Chapter 145: Controlling Aurora!

The Federal Mechs saw that the other party had completely died, and this gave a sigh of relief and the whole person relaxed. Similarly, he did not find any abnormalities, but secretly thanked the other party for the tone earlier than him, so he survived instead of the other.

Ling Lan, who is hiding on the side, is thinking about whether or not to come forward to contact with the other party. When she gets the latest battle situation, she suddenly feels a guilty heart. She didn't even think about it. Her arms were forced to support, and the whole person quickly flew out.

At this moment, a terrible light source rushed down from the air, accompanied by a panic call, violently blasting in the air: "Hide..."

A sundial mech in the air found the federal armor who survived on the ground, decisively raised the gun in his hand, and a powerful light source gun poured out and directed straight below. Not far from him, another federal mech just found out the other's movements, and the exclamation sounded like a gun to stop, but it was already late.

The Federal Mechs, who was standing there to rest, had no chance of reaction, and was swallowed up by the huge light source energy...

A loud bang, the whole ground exploded, and a deep pit about 20 meters appeared there. At this time, the entire federal armor disappeared without a trace, no trace, only The dark red soil contaminated with blood water proves that there was a life in that place.

"Bastard! I want to kill you!" The sorrowful voice of the Federal Mechs was ringing again, and there were countless guns and roars.

In midair, another pair of federal and Japanese empire's mechs were on, but I don't know who will really survive in the end.

Ling Lan is less than ten meters away from the deep pit. At this moment, he was kneeling on the ground with a cold sweat, and he did not dare to move. Fortunately, she felt the danger, so she made a dodge one step earlier. Otherwise, the blow, if she still hides in place. It will definitely be the same as the federal mechs.

Even so, she was hit by a broken tree that was pulled out when the gunfire was blown up, causing her to suffer a little internal injury. Ling Lan is very clear, in this mech battle. The thin one can't resist at all. She can escape once and it is already very lucky.

"Boss, the mech that the two people just discarded may be used." Xiaosi is also very nervous at this time. Ling Lan is trapped on the battlefield. It is too dangerous. He must have an armor. The enemy has a chance to fight, and the fourth is looking for a long time. It was found that the mech that fell at the beginning seemed more complete. There seems to be hope for a use.

"Let's wait. Let the two mechs above leave and say." Ling Lan took care of himself and secretly gave himself a cure, while appeasing the small four.

The two mechs that fell on the ground had been razed to the ground. There is no half obscuration. If she goes out like this, she will definitely be discovered by the two mechs that are fighting in the sky. Ling Lan definitely did not want to be hit by the sudden artillery fire like the federal armor. Finally, thoroughly worship the world without leaving any traces.

Xiaosi knew that Linglan was right, but he did not say anything, but he once again had the idea of ​​wanting a mech, so that he could control the light brain of the armor to help his boss.

Ling Lan's internal injuries are not very heavy, but if he is not cured, there will be some troubles. Especially in this dangerous place, the injury represents a reduction in combat effectiveness. Therefore, it is imperative that his internal injuries must be cured.

So Ling Lan gave the safety around him to Xiaosi, and he was relieved to recuperate. Soon Linglan forgot the surrounding environment and entered a deep level of luck and healing...

When Ling Lan blinked again, he felt that his body was relaxed. He had a rush to make the muscles feel a little sleepy. Ling Lan knew that this deep-level luck and healing made her whole person's spirits recover. The best apex.

Ling Lan was in a good mood. She looked up and looked up at the air. She found that there was nothing left, and there was no two mechs before the healing. Frowning slightly, Ling Lan asked: "Small four, why don't you remind me?" I don't know how much time she was wasting. She knew that the two mechs had gone, she should wake up early.

Xiao 4 doesn't think he is wrong. He has a good word: "Only if everything is fine, we can find Qilong more efficiently."

Ling Lan was said to be dumb by Xiao Si. After all, the fourth is for her good. If her injury is not cured, she will support people. If there is danger, the key chain will be lost. responsibility.

Ling Lan simply dropped the problem and carefully lurked toward the two falling mechs, not forgetting to ask: "When did the two mechs leave?"

"Well? Didn't leave..." I didn't realize it between the little ones.

"Where are they?" Ling Lan was scared by Xiao Si’s words and did not dare to move directly on the ground. Is it hiding in a corner? Why didn’t this kid tell her earlier?

"Hey, lying down a kilometer away." The words of Xiaosi let Ling Lan's high hanging heart settle down in an instant.

Not only that, Xiaosi also pulled the picture one kilometer away directly into Linglan’s eyes. Linglan discovered that the two mechs were the same. In addition to the kilometer, there was also a deep pit, two The mezzanine was tightly wrapped together and fell together. At the same time, the lightsabers in the hands of the two mechs stabbed each other's control cabin. From the rich blood flowing out of the control cabin, they knew that the mechs inside had almost no chance of surviving.

"Small four, monitoring around, including the top." Ling Lan gave a heavy sigh and sighed again, then told again. Almost every minute on the battlefield has a life end, Ling Lan does not want to be the next one, so she must master the situation around, can not give a sneak attack to the enemy hiding in the corner.

Under the supervision of the small four, Ling Lan safely came to the destination. Xiaosi quickly checked the two mechs and found that he could repair them. Ling Lan thought about it and decided to control the federal armor, although she also wanted to use this Japanese armor to attack the Japanese empire's mech, but thought of the chaos on the battlefield, killing each other, if it was the federal When she was killed by mistake, she was too embarrassed.

Ling Lan quickly climbed into the control cabin. The first time, the fourth time, he accepted the control of the light brain. The first thing was to shut down the armor of the mech, and even opened the mech.

The screen of the mech suddenly became brighter, and then there were countless combinations of o and 1 that continually emerged from below and finally filled the entire screen...

"Boss, please be patient, etc. I am upgrading my brain and repairing some damaged drivers." The voice of Xiao Si suddenly came from the sound system of the mech.

Ling Lan waited for about three minutes, and finally the countless o and 1 disappeared in the screen, and finally concentrated into two Chinese characters: Aurora!

Soon the word Aurora slowly disappeared on the screen. At the same time, the screen was bright, Ling Lan felt that her original sense of closure was gone, she saw the endless sky blue, and how many did not know where to float. Black smoke.

"This mech belongs to the Aurora series in the advanced mech." Ling Lan saw the Aurora word and knew what level he was handling. Unexpectedly, she first controlled the real mech, crossed the basic mech, low-level mech, intermediate mech, directly to the high-level mech, I am afraid that other children can not think about things. "Sure enough, everything is possible on the battlefield!"

"Aurora series, the advantage is speed, and long-range attacks. Relatively speaking, the ability of melee attack is a little worse." Xiaosi regrets that, regardless of the body or mech control, Ling Lan is more than a long-range attack. Strong.

"Small four, mech has no so-called advantages and disadvantages, it is strong and weak to see the controller's ability." Ling Lan mouth reveals a smile, even the worst mech, in close combat, she has This confidence can play very well.

"Also, I found the tutorial video of Aurora control. Do you want to see the boss?" After all, this is advanced control, and some controls are somewhat different from the basic controls.

"Okay, fast forward is fine." Ling Lan has seen the control buttons, most of which are similar to the basic mech control buttons, only a few are newly added, and Ling Lan wants to see this part.

Soon Ling Lan learned about the newly added things, but it was nothing unusual. Basically, it was the launch button of some cannon fodder weapons. Ling Lan originally didn't use these very much, and Ling Lan's heart was even more bottomed.

"Unfortunately, in addition to the two small oscillating blades and the lightsaber, there is no good close-fighting weapon in this mech." The small four are very ignorant of the blunt blade and the lightsaber. Features.

"Enough I used it." Ling Lan sensitively manipulated the mech to hold the lightsaber with his left hand. The length and the function of the thorns are very triangular, and Ling Lan is very satisfied.

"Small four, immediately check the number of remaining gunfire and energy." Ling Lan is not a blind impulsive person, she wants everything to do every time she does something.

"Head: There are only two left to the empty bullet. Left arm: Light shield energy is sufficient, can maintain two hours of continuous combat, light sword energy is not enough ~ ~ can only support about forty minutes. Right Arm: 57mm high-energy beam rifle, can send 18 light bombs in succession. In addition, two rockets embedded in the chest are not used yet. The other energy block, the main energy block has 20% energy, and the two auxiliary energy blocks are not used yet. "Small four one one will report the situation of the mech to Ling Lan.

"How long can I support if I fly? If I fight with full strength, how long can I support it?" Ling Lan asked the younger ones about several possible situations.

"Single flight, no problem within ten hours, if you fight full force, horsepower is fully open, 30 minutes should be able to support!" Xiaosi decisively replied.

"Know it." Ling Lan had a bottom in his heart, and he quickly controlled the low-altitude flight of the mech, and quickly approached Qilong. Ling Lan did not choose to fly faster, but did not want to be caught by the enemy in the air and was stared...


I am going to add more 100 pinks, and I am now coding. I hope I can support my sleepiness... but I don’t want to wait, I will probably delay the day to tomorrow to add a chapter...

Ok, I am not very confident about my ability to resist drowsiness. It is likely that I am half asleep... ()

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