Chapter 152: Explosion!

It is very difficult to shoot accurately in a fast flight, and the ace of the ace is basically an escape method of irregular flight, and some can even use the disorderly flashing for a long time, so the senior machine is above the opponent of the same level. I want to solve each other by guns in the face of confrontation... This is almost impossible.

However, Ling Lan originally did not want to rely on the beam rifle to hurt the opponent, just to create an illusion that she is desperately resisting, actually preparing to lead the other side unconsciously to the Stone Mountain.

The guns in the hands of the two mechs fired each other as soon as I fired them, but they did not cause harm to the other party. However, because the sundial armor energy cannon is so powerful, it is still pressing Ling Lan.

In this way, Ling Lan, who was in the downwind, had to fight back and slowly lead the other party to Stone Mountain.

Eighteen luminous bullets and counted more, Ling Lan has been carefully calculated, can use the light in a blink of an eye, she knows that there is no light bomb, but still pretending not to know, the Japanese machine armor once again pulled the trigger...

No? Panic, anxiously manipulating the mech again and again to pull the trigger... but still not!

The deer pill machine saw that the movement of the federal armor was a little flustered. After the trigger was continuously pulled, the beam rifle did not emit light. He slammed and said, would this be a trick to attract him?

Can not blame Lumao so vigilant, it is really the squad leader's continuous smuggling in the end, so that he is a little ruthless, and seeing the same situation, the first reaction is whether the other party has a conspiracy.

However, when he saw the Federal Mech finally stunned the beam rifle and turned and fled, he knew that the other rifle really had no energy.

The deer of the deer pill machine was overjoyed, which means that the other side’s long-range attack was not fired. As long as it was not close to the other side, the long-range attack was his world. He immediately manipulated the mech to chase the federal armor that fled.

Of course, the deer pill machine is so confidently chasing. Or because Ling Lan discarded the beam rifle, if the other side ran with a rifle, he would definitely prevent it, and would not catch up with each other so urgently.

The two mechs chased one and escaped. During the period, the Japanese armor fired an energy cannon, but it was flashed by the federal machine. Let the deer pill machine hate. I have been fighting three games in a row. Why is the concentration of the other party so strong?

"Small four. Is it calculated?" Ling Lan asked calmly, without being affected by the red warning message on the screen.

"The time of filling the energy of the light source gun is about 55 seconds, but it does not rule out the intentional concealment of the other side." Xiaosi replied, the interval between the other party's launch of the energy gun during this time, Xiaosi has been collecting and analyzing. However, he only analyzed the other party's appearance. If it is also such a sinister as his own boss, it is likely that these analyses are wrong.

“How much is this possibility?” Ling Lan asked.

"About 15%." Xiaosi replied, after all, it is only a short time to collect the information, there will be some mistakes, so this may still be very high.

"That is to say, there is 85% of the odds. It doesn't matter if there is a ghost." Ling Lan's mouth is smiling. In the learning space, as long as it exceeds half the winning rate, it is worth her desperately, because you are not desperate. You have to die.

"Well, still, the damage rate of the mech reached 75%, and the damage of the mech will double. It is likely to support less than two minutes..." The small four looked at the shocking damage rate of the mech and almost exhausted. Energy, reminded again.

Ling Lan did not answer, but the speed of finger dancing accelerated again. Once again, her finger disappeared, but Ling Lan, who was focused on manipulation, did not find it, while Xiao Si was afraid to affect Ling Lan and did not dare to speak.

Ling Lan’s mech began to fly around Stone Mountain, and she still has to wait for an opportunity.

"Hey!" The sundial armored energy cannon that followed her was finally launched again. The huge energy came straight from the slanting sky. Linglan calmly made another small-scale irregular operation, flashing this trick.

Irregular operation is relatively heavy on the mech, and Ling Lan even feels that the armor's body is making a loud noise, and it is likely that the next second will collapse and disintegrate.

However, Ling Lan did not pay attention to this. She then made another amazing action. She immediately turned off the armor's engine and controlled the mech to pose a four-legged movement. The stone mountain below fell.

Originally, Linglan was not very tall from the height of Stone Mountain. In addition, the size of the mech was huge and heavy, and it took less than ten seconds to smash into the Stone Mountain.

A loud noise of "嘭"! The huge force made the Stone Mountain suddenly shake, and a gray mist suddenly spread, and buried Ling Lan's mech.

The deer pill machine suddenly stopped at the Linglan and stopped the mech, keeping a certain distance from her. He was extremely cautious in arranging the energy gun to aim at the fog, and as soon as there was a change, he evaded the launch. Ling Lan’s scheming from the beginning made him very scrupulous.

Of course, this is just a blink of an eye. The deer-ball machine was just ready, and he saw a blue-and-white shadow popping up in the fog, and fiercely rushed at him at a terrible speed.

This speed is definitely not the speed that the high-speed machine can achieve. The first reaction of the Lumao machine is to retreat, and then subconsciously deduct the trigger of the energy cannon, but found that the muzzle did not move. He glanced at the prompts on the screen, only to find that 55 seconds of filling energy has not passed, and there are 11 seconds remaining.

The deer pill machine bites his teeth and pushes the engine to the maximum, allowing the speed of the mech to retreat to the limit. He has to survive this short eleven seconds. As long as he passes it, as long as he has an energy cannon, he can Get rid of this odious federal mech.

The federal armor that flew to the Japanese armor, the shape was already ruined, and the only left leg that was originally intact, this time has disappeared, leaving only some broken lines in the thigh, and the outer armor of the armor is also scarred. Tired, there are a few places that have even exposed the inside parts. The fall just now, still let the fuselage suffered a lot of trauma.

"The mech can only support up to 50 seconds..." The small four screen maintains the mech, and does not let it crash directly in the next second.

Ling Lan did not seem to hear the reminder of Xiao Si. She felt like an outsider at the moment. She looked at her own armor with cold eyes. Her thoughts were somewhat mechanical, and the power engine was accurately pushed to the highest level that the armor can withstand. Speed, let the armor pounce at each other at almost the speed of light.

At this point, the chasing and fleeing of the two mechs has changed the role, and the distance between the two mechs is getting closer and closer...they are anxiously waiting for the energy filling of the light source gun, one waiting for the final close arrival . It’s all done, only the last lucky goddess who cares.

The deer pill machine was in the vicinity of the federal armor, ten meters, five meters, three meters... his face showed a crazy sneer: "Go to hell!"

He decisively pressed the button that fired the energy cannon. At that moment, the energy filling of the energy cannon was finally completed and it could be launched again.

The sound of "嚓" was crisp but loud. The eyes of the deer of the deer pill saw a burst of sparks on the right shoulder of the mech, and then he was shocked to find that the energy gun of the right arm did not fire artillery...

"Warning, the right arm control system was destroyed, please fix it now!" The brain brain mechanically reported the damage of the mech.

Lumao didn’t know what happened, but he also understood that his mech was sure to be used by the other party, so that the right hand’s energy cannon was abolished... He’s sweating on his forehead, he’s not wanting it, he’s pushing the engine High pushes high again, trying to open the distance from the other side.

As long as the distance is opened, his left hand can also use the right hand weapon. At that time, the victory is still his.

The deer pill machine is very beautiful, but it is not as beautiful as he imagined. He directly felt that the mech was sinking. The original despicable Federal Mech actually held his mech tightly. That is to say, no matter how he accelerated, he could not get rid of the Federal Mech.

A series of movements made Ling Lan's face pale as white paper, and the blood in his mouth was uncontrollably squirting, but Ling Lan still held a strong breath and decisively pulled up the self-destruction device of the mech. The pop-up button for the control cabin is down.

"Small four, then look at you." This is the last sentence left before Ling Lan fainted, of course, this is the reason Ling Ling trusts the fourth, otherwise she will not let her faint.

Once the control cabin is popped up, the control will be given to the light brain, and the best reaction thrust of the control cabin will be opened by the light brain, as well as the landing point. In this respect, it is doubtless that the fourth is more reliable than the light brain.

"Give it to me! Boss!" Xiaosi seriously said He is very clear, Ling Lan has actually delivered her life to him, this is Ling Lan's trust in him. Thinking of this, the chip of Xiaosi is burning again, which makes the little four worry and will burn out.

The deer pill machine found the control cabin popped up by the Federal Mechs on the side screen, and immediately realized what was going to happen. He was horrified to control the two armons of the mech, and wanted to give the federal armor that hugged his mech. Down, maybe Ling Lan's control makes the mech hold tight, or it may be that he is flustered, and he didn't find the right way at all, so he was helpless at the moment.

At this time, several people in Qilong had already arrived at the distance of the mechs for less than one kilometer. When the federal armor fell to the Stone Mountain and caused severe vibration, several people also saw it, and the heart could not help but anxious and desperate. When they saw the federal mech burst out of the fog again, they almost jumped up in excitement.

They even saw that when the federal mech was about three meters away from the Japanese armor, the right hand of the federal mech suddenly shot a white light. This sudden suddenness made the Japanese armor feel nothing.


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