jijun: "Lan Bo, who are you?"

Ling Lan reluctantly frowned again, and finally could not avoid answering this question, but since I decided to be open and honest, I really had to introduce myself, so she seriously said: "My name is absolutely true, it is indeed called Ling Lan. The family situation is not fake, just, I did not tell you who my father died young."

"Lan boss's father? Surname Ling? Still sacrificed ten years ago?" Qi Long muttered to himself.

Several of you are smart children. Immediately, an exhilarating but sad and pity name has come to mind. Everyone can't help but look at Ling Lan with a shocked look: "Ling?"

Ling Lan nodded blankly, indicating that their guess was not wrong.

"Ah..." I knew that my guess was correct. Several people in Qilong couldn't help but scream. This answer is too big for them.

It is necessary to know that Ling Xiao is one of the 12th-level priests of the Confederacy. He is also the only genius genius who successfully promoted to a god-level sergeant at the age of 24 in the federal and even human society. In the past, he successfully promoted to God. The youngest of the divisions is a 33-year-old mech from the Caesar empire. Ling Xiao suddenly raised the age of the priest to eight years, showing the enchanting degree of Ling Xiao.

So Ling Xiao is a god-like figure for the people of the Federation. Although he died young in the end, he was sacrificed in the death channel by the Japanese emperor, but he could not stop the blood soldiers and the children who pursued their dreams as their idols.

And Qi Long Luolang, they originally grew up in the military and political system, Ling Xiao has always been a figure that parents have regretted, and even repeatedly stressed that if Ling Xiao is still alive, the Federation can definitely deter other countries in the next 50 years. No worries and problems. So they gradually grew up after they learned about Ling Xiao’s deeds. I also regard Ling Xiao as my idol, hoping that I can do everything that Ling Xiao has to do, and even go further, to complete the things that Ling Xiao has not done yet.

Now, Qilong, they found out that Lan Lao is the son of the genius enchanting, the national idol. Several people were shocked by this news.

Ling Lan coughed cough. A few people wake up and then say: "Because my father has already sacrificed, and his situation is a bit special. So it is not suitable to say him."

"No wonder the boss's mech control will be so powerful." Han Jijun gently sighed and the whole person relaxed. In fact, he is most afraid of Ling Lan behind a large force from the military. In this case, their good exchange will easily lead their father's family into unnecessary partisanship, which is not what he wants to see. If so, their friendship is likely to change, not even simple.

"Boss, then can you teach us how to control the mech?" Qi Long, a mech-fan, looked at the light, saying that he had long thought about this moment.

Qi Long’s proposal made the rest of the audience feel at ease, and they looked forward to it. Looking at Ling Lan with the stars, I look forward to her consent.

"No." Ling Lan decisively refused.

She secretly absorbed so many genetic agents, and then repeatedly exercised in the space and reality, and the small four did their best to control the mech, and reduced its feedback power to a minimum. In this case, her body has still been greatly created. What's more, Qi Long, these children who have not been specially trained, Qi Long is still better, the body of other people can not support the two or three movements of the mech.

Seeing a few people's dissatisfied eyes, Ling Lan said with a strong voice: "Because we have a secret biography, we can learn the mechs a few years earlier. But even so, I still can't bear the feedback of the mech and suffered serious injuries. What do you want to learn? It is absolutely reasonable to not control the mechs before the 13th age of the federal regulations. Don't make fun of your own life."

Ling Lan is afraid that these children will not listen to the persuasion and secretly try to control. This is not a joke. It is unfortunate that it is easy to make a big event, and it is likely that they will lose their lives.

Several people were scorned by Ling Lan, and suddenly they were sweating. Because I saw Linglan rushing to kill three ace of enemy aircraft, I thought that they could learn too. They forgot the repeated warnings of their parents and mentors. They must know that the reaction of the mech control is very powerful, even if it is an adult. Not everyone is suitable for maneuvering.

"Even if we have a mystery in Lingjia, my father never wants me to control the real mechs before the age of 13. If I was not in a critical situation at the time, I would not want to do this." Ling Lan told Qilong that they were on the scene. Machine control is also forced by the situation.

A few people in Qilong were embarrassed. They knew very well that this was all to save them. Otherwise, Ling Lan would not leave the stronghold to find them, and would not control the mechs.

They no longer had the incitement at the beginning, and they nodded and expressed their understanding. But in their hearts, they have planted the seeds to become the ace of the ace, waiting for one day to officially break ground and thrive.

The hunting course was not as long as Chiron had imagined. After they had been on World of Warcraft for half a year, the college finally sent a starship to pick them up.

Originally, they should have picked them up after the end of the war. However, because the Union of the World of Warcraft was invaded by the Japanese Empire, the existence of the open planet had caused a great shock in the Federation. The public is very dissatisfied with the federal concealment of the attached planet, and a large-scale parade has erupted on various planets.

This made the federal government and the federal military department passive, and had to focus on solving the domestic turmoil first, so it was hard to suppress the situation of the Scout Center Academy to pick up their students. They are afraid that if they are told by the public that they will send the best batch of seeds from the Federation to the dangerous World of Warcraft trial, I am afraid that the opposition will be more intense.

However, fortunately, this is the case, otherwise Ling Lan is likely to have a big trouble because of this injury. If the Scout Center Academy sends a warship to pick them up, they will know that their pride is seriously injured in this war, certainly Will send a professional medical team to treat Ling Lan, at that time, it is likely that Ling Lan wants to hide the gender secret will be exposed (Cubs Center College received news that 50 students 0 dead 0 missing 21 injuries 29 intact, and no Any life is dangerous!).

This is one of the reasons why the Scout Center is willing to wait. If there is any damage, it is estimated that the headmaster of the Scouting Center will kill the military and strongly recruit a starship to pick up people.

In this way, Linglan a group of people safely returned to the college, Linglan said goodbye to everyone, they killed the villa where they live.

Then I saw the garden door of the villa, a beautiful figure was looking up anxiously...

Ling Lan felt that her eyes were a little moist, and she once again realized the kind of sorrow and grief that her relatives were worried about... and that feeling was so far that she almost forgot.

"Mom!" Ling Lan could see his distance in Lan Luofeng and shouted out loud. I saw that Lan Luofeng swept over like a wind at a speed that exceeded the speed of ordinary people and hugged her tightly.

"Ling Lan, you are really back, great! Mom wants to die you." She smiled and faced Ling Lan's Lan Luofeng. At this time, her voice was so excited and choked, which means she has been in the past six months. No longer worry about it all the time.

Ling Lan discovered that Lan Luofeng has never forgotten the shadow of his father's death. Perhaps she is also afraid that she will leave her like Ling Xiao. To say that Ling Xiao took away half of the soul of Lan Luofeng, then the other half of the soul is undoubtedly tied to her. If she is really unfortunate to return, I am afraid that Lan Luofeng will follow her without hesitation, because After losing her, Lan Luofeng has no soul to survive.

Ling Lan was impressed by the strong love of Lan Luofeng. She clasped Lan Luofeng hard and her tears flowed quietly: "Mom, I am sorry, I am worried."

In the past, her parents loved her, but because of her physical illness, she had given up her faintly. They gave most of their love to the younger brother, and the rest of the love was gradually consumed in the endless treatment and care. Ling Lan does not blame them, this is an instinct of human beings, do not want to be heartbroken, so take the initiative to gradually reduce their love.

Therefore, the death of Linglan in the past is actually a relief from his parents, and there is indeed sorrow, but more is to finally let go of the burden of relief.

Ling Lan of this life has been licking her feelings because she is afraid of being hurt. For Lan Luofeng, she loves and has a close relationship. Because she occupies the body of the Lan Luofeng child, she must bear the responsibility. The impression of Ling Xiao is from the description of Lan Luofeng. I don’t tell Qilong that they are her father. To a large extent, Ling Lan never thought that she was really a child.

But When Ling Lan really feels the blue phoenix's trembling body, the deep fears and fears, and the strong inexpressible, can only come from the mother's love, this thick Warmth immediately wrapped her whole person. Ling Lan can no longer suppress his feelings full of emotions, really really sorry for Lan Luofeng!

Sorry for this, only Ling Lan knows what it means. It is not simply referring to this incident, but the heart that has resisted giving love for ten years. She is sorry for the selfless motherly love of Lan Luofeng in the past ten years.

Perhaps Ling Lan’s enthusiastic response surprised Lan Luofeng. She quickly converges her emotions, opened the distance with Ling Lan, and carefully looked around and asked: “Ling Lan, are you okay?”

Ling Lan patted her own chest and said: "Everything is fine, it is no problem to eat 20 steaks." Ling Lan, who accepted Lan Luofeng, regained his previous attitude and smiled at Lan Luofeng. Jokes.


There is also a chapter in the code, it is estimated that the fastest will be over 12 o'clock, and strive to complete the 200 plus before! In addition, the pink of the pro has more than 250, rest assured, I will not lose this... the belt that is struggling, I have to work **** the code! Come on! ()

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