Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1411: forced?

1411: Forcing?

"Brother, what do you mean by this?" Li Yuyu was extremely sensitive to Luo Chao's affairs. He was shocked when he heard Li Lanfeng's words.

"Our Li family, for things they like, has always been exclusive." Li Lanfeng smiled and smiled at Li Yuyu.

Li Yuyu’s face changed greatly: “You want to start with Luo Chao?”

"If you are willing to admit your heart, perhaps, I will be merciful." Li Lanfeng smiled slightly. "Of course, if you don't care, I don't care."

"Brother, you can't do this. Luo Chao Han Zengya is our sister, the fiancee of the boss. If you do this, you will provoke the boss." Li Yuyu grabbed Li Lanfeng's hand and was pleading.

Li Lanfeng reached out and touched Li Yuyu's head. The corner of her mouth slightly pulled out a faint smile. This smile grew bigger and bigger, and eventually all bloomed on his beautiful face, making the whole room suddenly bright.

A smile! Smile again!

Li Yuyu, who had resistance, couldn’t help but pick up this smile, but he quickly woke up, not so fast because he was determined, but Li Lanfeng’s eyes were not warm. It is the infinite coldness, that is, this cold meaning, will wake up Li Yuyu directly.

Li Yuyu’s uncontrollable cable is shaking. I don’t know if it’s Li Lanfeng’s eyes, or Luo Chao’s Han Zengya, who doesn’t know anything.

"Yu Yu, with my relationship with the boss, do you think he will be angry?" Li Lanfeng laughed.

"Yes, yes, Keluo Chao continued to be the fiancee of the boss on the bright face..." Li Yuyu can only seize this life-saving straw, repeatedly stressing the status of Luo Chao Han Zunya.

"Look, you know yourself, they are just on the face..." Li Lanfeng patted Li Yuyu's face gently, with a bit of scorn and ridicule. "And I am the boss, but it is a fact."

Li Yuyu’s face was pale, and his mouth was open, but he could not refute it.

"I feel bad about your Luo Chao sister, huh, huh!" Li Lanfeng sneered twice, slowly approaching Li Yuyu's ear, gently said, "I will feel bad afterwards."

Li Lanfeng wanted to turn around and leave, but found that his sleeve was firmly grasped by Li Yuyu, although Li Yuyu's face was very embarrassing, and with a trace of fear, but the finger that grabbed his sleeve, but extremely strong and firm.

Li Lanfeng turned to look at Li Yuyu: "Why, do you still have something to say?"

"Brother!" Li Yuyu said this is extremely painful. "How do you want to let Luo Chao, and continue to sister?"

"Who do you want me to let go?" Li Lanfeng raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Is it Luo Chao, or is it continuation?"

"They are all sisters..." Li Yuyu pleaded, but the tone seemed a little weak.

"For me, it is not. They are opponents and enemies." Li Lanfeng is extremely self-sufficient. The only person who cares is Ling Lan, and perhaps Li Yuyu has a little bit of truth in his eyes. It is also that Li Yuyu is really sincere to him. In the absence of a second heart, it is a special gift, but it is limited to this.

Li Lanfeng knows that Ling Lan is a person he will never give up. He is willing to give up and not give up.

For other people, Li Lanfeng is not sure whether he will make a decision to sacrifice when he needs it. This is the difference. Even the younger brother who has a few true heart, and Zhao Jun, the buddy who has grown up and struggled on the bright side, can be cold-blooded, so the Luoyang Han Zengya, who is farther away, is even less important to him. It is.

Since he got some responses after he took the shot, Li Lanfeng, who tasted the benefits and had almost the same metamorphosis, how could he let the two unsightly fiancee lash his heart? Of course, the accounting plan has come out and started to clean up. As for whether or not they will hurt the two people, what is the relationship with him?

"Brother!" Li Yuyu shouted in pain.

"You can let go." Li Lanfeng raised his right hand and signaled Li Yuyu to let go.

"Brother, let them go, I beg you." Li Yuyu knows his brother's means, the ghosts of the military, but not only in strategy, the entire Lingtian, which offended his brother, have a good end? What is even more frightening is that those who were counted by his brother did not know who the person was, and even more stupid to find his brother to find a way out of the predicament, and then he was counted by his brother.

Li Yuyu suddenly thought that when he did these things, his brother never concealed him in front of him. He seemed to consciously remind him of what kind of person he was. In this way, my brother is very powerful, and the terrible impression is so deep in his heart that he is completely panicked when he knows that his brother is going to deal with Luo Chao Han Zunya.

"Brother, from that time, you are calculating me in the layout." Li Yuyu painfully said, he could not think of I would rather give up my mechmaster dream, but also become a military doctor to treat, he single-mindedly wants For his good brother, he never really treated him. From small to large, those sacrifices have become a joke.

"Now, you are still so stupid, I don't know how to say you, my brother." Li Lanfeng smiled and laughed. "If I didn't find that you have different thoughts about Luochao, I don't need to do it." These ones……"

Li Lanfeng extended his active left hand, and the index finger gently clicked on Li Yuyu's forehead. "Because you are my brother, I am barely tolerant of your stupidity. Otherwise, will you live so moist? Li Yingjie's idiot, never so Comfortable."

"Then I want to thank you, my brother." Li Yuyu looked excited.

"If you don't want to recognize me, it's just casual. Li family didn't have the so-called family relationship, especially the first heir that I cultivated since childhood. Oh, it's just a joke." Li Lanfeng looks very indifferent, but Li Yuyu still finds The self-disgust and contempt that flashed quickly between his eyebrows.

Li Yuyu was shocked in his heart. He was originally a smart person. Otherwise, he would not transfer to the top of the profession after he transferred to the military doctor. He thought of the social flower that was pushed outside by Li, attracting butterflies and laughing. Li Yinfei.

I want to know that Li Yinfei’s face is his own brother. How disgusting Li’s family is, the decision to make his brother’s face a playful face is made. Anyone watching and teasing and talking about it, while scorning Li Yinfei, is also scorning. His brother.

Is it that the elder brother is on this road, is Li’s forced?

How stupid he was, he thought that Li Jia would send his heart to his brother and him, especially his brother who had the face of the country.

PS: The second is more before 2 o'clock, Mo, etc., look early tomorrow, what?

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