Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1474: the ability of Luochao.

1474: The ability of Luo Chao. (page 1/1)

1474: The ability of Luo Chao.

Han Zengya almost used the strength of the whole body, and instantly hit nearly a hundred attacks.

But in the later stages, she felt that the position of her fist attack was no longer physical, but seemed to resemble a skeleton.

Han Xunya pressed his own surprise and slammed the next punch.

"Hey!" This time, she felt that the rebound was more powerful. Although she was prepared, she was bounced back by this vigorous rebound and directly collapsed her combo.

Han Zengya, who is striving to stand firm, can only see clearly that a pair of huge black wings have already protected the ghosts. The position of the late Han Zheya hit should be the wings.

"啪~", the black wings slammed open, and the wings were as long as more than ten meters, directly blocking the red hall, and the entire square was dull.

"Hey~" The ghost owner showed a piercing laugh. "You really angered me, I want to kill you."

At this time, the ghost master's eyes are red, and this pair of black wings is really like a **** bat. Han continued the Yaluo wave and thought of the ghost's nicknamed poison bat, and suddenly it was.

"Be careful!" Luo Chao reminded them to stand in front of them, Han Zunya. The main force of this battle is Han Zunya.

Han Zengya Yu’s teeth bite, the whole person pops up like a cannonball, and throws his fist again.

"Go to hell!" The five nails of the ghost's right hand suddenly burst, and the sharp nail tip was covered with a layer of black light, and the face of Han Zengya was slammed, without any pity.

The ghost master shot too fast. After Han Zengya saw it, he wanted to dodge, but found himself unable to move.

Level suppression!

Han Zengya’s minds immediately printed these four characters, and saw that she was going to be caught by the ghost’s claws, but she did not see any panic on her face.

The ghost's face showed a smug smile, but for the next second, his smile directly solidified.

Han Zengya, who had been forced to be suppressed by his field, turned out to be contrary to common sense and moved half a meter to the left. This half a meter allowed her to escape his poisonous claws.

Of course, all this is done only in the blink of an eye.

Han Zengya broke away from the realm of the ghost master, and several retreats came to the front of Changxinyuan Luochao.

The ghost master slowly recovered his claws, his eyes swept past Han Zengya, and eventually fell on Luo Chao.

"Your field is very interesting, and you can control her body." How can this strange side of Han Zengya be able to win over the ghost master, even if he didn't pay attention at first, this one has already been clearly understood.

The ghost master also understood that at the beginning, he clearly evaded the past, and why Han Zengya could continue to hit him. This is not the ability of Han Zengya, but the ability of this sweet and weak little girl.

Luo Chao did not answer just looking at the ghost master calmly, she knows that she can't deceive the ghost master for too long, but she did not expect it to be seen at the beginning.

This is the thirteen masters. No one is simple. The gap between them and their strength is really too great.

"This should be a spiritual field ability, very unique, I have not seen it before." The ghost owner is very interested in the ability of Luo Chao, his first feeling, this ability is very useful to him. The original strong anger and killing intentions have also been alleviated.

Responding to the killing orders of the lords, not because they are afraid of doing the Lord, they have to do it, but they are bored, want to move and see the blood.

But whether to kill or not kill, the decision is in their own hands.

If this ability is available, the missing part of his field may be filled, so the god-level field is not without hope.

The greed of the ghost's eyes reveals the possibility that the heart beats uncontrollably.

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