Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 151: : Close to have a chance!

Chapter 151: There is a chance in closeness!

I saw Ling Lan’s mech suddenly sinking, the whole mech air tumbling, my legs slammed up, and then slammed up, smashing the armor of the Japanese empire that was originally held in my hand. .

The sundial armor, like a cannonball, quickly slammed into the armor of the distant sniper, and Ling Lan’s mech quickly flew in the other direction with this sly reaction. At about the same time, the main and the vice on the mech. The engine was fully turned to the maximum power, and by the rebound force, it accelerated the large fuselage away from the armor that was flying.

About 300 meters away from the distance, the Japanese armor responsible for the sniper also deducted the trigger of the beam energy gun. The powerful energy beam came directly from the muzzle...

The violent explosion sounded through the sky, powerful enough to make a strong sense of shock for two or three kilometers, and close to the center of the explosion, to the extension of 500 meters, all trees and plants were destroyed by this huge explosion. Especially in the center of the 100-meter space, there is no more green, only the black soil that has been blown up, and a large pit about 50 meters.

Under the crisis of life and death, Ling Lan's manipulation has surpassed her limit and reached the realm that ordinary humans can't reach. Even so, she can't completely escape the scope of the Japanese self-explosion. A right leg of her mech was directly smashed by the bomb.

And this huge energy shock also made Ling Lan himself a huge creation, she wowed, spit out a blood again, the whole person was shaken a little dizzy.

Ling Lan bite her tongue and let the pain come back to her Qingming. She wiped the blood from her mouth and asked, "What happened? Why is the power of self-destruction so strong?"

The small four moments analyzed: "At the same time as the energy gun shot in the mech, the mech blew himself, and at the same time detonated the power of the energy gun. The two powers were superimposed, and the effect was stronger than the sum of the two."

"It seems that there is a chemical reaction." Ling Lan frowned. It was because of this unpredictable explosion power that she and the mech were both at the same time.

The Qilong people who are rushing to march are also shaken by this powerful explosive force. The worst-knit Han Jijun is even directly attacked by the earthquake. Fortunately, Qilong is very sensitive. Hold him down and throw it to the ground in time. Fortunately, there was no injury.

Qilong and other vibrations stopped, and quickly climbed up to look at the air, and saw that the right arm of the federal mech was blown up. His face changed dramatically.

"We must hurry a little faster." The battlefield in the air seems to be not far away. In fact, it is also three or four kilometers away. They are extremely fast in Qilong, but they only walk halfway.

However, this time, Qi Long’s decision made people disagree, and he was Qi Jin’s buddy Han Jijun: “Zilong, the closer to the mech battlefield, the more dangerous we are. Especially now, the other two mechs are obvious. Desperate moments, whenever and wherever possible, we may blew ourselves to the same end. Once we are too close, we will directly kill the bombs according to the explosive power."

Han Jijun is very rational. It is not impulsive, so if you look at the dangers that will bring them to life, you will raise objections and not let Qilong be his buddy and let him go.

"I know." Qi Long did not have the words of Han Jijun, and he also knew that it was not wise to get close. There is always a voice in my heart that is screaming, so that he can get close to him. If he doesn't do this, his chest will be stuffy and he will be uncomfortable.

Qi Long pointed to his chest. "But my heart told me that I should go there. You know, many times my heart is more accurate than my thoughts... although I don't know why it must I do this... However, you are right, it is very dangerous to be close to it, I can't be so selfish, let you take risks with me."

Qi Long feels selfish, he should make it clear with his teammates, and then discuss it and make a decision.

Han Jijun looked at Qi Long silently and found that Qi Long’s eyes were extremely firm. He was not close to where he was. As a buddy party, Han Jijun knows Qi Long very well. Although Qi Long’s performance on the surface is greatly embarrassing, nothing is left in addition to fighting. In fact, Qi Long’s temper is very embarrassing. As long as he makes up his mind, it is the goods that tens of thousands of cattle can’t pull back.

"I want to go." Luo Lang suddenly said.

The opening of Luo Lang’s abruptness allowed Qi Long and Han Jijun to look at him with some stunned look. Luo Lang embarrassedly scratched his cheek and smiled: “In fact, everyone knows that Qi Long’s beast is very accurate, since the instinct tells Qi. Long is going there, there must be something there, maybe it will be safer and maybe, and..." Luo Lang’s look became serious. “I also want to watch our savior killing the enemy and returning to the camp alive... ”

At this time, Lin Zhongqing followed and said: "Actually, I also want to go..."

This time, even Luo Lang was surprised to see it. Luo Lang supported Qilong’s move. A large part of it was because the three of them were dead parties from school. It is necessary to advance and retreat, but Lin Zhongqing joined later. Feelings can not be compared with the three of them, to say that Luo Lang and Han Jijun are willing to accompany Qilong adventure, Lin Zhongqing is obviously somewhat unexpected.

The attention of the three people was concentrated on Lin Zhongqing's body, waiting for his explanation.

Lin Zhongqing earnestly said: "The captain's intuition is not accurate. I don't know. However, I want to be stronger. This is definitely not because I am afraid of danger. I can't be a strong person."

Regardless of whether Lin Zhongqing’s reason is true or not, his statement has undoubtedly shocked the three people in Qilong. Lin Zhongqing’s willingness to deliver his life and advance and retreat proves that he really regards himself as a member of their team, not because of actual oppression. Do this.

Han Jijun resisted the excitement and said: "So, captain, take us with you."

Qi Long looked around at the three people in front of him and said with a nod: "Good! Let's go!"

Since then, they have no suspicion, only the brotherhood of life and death.

Four of them, Qi Long took the lead, followed by Han Jijun, Lin Zhongqing third, and Luo Lang. They quickly shuttled through the jungle. The huge earthquake caused by the explosion just brought a lot of harm, but also a little good, that is, there is no more beast in the jungle, even if there are some beasts left behind, because This strong explosion, scared to hide in the f-level area. Therefore, Qilong and his entourage did not encounter any obstacles at all, and they rushed to the destination all the way.

In the road, Han Jijun said softly after Qilong: "Zilong, you must become a qualified captain!" The voice is extremely light and light, more like Han Jijun himself whispering.

The body of Qilong, who was at the forefront, trembled, his chest, and his fist shook his hand in a position that everyone could not see.

In the battlefield of high school, Ling Lan once again ushered in a crisis. In order to avoid the attack of the other side, Ling Lan had to control the mech again to make irregular flight movements, but this high-intensity flight made the mech load extremely great.

At this time, on the secondary screens on both sides, many areas began to flash red with a strong signal, and the alarm sounds throughout the control cabin.

"Small four, check the damage of the fuselage." Ling Lan while manipulating the mech to dodge the other side of the sniper fire, while ordering the small four report.

"The right leg is damaged to 100%, the left leg is also damaged by 30%. The right main engine is under load. The overall damage of the mech reaches 52%... Ah, it is already 53%... Boss, every time you control the machine A irregular flight, the overall damage rate of the mech will be deepened, it is estimated that the maximum support for ten minutes, the mech will collapse and split ..." Xiaosi will quickly report the overall situation of the mech to Ling Lan, "the most critical is Because of the repeated battles, the mech's driving energy is only the last piece of auxiliary energy block, which has already used 20%. If you fight with full force, you can only support up to 5 minutes!"

"It's really bad news!" Ling Lan bite her teeth. In short, this mech can't support it for a long time, and she must find a chance to fight back in a limited time, otherwise she can only be chased by the other party until she dies.

"Small four, how many weapons do we have?" Ling Lan once again manipulated the mech to flash the other side of the sniper, the red warning on the screen, the information that the machine damage reached 55% let her frown.

"The left shoulder suspension high-energy beam rifle can send 18 light bombs. The slots on both sides of the thigh have a small magnetic blade." Xiaosi said with regret, "There is only this."

"I have to think of a way to be close..." Ling Lan thought quietly, relying on the 18 light bullets of the 57mm high-energy beam rifle, there is no way to kill each other, only close, only have a chance. Although the oscillating blade is a bit blunt, it can be made up by cutting a few more knives.

However, the other party is also very clear about what the result of being close to Ling Lan, so it is very prepared. Every time Ling Lan wants to get close, the other party quickly retreats and keeps a certain distance from Ling Lan. In other words, the other party made up his mind to fly a kite to kill Ling Lan.

"Small four ~ ~ analysis of the surrounding terrain!" Ling Lan flight, control the right hand to take the 57mm high-energy beam rifle suspended from the left shoulder, while waiting for the analysis results of the small four.

"The three directions in the southeast and the north are the endless plain jungle. The ground is moist and soft. There is a stone mountain at 300 meters in the west. The close-up picture shows that it belongs to the steel..." Xiaosi reports the surrounding terrain to Linglan. .

"Gold steel?" Linglan blinked and seemed to think of something, "How much is the strength coefficient?"

"Achieve the coefficient of 12!"

"Enough!" Ling Lanton made a decision. During her flight, she raised the speed rifle of her right arm and began to shoot at each other.

Shooting is indeed not her strength, but it is better than her strengths. If compared with other people, Ling Lan's shooting ability is excellent, but it is not optimal.


It seems that the pink of my parents has been squeezed out by me!嚯嚯嚯~~o(n_n)o()

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