Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1476: Dao.

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1476: Road.

Ling Lan closed her eyes and waited in the marsh area deep in the colorful palace.

Zhao Jun opened her eyes to save Li Lanfeng from falling.

The eyes are dark and deep, but there is no fluctuation, just like the person who fell, and she has nothing to do with her.

"I didn't expect that you are so cold and cold, to this extent, it's no wonder that you can enter this realm at such a young age. However, you paid the price for the promotion, is it worth it?" A slightly ridiculous voice Come from afar.

Ling Lan said: "You are here."

It seems that this moment is also in her expectation.

A figure suddenly appeared in Linglan dozens of meters, it is the owner of the edge.

"In just a few days, I can make me look at you. You are not very simple." The main eyes are with the meaning of research.

"Thanks to your 'care"." Ling Lan replied without hesitation.

If it is not the pressure of the Lord, she will not break the boat.

"Before I came, I thought that you would take care of your men. Now, I still look down on you." The main eyes of the owner took a bit of caution.

A bloody, young man with rich emotions, even if the strength is stronger, it is not terrible. As long as you have something important, you can always find the Achilles heel.

But this young man, from the perception of his appearance, has no fluctuations in his emotions, or he is a ruthless person, or he is a person who perfectly controls his emotions, no matter which one, he is not the owner. have witnessed.

Ling Lan did not answer this time, just looked at him faintly.

"That person should be dead, although they are very strong, but unfortunately the opponent is the half-step **** of Kun, the strongest one except me, the thirteenth." The leader turned to look at the main hall, With a pitiful tone, I tried to influence Ling Lan’s emotions.

"Since you choose to enter the battlefield, death is inevitable. Marg is the body of the corpse. It is the highest glory of the military. The lord, are you still unaware?" Ling Lan raised his eyebrows and surprised.

The main look of the Lord was slightly stunned, and the next second was restored to normal: "Is this the moral standard that the superiors deliberately created in order to defraud the loyalty of ordinary soldiers? You didn't even understand..." Can not help but shake his head, with a little disappointment.

"Does people live this life for the meaning of existence? Then the meaning is high or low, is it true or false, is it good or bad, and what is the relationship?" Ling Lan said faintly, "as long as they think it is worth it, then It's worth it."

Ling Lan’s way is the road of freedom, the way of the heart, the road that can accommodate everything, the name hegemony is not to let others surrender but all the avenues in the world are here, she can become her This is the essence of hegemony.

"Do you watch them go astray? Don't you wake them up?" The lord was a little surprised. During the cultivation, helping others is also an indispensable part of the Tao, unless it is the first of all legends. The way to the unbelievable, is this young man taking the taboo?

The lord can't believe it, because no one has succeeded in this kind of Tao, because it is a violation of the nature of nature, and the way of going against the sky, when it enters the field, it is condemned, directly defying the body, completely disappearing into the world. .

"Why are you awake? He has his own way. Is your experience really suitable for him?" Ling Lan suddenly fell on the main body, cold and sharp. "Or, your way is wrong." The point of waking up is what really made him go astray."

The main voice of the rumor rushed into the heart, as the only supernatural powerhouse in the world (the bright face), it was wrong to be questioned by a junior. His attitude is absolutely an insult to him. The word is really wrong. How can he advance to the Divine Realm? This is really ridiculous and hateful.

The killing of the main heart is getting stronger and stronger, and I can’t wait to directly kill the resentful kid in front of me.

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