Chapter 144: Opportunities! Shot!

Ling Lan did not choose to go to the air defense station, but quietly lurked in a corner of the line of sight, with the help of Xiao Si, finally contacted Qi Long again: "Zilong, where are you now?"

"Lan boss, finally contacted you, we can't go back now." Qi Long smiled bitterly.

"What happened?" Ling Lan asked.

"On the way we went back, it has now become a battlefield!" There was a fierce slamming sound from Qilong, and the violent voice almost suppressed the voice of Qi Long.

"Mechanical fighting!" Ling Lan heard the sound and knew what it was.

"Yeah, more than... Hey! Hey! Hey!" The fierce artillery explosion sounded in Qilong. "Boss, we have to go back quickly, otherwise they will be cut into pieces by their knife wind."

There was a violent gasp in the contactor. It seems that Qilong was running hard in an attempt to escape the panic battlefield. Ling Lan was so anxious that he hated why he was not on the scene.

"Can't go anymore. In the past, it was the f-class beast area." Han Jijun's voice rang at the end of the contact.

"You have entered the g-class beast area?" Ling Lan felt bad.

"Well, the battlefield is expanding too fast, we can only avoid it later, but fortunately, those g-class beasts have also been scared away by this war." Qi Long’s voice was a bit lucky, otherwise they could not run. So deep.

"Don't run anymore, those fierce beasts have become more dangerous." Ling Lan anxiously.

The running sound slowly slowed down there, and finally stopped, and then continued the voice of Qi Long. Of course, with a puzzle: "Lan boss, what do you say?"

"They are going to be maddened by this sudden war." Ling Lan has been reminded by Xiao Si that within the scope of his surveillance, the beasts have already had red eyes at this moment. There seems to be a tendency to mad.

“Can you spare the battlefield?” Ling Lan asked immediately.

"No, the entire battlefield has been diffused to the entire g-class beast area, no matter which side is going to pass the f-level area." The answer is Han Jijun. He has been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield, and it is clear that the current battlefield has almost ignited all h-level and g-level areas. Therefore, they want to bypass the battlefield and return to the temporary base, and they can only go from the f-class beast area.

Han Jijun is very helpless. According to their strength, they want to pass the f-level area. It is absolutely a life of nine deaths. It is not much different from the direct battle from the mech battlefield.

"Boss, please rest assured, we will meet with the machine, first find a good place to avoid, boss you also go to the air defense as soon as possible to escape." Qi Long told Ling Lan their decision. He knows this situation now. Even if Ling Lan's strength is stronger. It does not help.

Like this big scene, a powerful destructive mech war. These scouts who only have low-level fighting skills are just ants. Qilong did not want Ling Lan to be in danger. He even had some luck that he did not come out to hunt with them.

"Okay. You should find a place to avoid as soon as possible, right. Open the contact, I will contact you from time to time." After Ling Lan commanded, he hanged the contact directly.

Ling Lan brows her wrinkles, she is very clear, on the battlefield, the federal mechs who are fighting fiercely have no time to take care of these scouts, that is, Qilong, they are ultimately alive and die, they have to rely on their luck. .

"Damn! I have to find them!" Ling Lan made a decision in an instant, she is not a person who likes to leave his comrades.

Ling Lan is very clear that if the war continues to expand, Qilong will have to be forced into a higher-level beast area, and the small four repeatedly warned that the beast here is already in a state of violent madness, and the combat power is definitely not the usual period. Kind, there is no doubt that the longer they are staying there, the more dangerous their situation will be.

Ling Lan, who had a decision in her heart, quietly flew out of the stronghold. The soldier who was lurking at the door and waiting for the Scouts to return only felt a flower in front of him. It seemed that a shadow passed through the rest of the light. He looked around. Look, I found nothing.

"Don't I read it wrong? It seems that the smoke around it still affects my vision..." The soldier can only understand this, and he will not forget more about the shadow that just flashed past.

Ling Lan quickly flashed into the hunting area of ​​the h-class beast. In the forest where the gray is almost invisible, the monkey is light and light. She flashes several times in a row, and the branches are flying over the sky. The speed is as fast as A glimpse of the light, the shadow of the shadow between the tree and the tree trunk, the light landing, without a trace of sound.

When I traveled about 2 kilometers, Ling Lan suddenly stopped her body shape, her brow slightly picked up, but soon, she leaped gently, whispering silently in somewhere in the weeds, flashing into it. stand up.

Ling Lan’s figure has just been concealed. At this time, I saw Ling Lan not far from the sky. After the two giant mechs struck in the air, they lost control.

They slammed into the jungle 200 meters away from Linglan, and the huge vibrations also brought a hurricane, instantly destroying the trees around where they fell, and finally hiding in Linglan. The difference is less than ten meters away.

Ling Lan seems to be prepared for this, is not affected at all, converges her breath, and lingers in the grass. At the moment of hiding, Ling Lan entered the state of hunting, and his heart was as quiet as ice, perfectly blending himself with the whole environment. Even if the No. 1 instructor of the study space came, it was difficult to find Ling Lan's hidden point before Ling Lan did not move.

Perhaps the two mechs were crashed, and they couldn't control them to stand up again. Almost at the same time, the armor's control cabin was opened. The two armored men also came out of the control cabin.

"Hey!" The crisp sound of the cold weapon proved that the two armored players had once again played in one instant.

At the same time, the two men were bounced back by the strength of the other party. After a few steps back, they stood firm with each other and held the short blades in their hands, facing each other. Waiting for the next opportunity.

The distance between the two is about ten meters. The armor wearing the blue and white two-color battle suit is federal, because Ling Lan saw the symbol of his chest, a large golden five-pointed star. On the other side is the Japanese Imperial Warrior wearing a black battle suit. Like the color of the armor, the overall black ink, the only eye-catching is the blood red red day of the chest.

The armor's battle suit is a jumpsuit with a fully enclosed helmet on the head. This set of battle suits is definitely the best armor in the world. The ordinary blade is no way to pierce it. Of course, the short blade of the armored equipment is a special kind of metal. Although it can't directly pierce the battle suit, if it is stabbed three times in the same place, it can pierce the battle suit and give the other party damage.

The two men squatted for a few seconds, then the figure flashed and moved almost simultaneously.

Hey! Hey! Hey! ... For more than a dozen consecutive short-term encounters, the two fights are equal, but the repeated attacks have also caused the two men's physical strength to be consumed sharply. Soon the atmosphere of the two began to be unstable.

They had manipulated the mechs in the air for a long time. It consumes too much physical strength from each other. When I fell to the ground, I did a death fight that was not your death. It was the death and fighting of my death. No matter the spirit or physical strength, it was the end of the mountain. Just see who took the breath first.

Waiting for Ling Lan has quietly and silently buckled the roots of a branch with only the length of his fingers into the fingers, and calmly waited for the two to attack again.

Finally, the two men raised their sharp edges at the same time. Once again, rushing to the other side...

good chance!

Ling Lan's heart moved, his wrist jerked, and the branches between his fingers flew directly into the Japanese Imperial Warrior.

Ling Lan certainly knows that with the branches in her hands, of course, she can't pierce the other's battle suits. Therefore, her goal is the only weakness of the battle suit - the neck!

Although it seems that the armor is covered by the battle suit, in fact, sometimes a certain angle will reveal such an unobstructed space, such as a certain movement of the armor, the helmet and the battle below. There will be almost invisible gaps in the service...

And Ling Lan, who was kneeling in the grass, looked up from the bottom and saw this small gap. During this time Ling Lan’s cold-eyed view was to find the possibility of this kill, and Ling Lan’s patience made her finally wait for this opportunity.

The tiny branches came quietly, and suddenly, or the Japanese empire’s mechs did not expect a cold hunter to exist here, so his full attention was on the opposite side of the federal machine. On the body, there is no defense against foreign murder.

He only felt a pain in the head and neck, and the hand that originally wanted to block the other's short blade actually won a meal.

Just like this, he missed the best opportunity to intercept and saw that his chest had been stabbed by the other side's short blade. He was shocked and wanted to retire quickly, but even more terrible things happened. He could not control his body.

Just blinking time, he looked at the other side in his chest and hit it three times. He saw the short blade stabbing his chest and saw his blood darting out from his chest...

What the **** does this happen? Obviously their strength is quite Who can't help who... Why does he not control his body at the last minute?

The armor of the Japanese empire was unbelievable with a look. He did not want to understand how he died, and he became a fool.

Of course, for this reason, it is strange that the Linglan attack is too silent and too strange. Because the branches were small, they shot into the head and neck of the other side, and the wound there only had a small amount of blood beads. Therefore, the armor of the Japanese Empire did not find that it was being concealed.


Thanks for the support of Falling, 谶墨〓van, and shelly7212!

Thank you for the double-corian, the ink scent of 谶墨〓van, and the safety of Sichengcheng.

Thank you for your long comment on the snow, orange, although I have read it twice, I still don't understand it... wipe the waterfall on the forehead!

I’m going to have a hundred pinks soon, and I’m also happy when I am happy. Plus, okay, please allow me to be lazy again, this is the case today, continue to cheer tomorrow! ()

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