Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1475: guardian.

1475 guardian.

Everyone who can fight in Ling Tianjun has already met their opponents. Everyone is doing their best in this battle of life. Because they all know that once they have not completed the task, what is the price paid, it is not only their own life, but also partners.

Your life may not be enough, but the life of your partner is invaluable and must be guarded!

The battles in the battlefields were fierce, and there was a battlefield, but it entered a life-critical, most critical moment.

Easily passed from the Green Temple and directly killed the Kun of the main hall, and Li Lanfeng and Zhao Jun, who were there, fought several rounds.

The original majestic main hall, in this all-out, fierce battle, has already collapsed by half and is broken.

Originally high on the top, a group of Kunming, who is light and windy, is also embarrassed at this time. In his left hand, there was only half of the arm, the broken arm, no blood, but a layer of black energy wrapped tightly.

This black energy does not belong to Kun, it is still engulfing the energy of Kun, and wants to continue to swallow the entire arm of Kun.

The main force of Kun is tolerate severe pain, and the right hand is turned over. A layer of green and vitality is quietly flashing. He slammed his left shoulder and saw the green energy descending from the shoulders to the corners of the arms, colliding with the black energy.

The two energy fights there, and the Kun master seems to be a painful one. The muscles on his face tremble violently and appear to be extremely embarrassing.

Finally, the green energy from the source suppressed the black energy. The **** of Kun was calmed down. He turned his head and looked down on the ground. Li Lanfeng, who had been struggling, showed hatred and boundless killing in his eyes.

Kun was self-sufficient and came to the main hall to see the two hairy boys guarding the temple. They did not put Li Lanfeng and Zhao Jun in their eyes.

Li Lanfeng is a person, this guy who likes to make a calculation, how can you miss this opportunity to come to the door.

In an instant, the battle plan was formulated. Zhao Jun was the main attacker. He attacked the attacker. The feeling for the Kun main was that he was weak Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun did perform well. He has already entered the late stage of the title field. He has given a certain pressure to Kun, and he seems to have just entered the title field. Li Lanfeng, who is only an auxiliary field, is not enough.

When Kun’s main focus was on Zhao Jun, Li Lanfeng had been waiting for the opportunity to come.

It can format everything and ignore any energy. It belongs to the field where the world bug exists. Even Kun is not immune.

But half a step of the gods, there is a certain opportunity to perceive the future, let Kun master feel the breath of death in a moment, and move a little bit of position, Li Lanfeng format energy hit the position is the heart of Kun, not his left arm .

If this is not the case, the Kun master at this time, I am afraid that it is no longer in this world, the winner of this battle will belong to Li Lanfeng and Zhao Jun.

Unfortunately, Kun is the half-step **** domain, not the emperor level. Although the two have a nominal half-level gap, this is a half-level. For Li Lanfeng, it is a difference between life and death.

"Go to hell!" Kun master will never let Li Lanfeng, Li Lanfeng broke not only his arm, but also broke his possibility of promotion to the domain.

The broken body is the biggest obstacle to the promotion of the Divine. The Tao not only represents the heart, but also the body. Only the heart and the body are perfect, and it is possible to advance to the Divine.

With full of anger and Qitian's killing, it is enough to destroy all the energy and directly hit Li Lanfeng on the ground.

Zhao Jun, who has no fighting power with Li Lanfeng, struggled to pull out a micro-pharmaceutical when he was focusing on Li Lanfeng, and directly tied to his own vein.

When he saw that Kun’s main attack on Li Lanfeng, the whole person bounced like a cannonball and rushed to Li Lanfeng.

"Hey!" Zhao Jun stood in front of Li Lanfeng, who had lost his combat power, without fear of death. He used his body to block the deadly blow of Kun.

"Zhao Jun!" Li Lanfeng, unable to move, looked up at Li Lanfeng, who blocked the deadly blow for himself, and picked it up.

“Hey!” The blood was sprayed from Zhao Jun’s mouth.

He turned his head back and showed a smile, moving against Li Lanfeng's mouth.

"Zhao Jun!" Li Lanfeng earned his eyes, tears flowing from the corner of the eye uncontrollably.

"Li Lanfeng, it’s good to meet you!"


Zhao Jun’s body fell to the sky and slammed on the ground. The blood beneath him quickly flowed.

Just as every little friend has the consciousness, guarding the partners around him, even paying for his own life.

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