Chapter 143: Mech Warfare Open!

Major General Ling Xiao died in the conspiracy design of the Sundial Empire. It was the hate of all their mechs. They also wanted to go to the battlefield of the Japanese invaders to revenge, but they were soldiers, they had to follow the arrangement of the military, they came to this mystery. The land has been reclaimed, but the hatred in the heart has not disappeared. Now, the murderer who suddenly saw hatred appeared in front of them, and almost all the mechs broke.

Everyone present knows that this is a deadly battle, a war of life and death!

The artillery fire in the hands of the Federal Mechs was no need to command, madly poured out, a big battle officially opened, the sky, the gunfire rang, the Japanese empire's mech certainly refused to accept this life, even if it could not control the armor for a while Dodge the gunfire, and at the last moment, the gun will be fired and counterattacked.

The entire battlefield is filled with smoke. Every round of attack, there are many mechs that have been destroyed and fallen. There are federal ones, and more are the mechs of the Japanese Empire.

Those mechs with heavy smoke and the burning flame directly fell from the sky and slammed on the ground. Even Linglan, which is far from the center of the war, felt the violent vibration on the ground, and some stood. Not stable.

The crashed mechs had a second or even third explosion on the ground. The debris crashed and the Martian fired. The powerful blasting force broke the surrounding trees and even uprooted them. Many trees were ignited by the sparks of Mars and soon burned...

The original virgin forest was caught in a smog of smoke under the infighting of war. The beasts inside seemed to feel a huge crisis and began to collectively riot.

The falling sundial armor is getting closer to the federal armored forces that are attacking in midair. At this time, a new order was issued again in the camp's command tower: "Now order, flight armor team, all dispatched!"

This order also proves that this battle has entered the most intense short-term match. To dominate the battle, it depends entirely on which country's mechs are stronger.

This world was originally a world dominated by the strong, only stronger than the other, you have the power to continue to survive.

The federal mechs who received this order flew their own mechs to the imperial mechs that were about to come. They saw the midair of the planet, and the blue and white mechs and the black mechs blended together. Catching and killing.

The top commander in the camp looked at the starship hovering in outer space in front of the screen, and a anger in his heart, he took the microphone in his hand to the ground. It was instantly split.

He said angrily: "Damn, if not because these guys are there, how can I let these hateful mechs land so easily on the ground... oh, now I can only rely on the mechs team to regret it."

The technical soldiers who controlled the microphones quietly wiped the cold sweat from the forehead, and secretly thanked themselves for their quick response. They shut down all the functions of the microphone before the commander smashed the ground, and did not let the comrades' ears suffer severe damage and lost their fighting power.

It turned out that the secret secret base camp of the planet was equipped with anti-aircraft fire, but because of the threat of the star ship outside the sky, the top commander did not dare to counterattack. This undoubtedly made him very wrong, but also the reason for his anger.

The commander can almost certainly determine that these mechs of the Sundial Empire are likely to be the bait used by the other to lure them into launching anti-aircraft fire. After knowing that the other party is the Japanese empire, the commander knew that even if the other party got the starry coordinates of the planet, they did not get the detailed address of their secret base camp.

If they know the address of their base camp, the other party will never let the mech landing down the sneak attack. It will definitely be a round of starship artillery fire, and they will directly direct their command post. In this way, the federal soldiers who did not command must not organize what effectively resists. They can easily occupy the planet with ease.

If he did not find the other star ship. It is very likely that the camp will be ordered to launch anti-aircraft fire. He seems to have seen the end result, and the stars of the Japanese Empire have taken this opportunity to seize their hiding place. All the starship gunfire was poured over, completely destroyed here, leaving them dead.

The commander thought of it. There was some faint fear in my heart, but fortunately, the last radar gave force, and searched out the hidden starship motherships, and let him instantly understand the other party’s sinister intentions, without making the wrong order.

The commander converges on his mood and turns to ask the staff chief around him: "When will the rescue force arrive?" Although he saw the sinister intentions of the other party, the situation is still not very optimistic.

"The fleet closest to us, in the area of ​​the Miesley Corridor, even if it comes at the fastest speed, it is estimated that it will take ten hours." The Chief of Staff quickly reported.

“Do you support ten hours?” The top commander frowned and wondered if the current armored team could support the ten hours.

"The head, there is still a bad news to tell you..." When the Chief of Staff received the latest news from other staff members, his face became unsatisfactory. "There was news from the military, there is a sundial in the Venus area." The fleet of the empire is stranded."

The top commander quickly clicked on the star map on the screen, comparing the distance between the two places, could not help but sighed md! Because the distance between the Miesley Corridor and the Venus area is almost the same, that is to say, after ten hours, the other party can also get support from the country.

"You will immediately contact the military and let them send more fleets. No matter how late, we will support it!" After the supreme commander finished this sentence, he turned away from the command tower and asked the staff to arrange these orders. Growing up: "Head, where are you going?"

"Where to go? Fight, do you want me to be stupid here? My soldiers are fighting heroically." The commander glared at him and did not wait for the chief of staff to dissuade him. He walked into the lifting platform of the command tower. Go to the ground.

He flexibly boarded his own armor, and when he opened it, he controlled the battlefield where the mech flew into the air. Behind him, his Guards of the Guards also quickly followed up... The heads of protection were on the battlefield, and of course they could not stay behind.

"Cough, this guy, too irresponsible!" The chief of staff looked at the commander who rushed to the battlefield and muttered dissatisfiedly. However, he can only protest with his mouth. In the face of the commander of the super-fighting madness, he can only accept the bad luck and handle the follow-up work for him.

"Gossip! The other party did not launch anti-aircraft missiles, but chose direct melee combat. Do they have such confidence in their mechs? What do you say?" In outer space, the commanders on the mothership saw them. The plan was lost again. The original perfect tactics, but now none of them happened, which made him very depressed and angry.

"Sir, please rest assured, this time the air strikes of the aircraft, one of them is the ace of our empire, as long as they successfully landed on the ground, the opponent's mech is definitely not their opponent." Speaking, giving the commander maximum confidence, "They will be able to complete the decapitation!"

There are many kinds of plans, and they also think of various disadvantages. As long as the ace's mech column is successfully landed, they will perform the dagger action, directly find out the other command post to destroy it, so that the other party can't get the command, and the organization can't afford anything. Effective resistance.

"呦西! I hope they don't lose face to our big empire." The commander once again had the feeling of mastery.

On the planet, only a lot of gunfire roars were heard at the moment. The temporary strongholds also sounded a unified air defense siren. Some of the duty soldiers were commanding non-combatants to escape from the nearest air defense. Of course, the most important thing was to help those who were frightened in the stronghold. Scouts are born.

"Bastard, don't run around, hurry back!" The duty soldiers on the base were collecting the Scouts who were hiding in the stronghold. When he saw Ling Lan looking around at the entrance of the stronghold, he suddenly shouted anxiously.

Suddenly, I dropped a shell that didn’t know where to fly. The soldier rushed to the front... He only felt that the body was being pulled, and he changed his direction and rolled to the other side. He directly fell to the camp and dug it out. In the sewer.

"Hey!" The shells exploded on the other side, but they fell into the sewers, and they were unharmed. The soldier raised his head in horror and saw a small figure in front of him.

"Big Brother, thank you for saving me." The handsome little is too serious, but still sees his gratitude from his eyes.

Although the soldiers felt that they were naturally changing direction in midair, the two were indeed saved because of this. He could only confuse and touch: "Nothing is fine! Nothing is fine!"

Then I thought of what the road said: "Why didn't you go to the air defense center?" The camp first informed the Scouts of the coordinates of all the air defense sites, let them choose the nearest air defense shelter, in order to fear that the Scouts were scared by this cruel battle scene. Bad, so the ground duty team was sent to collect, which is why he appeared in the stronghold.

"I am going, but I am looking for directions and determining the coordinates." Ling Lan said a very normal reason, in the face of an emergency ~ ~ easily lost direction in the panic.

The soldiers have seen n of the scouts in this situation, so they pointed to one direction: "You go in this direction, and then look at the coordinate data on the contact, you can completely find the air defense."

"Thank you big brother, then I will go first!" Ling Lan gratefully greeted him with a scouting ceremony, then jumped into the sewer and quickly disappeared.

The soldier pulled his helmet and carefully leaned forward, and he had to continue to pick up the next place. After so cautiously sneaking for dozens of meters, he suddenly found that the other person’s skill was even more sensitive than him...


Thanks to Si Chengcheng (multiple times), Tiangong South, leisurely flying, and Resident Snow to support!

Thank you, Bao Ma Baoer, Indigo, ladybugzzzz, 谶墨〓van, Tiangongnan, 130102062450290, Snowflake 1314, Blue, pink support!

It feels like it’s going to be over 100 pink, and it’s even more in front of me... I have to step up the code. ()

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