Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1412: he is very good!

1412: He, very good!

Li Yuyu thought more, his body began to tremble violently, and the sentence in front of his brother echoed in his ear: Just because you are my brother, I am barely tolerant of your stupidity, otherwise, will you live so moist? Li Yingjie’s stupidity has never been so comfortable.

Is it possible for him to be so moist and choose the major he wants to learn because his brother and Li have had an agreement and made a sacrifice?

For example, when necessary, for the Li family to become a beauty to send a strong bed.

Li Yuyu tightened the sleeves in his hands and painfully said: "Brother, I can leave Li, is it what you promised in front of Grandpa?"

Li Lanfeng looked stunned and turned to look elsewhere. The speed of speech was extremely fast: "No."

"Brother, you lied to me." Li Yuyu said with anger and anger, "Why don't you tell me the truth, am I not strong enough?"

Li Lanfeng looked back at Li Yuyu, his eyes were a little flickering, and the eyebrows inadvertently revealed a hint of helplessness: "The past things, mentioning it, you will be happy."

Sure enough!

Li Yuyu realized that his freedom was built on the sacrifice of his brother. If it was not the meaning of Li, how could his brother be willing to become such a character, clearly that he is already the most trusted person of the boss, the most effective military division, returning The Federation, with the ability of Li Lanfeng, can also take a real military position. Li’s strength is a bit easier. Being an independent military deputy is a breeze. Even if he enters the Fourth Army, he can be alone.

But now it seems that Li is not satisfied with this, they want more, and even want to control the Fourth Army as fast as possible.

The only thing that can enable them to achieve this goal is to work closely with the boss and give her enough time to be unconstrained with the current handwriting of the boss. That is the power of the king of disorder, and it is the kind of kingdom that comes to the world.

At that time, the Li family, who had established a close relationship with the boss, could definitely step into the sky in the federal military.

Li Yuyu did not forget that in addition to disorder, the boss also took control of the two major forces of the Federation. One was the 23rd Army of the 23 official legions of the Federation, and the other was the only All-A-Jet Corps of the Federation. Fighting power is definitely the strongest Ling Tianjun in the Federation.

The two great armies, no matter which one they take out, are enough to influence the decision-making tendency of the federal military. With the identity of the king of disorder, the boss can help with the help of the boss. Fourth Army.

So how can Li Jia be sure that the boss will definitely help? As long as the Li family wants to push the upper elder brother, in order to please the lover, can the boss not shoot?

Sure enough, Li’s hand was a good calculation. However, how can they ignore their brother's dignity and let him do this humiliating role, even if he can sit on the throne of the Fourth Army, how can this stain be washed?

Li Yuyu is distressed by her brother Li Lanfeng. She even understands why Li Lanfeng has always said that Li is a selfish, only family of calculations, because his brother grew up in this calculation and even was hurt... and he was because of his brother’s Sacrifice, I was well protected, doing what I like to do, and I don’t know the calculations behind it.

What is even more frightening is that he almost missed his hate. If he didn't find this, he would have an extra one on his list of hurting his brother.

He is such a stupid younger brother, how can he not see what his brother is doing for him in the back.

Li Yuyu felt that his heart was hurting. He even knew that Mu Zhimu had always been so beautiful. He thought that Grandpa really loves his brother and him, and he is willing to give them a chance...

"Brother, sorry, sorry, sorry." Li Yuyu lowered his head and desperately said sorry, only then, his heart would be better.

"I'm sorry, how do you talk about it, just do what you and I want, I don't owe you, you don't owe me." Li Lanfeng cloud lightly.

"Yes..." Li Yuyu still wants to say something. Li Lanfeng quickly interrupted. "I have no retreat, but you have."

"Ah?" Li Yuyu looked awkward. He didn't know what Li Lanfeng meant.

"Don't be fooled into thinking that you are blinding your true heart. I don't have time. Luo Chao Han Zengya, their endings can be good, but they have to look at you." Li Lanfeng looked dignified, and the eyebrows also vaguely took a trace.

"Li Jia." Li Yuyu understood, as the boss gradually into the good situation, Li family must be anxious, then his brother is eager to explain can also explain.

"You think about it, I can only drag it for another three days." Li Lanfeng gave the deadline. He also knew that Li Yuyu wanted to understand it all at once. It was indeed difficult for him. In particular, Li Yuyu thought that he was only a brother and sister. Li Lanfeng knew too. Li Yuyu, once it is determined, it is impossible to change the mind unless there is a subversive event.

"Good." Li Yuyu nodded seriously, and the fingers that had pinched Li Lanfeng's sleeves slowly loosened.

The reality does not allow him to not want this thing. For his brother, for Luo Chao Han Zengya, he must understand his feelings. He does not want any one of the three to be hurt.

Li Lanfeng patted his shoulder and just wanted to turn and leave.

What Li Xiaoyu suddenly thought of, once again caught Li Lanfeng's sleeves.

"This time, what do you want to say?" Li Lanfeng turned back and looked helpless, but with a hint of favor.

Li Yuyu bowed his head and struggled for a moment. Then he looked up and asked seriously: "Brother, boss, is it true feelings?"

He is reluctant to hurt his brother. If the boss does not, he also hopes that his brother does not.

Li Lanfeng's mouth is slightly tilted, with a hint of warmth, this is where they chat, my brother's first smile with a temperature, this smile may not have the smile of the past. but like a warm current, straight into In the heart of Li Yuyu's heart, it seems that his originally anxious heart has gradually stabilized.

"He, very good, I am also very good." Li Lanfeng smiled and answered seven words. These seven words represent his feelings, the feelings of the boss, and their feelings.

"That's good, then it's good..." Li Yuyu didn't know if he wanted to be happy or sad. In the middle of the sound, he let go of his hand and watched his brother's figure disappear into his eyes.

He stood there all the time, and it took a long time to smile. Even if the two sides are happy, the world would have discriminated against the same-sex love. Is this relationship between his brother and the boss really good? Li Yuyu could not be sure, and eventually it could only be turned into a sigh.

However, his concern for Li Lanfeng and his boss was only a moment, because he still had more confusion about his feelings.

Is his relationship with Luo Chao exactly what his brother said, or is he like his brother and sister? Li Yuyu did not dare to think about it before, but now, reality forces him to not think about it...

Li Lanfeng, who appeared in front of the Linglan Palace, had a slight tilt in her mouth, showing a mocking smile.

Sure enough, a stupid brother!

:. :

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