Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1413: Who do you like?

1413: Who do you like?

Li Lanfeng quickly converges on her expression, and the original ridicule and laughter turns into a warm smile, and the face of the human and animal harmlessly walks into Linglan's palace.

Ling Lan was busy, feeling the movement, then stopped and looked up and said: "Lan Feng, you are here."

"Yeah." Li Lanfeng smiled and said, and went to Linglan's desk and reached out to sort out the various documents that had been messed up.

"How is the situation?" Ling Lan simply did not do it, leaning against the back of the chair, asked lazy.

"Nothing big." Li Lanfeng's hand to clean up the file paused. He took care of it for two seconds before he slowly said. "It’s just that my teenager has grown up and knows how to think."

"Si Chun?" Ling Lan suddenly, she could not think of this answer from Li Lanfeng's mouth.

Li Yiyu, who is thinking about drilling in a drug test, would like a person?

Ling Lan always thought that Li Tianyu, who is dedicated to the drug industry in Ling Tianzhong's partner, is the least likely to be tempted... What's more, he regards this fox enchanting as an example, and his mind is good for his brother. The kind of lungs.

Ling Lan, who looked in his eyes, sometimes felt that Li Lanfeng couldn’t hold his brother, and the pay and harvest were really inconsistent.

"Who does he like?" Ling Lan was curious.

She suddenly found that the little friends around me grew up unconsciously, and began to think about it one by one.

Li Lanfeng is like this, his brother Li Yuyu is also the same, do not know whether Qilong are also in this period?

Ling Lan touched his chin and felt that it was time for him to consider the lifelong events of his friends.

Li Lanfeng glanced at Ling Lan and his mouth moved. It seemed that it was difficult to talk about it. In the end, he still did not answer, but just sighed.

Is this related to her? Ling Lan immediately understood the meaning of Li Lanfeng.

The girl who is related to her should be Luo Chao and Han Zunya...

Han Zengya has always been greatly embarrassed, and since childhood, she liked Qilong. Although she refused because of Qilong’s refusal, she put her mind on self-improvement and did not want to solve the meaning of lifelong events. Linglan believes that she will never like another in the short term. the man.

Besides, Li Yuyu and Han Zengya do not have anything special, far from the relationship with Luochao. Even if Ling Lan doesn't pay much attention to Luo Chao, they also know that when Luo Chao learned medical knowledge, Li Yuyu was extremely serious and responsible.

Although Luo Chao is part-time, he can be sure that his medical level is not much weaker than that of ordinary military doctors who graduated from professional medical disciplines, and may even be higher. However, Li Yuyu has spent a lot of effort on getting a half-way person to learn this.

Two exclusions, the answer is coming out, Ling Lan is different from the eyebrows: "Luo Chao?"

Li Lanfeng heard the words, suddenly revealed a bitter smile: "Sure enough, you can't be angry, I have already taught you Yu Yu, he should be awake." After that, it was a sigh.

"I'm not angry, but I didn't expect Yu Yu to like Luo Chao." Ling Lan unexpectedly calm, which made Li Lanfeng secretly frown, and for a moment did not know Ling Lan's real thoughts.

How does Li Lanfeng know that Ling Lan is a girl, and the two fiances on the bright face are just sisters.

In the eyes of Ling Lan, Luo Chao Han Zengya is outstanding, the most outstanding girl, some people like it is a natural and righteous, no one likes that is strange, but she did not expect this favorite person will be Li Yuyu.

“Yu Yu has been immersed in research experiments and has no chance to contact other girls. So she has to go there and find it, but she has already been fascinated.” Li Lanfeng temporarily left the confusion and absolutely implemented it according to the original plan. He turned to helplessness and looked at Ling Landao with apology. "Yu Yu's personality has always been simple, you have to blame him, let alone this kind of thing..."

Li Yuyu wants to stop and talk, and wants to cover the tunnel: "Maybe Luo Chao inadvertently gave Yu Yu what wrong information, so Yu Yu misunderstood."

Ling Lan heard a slight frown: "You said, Luo Chao..."

At ordinary times, Luo Chao never disclosed this information to her... Ling Lan was confused.

"It may also be Yu Yu's heart, misunderstanding." Li Lanfeng said, "However, this situation can not be ignored, I suggest, properly separate them, so as not to make a big mistake."

Blunder? Ling Lan brows tight again.

Li Lanfeng bowed his head and thought about it. He looked up and apologized: "It is during the war, and then it is even more constant. It is not allowed to distract us, or it should be resolved as soon as possible. However, in this case, we must grievance It is."

"What do you mean?" Ling Lan raised an eyebrow.

"Three days later, the cargo of the Garland was loaded and it was returned to the Federation to raise the next batch of materials. Luo Chao just followed the Jialan." Li Lanfeng said faintly, "just in case, Han Zengya walks."

Li Lanfeng was cut off on Han Zengya.

Ling Lan heard that his eyes were slightly stunned, and a cold intention spread out slightly on his body, and his eyes were cold and direct to Li Lanfeng.

Li Lanfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, but the surface was cloudless. It seems that he just put forward a normal suggestion, without any selfishness.

"Li Lanfeng, you are very selfish." Li Lanfeng is calm and calm. Just like he knows Ling Lan, Ling Lan also knows him incomparably. With a look, he understands what he is doing.

Li Lanfeng did not seem to hear the general, still calmly looked at Ling Lan.

"Li Yuyu is your younger brother, you want to keep him, I can understand, but Luo Chao and Han Zunya... But my fiancee and sister, I also hold in my hand." Ling Lan sneered.

This sentence makes Li Lanfeng's expression twitched He bite his teeth, and it is hard to bear the pain of this cone heart.

"Now, for your brother, you have to send my two sisters away... Li Lanfeng, do you think I will agree? Especially your brother made a mistake first." Ling Lan stood up, at this time she has become a woman. Parents, against the male momentum, intend to establish a lofty position for the female sister. ,

This sudden movement made Li Lanfeng, standing next to her, subconsciously receding, but met the table behind her.

"Isn't the punishment should be your brother?" Ling Lan held the table with one hand, and the whole person forced Li Lanfeng to stare at each other.

The two rely on very close, Ling Lan's breath of breath blows Li Lanfeng's hair, and because of Ling Lan's action, Li Lanfeng is sandwiched between Ling Lan and his desk, and there is a kind of body that is covered by Ling Lan. illusion.

Li Lanfeng opened his mouth, although he could keep his face calm, but his ears and the skin behind his ears were already red.

PS: The second will be in the middle of the night, wait for me to put down two baby and then code! I can only say that I only liberated for one day, and the two babies clashed home. Yesterday, now, sorrow has flowed into the river ing!

:. :

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