Chapter 138: Mysterious Planet!

Ling Lan took a standard Scouting ceremony, then turned and walked back, and said to those confused A class scouts: * The fighting is over, let's go back. ”

A class of Scouting students looked at each other and did not know that Ling Lan’s game was a loss. Although the Starship instructor said thank you, but the scene did not see it at all, and Ling Lan did not show excitement. Is this just a modesty, leaving a little face for their scouts?

"What are you thinking about? We are still far away. We have to work hard to go back." Ling Lan’s words made the class A suddenly feel awkward. It seems that the other party left them a face.

The classmates and the classmates gradually left the fighting room under the leadership of Linglan, and the instructors had to gather around the crew of the starship.

The crew members with certain strengths are suspicious. Until now, they can't believe that a child can have the strength of their own instructors. Of course, some crew members who are not strong enough are very convinced. In a condensation, they ask: "Instructor, why? Not good to teach each other, but also give him a face? He hurt our l15."

"Let's stay face? Yes, it's time to stay in the face, but he thanked him for staying in the face." The coach's face was very unsightly, sneer, "a group of idiots with no eyesight, all thanks to the day!" Oh, thank you for mentioning it repeatedly, my heart is not good.

The instructor's punishment allowed all the crew members present to waddle collectively, especially those crew members who did not say anything at all felt that they were very embarrassed. They only dared to use the eye knife to delay the idiots, but did not dare to say anything. Because they know the instructor very well, the other party is the one who says the best, who dares to ask for mercy and punish that it is doubled.

The crew members automatically entered the special lock-up room of the Starship and found that the instructors had followed closely. There was a crew member who said: "Instructors, without your supervision, we will go to the confinement room ourselves.

"I didn't supervise you, but I have to close the seven-day confinement." The instructor thanked him.

"Why?" the crew asked.

"If you have a mistake, you have to accept punishment. I thank you for the same." The instructor dropped this sentence and entered the confinement room, leaving the crew members to look at each other. I don't know what Xie Guan thanked.

After the instructors came out again, the face of the indifferent let all the girls understand that the strength of the instructor has increased. The force of the original sharpness has now converged, and it is almost impossible to check. If it is not shot, it is easy to ignore his existence.

Yes, after the instructor’s confinement for seven days, he finally reached the realm of perfection and entered the next level. It was a coincidence that there was no possibility of epiphany.

Lao Lian once asked the instructor how to break through this time. It is necessary to know that entering the micro level, every improvement must be coincidental. The instructor replied, this is because he and Ling Lan fight once, the opponent's imposing pressure makes him once again solidified down the realm once again felt the possibility of breakthrough, this is his opportunity, and he luckily seized.

The instructor did not say a word, that is, he suspected that the fight was Ling Lan deliberately fulfilled him. If this is the case, Ling Lan's strength is probably not only at the level of Qi Jin, the instructor does not dare to think again, so he can only hide this thought deeply in his heart.

However, no matter whether Ling Lan deliberately accidentally encountered it, this person is very grateful.

Because of this fighting game, the Starship familiarizes the Scouts and the crew, sometimes not convinced. Updates quickly, and each other will be a bit of a slap. If a party has passed, it will roll up the sleeves and ask for a fight. No one will object. In this way, the relationship between the two parties has become better and better. In addition to some special care, most of the crew are caring for the Scouts.

Qianlong often fights with the captain of the Golden Scale team. The fight is fierce every time. At the beginning, the crew and the Scouts cheered for their partners, but they gradually ignored them. Because the two fights are self-abuse goods, they never care about the problem of losing, they must be exhausted, and they will climb out of the fighting room after all the bruises.

The two sides gradually became accustomed to the self-torture of the two, and finally no one was interested in cheering for them.

However, the two people are self-abuse and self-abuse. The effect is thankful. Ling Lan clearly felt that Qianlong’s fighting is getting more and more into a micro-level, and the breakthrough is just in front of him.

And l13 this time with Qianlong fighting is not useless, compared to Qianlong is still looking for an opportunity to break through

He just entered the micro level, and he finally realized the level of entering the micro level, instead of the micro-level of the beginning of the fight with Qianlong. Ling Lan certainly knows that one person on the starship hates him very much, that is, even if he twists his wrist, it is 5. Ling Lan is a careful person, so I have been letting Xiaosi fully monitor the other side. I didn’t expect this to let Xiao 4 find out that 5 pairs of l13 are not so convinced. When I know that I have improved my strength, I will take the first step and envy. When the little eyes were discovered by no one, they revealed one or two. Although most of these eyes flashed past, they immediately recovered the harmless, smiling face, but what happened to the small four? All-round monitoring of 360-degree super-cheats without dead ends is that no one can escape his eyes. Unless it is a small four, I have neglected this person. When Xiaosi told Ling Lan his discovery, Ling Lan once again deeply lamented that the smoke that likes to laugh is not a good person, and a bad stomach is annoying. Since then, Ling Lan has not waited to see the kind of smile, everything is done, and the maiden girl, who gives people a feeling of being a good person, Ling Lan believes that such a person is absolutely determined, and now look carefully. In this way, after a week of fighting, l15, although all kinds of hatred in the heart, but seeing that they can not deal with Ling Lan, they have to be honest, did not do brain damage to harm them. This week, the starships have gone through several space jumps, and they have come to their destinations all the way. This is the original planet that was declared a wild star. After the last space jump, Ling Lan’s liaison on their hands lost their positioning function. According to the Starship’s notice, this space is a magnetically chaotic zone, so the positioning system on the liaison is affected. Lost function, but there are more advanced navigation systems on the starship, so don't worry that they are completely lost. Of course, Ling Lan knows that this is just a lie of the Starship, because Xiaosi told her that they have entered an unknown star field, which is never marked on the federal star map. "Sure enough, it is a secret stronghold. The planet we are going to is probably not as simple as we thought." Ling Lan secretly stunned. The starship flew into the atmosphere of the original planet, and Linglan tied the seat belt as early as the starship's notice. The star is now stunned and shaken for about a dozen or so, and finally stabilized. Ling Lan knows that they have successfully passed through the planet's gas layer and should be there soon. Sure enough, after waiting for a while, the Starship party informed them that they could pack the goods and get off the ship. Ling Lan and others carried their backpacks and took their luggage. When they got out of the hatch, they were shocked by the sights in front of them, because they found that they had a small town under their feet. The original starship was directly parked on a mountain peak in the center of the town. The federal government used a high-tech method to cut off the mountain and waist and cut it into a large platform of tens of thousands of squares, allowing the starship to dock. On the platform, there are a lot of soldiers in military uniforms who are commanding the scouts of the ship to line up, take the cable car on the mountain to go directly to the small town at the foot of the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, Ling Lan finally saw the face of the small town. The small town is very simple, the house girl, the style is very similar to the kind of military camp house that Linglan had before. The strangest thing is that the outermost circle is not a thick wall, but a very high railing. Is it because there is no danger? So is it just a meaning to get a ring of railings? There were also military soldiers at the foot of the mountain. They received Lingling’s 50 scouts from an empty camp. At this time, there was a sudden scream of screaming in the camp, and Ling Lan and others looked away. I saw a beast with an elephant big and rushed over to them. Ling Lan quickly unloaded the backpack and plunged into the pocket outside the backpack, holding the super-combined blade that she had already thanked. In the event of danger, she could directly kill the beast with a hand. And Qianlong, Wuyi. Update fast), Li Yingjie, Luo Lang, Ye Xu and other people responded only to Linglan first line ~ ~ almost at the same time made preparations for fighting, perhaps Ling Lan their calm response, Other Scouting students were slow to respond, and there was no panic. After a few seconds, the girls were ready to fight. I secretly observed that their military barracks were satisfied with the location: "The Scouting students who came this time are much better than last year, and the psychological quality is appreciated. Especially the few people who respond the fastest, no worse than the soldiers under our command." A gentleman like a thank you smiled and said: "Listen to Captain Fei Qiong, these scouts are very grateful, and some are even very enchanting." "Don't listen to the guy who said that he only has a bit of talent in his eyes."

They are all enchanting, and their eyes are a bit poor. The military camp chief sneered.

When a certain agent heard the boss say so, he smiled and said nothing. He actually felt that when Captain Fei Qiong said this, his eyes were different from the past. Some of them were not right. There was an envy and hate in it...

However, since the boss does not care about this topic, he can't say anything more, so as not to cause dissatisfaction with his superiors. Who told the boss that the captain of Feiqiong is not right?

At this time, in the Feiqiong, which has taken off, Laolian laughed a few times in the captain's room: "The time flies, Laozi does not tell you the bottom of these children, can you update." It depends on your luck." He is not interested in adding strength to the old rival's faction. Rs()

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