Chapter 137: Gas level?

However, in the end, Qi Long lost to l13, which is the captain of the Golden Scale team. However, Qi Long was not disappointed. As early as the beginning of fighting, he knew that even if he had the talent and the foundation of the fighting, he still couldn't compare with the experienced veterans.

The character of both of them is a hearty person. After a fight, the captain of the Golden Scale team is very fond of L13 alignment. He invites Qilong, the same time, as long as he is free, Qilong can always find him. Fight and learn together.

I have to say that the relationship between people is really very fate, Qilong and l13 are undoubtedly very fate, which makes Ling Lan very surprised.

Ling Lan knows that Qilong’s fighting technique has reached the first bottleneck period. There are two ways to break through. One is to wait for the opportunity and get the possibility of epiphany, so the bottleneck will naturally be solved, and the other way is to rely on it. I have experienced countless times of fighting, especially with some experienced fighting masters, looking for inspiration to seek breakthroughs in fighting again and again.

Of course, both methods require a certain chance, but the success rate of the latter is significantly higher than that of the former. Ling Lan certainly hopes that Qilong will take the second road to break through.

Unfortunately, among Linglan’s group of people, Ling Lan has the highest strength, but because he masters the lore, he is not suitable for this kind of struggle to find comprehension, while others have lower strength. Long, there is no way for Qilong to break out under the pressure of strong pressure.

In this regard, Ling Lan is very helpless, there is no good candidate around and can only let Qi Long stop in front of the bottleneck indefinitely. Waiting for the possibility of epiphany. As for the fighting instructors in the college, because there are too many students to teach, there is no time to guide Qi Long.

Of course, there is also a good choice, that is, Qilong's enlightenment mentor. Qilong is learning a lot. The more you can feel the power of the Enlightenment Instructor, but it is a pity that his enlightenment instructor has taught him for more than a year, and he will not see the end of his life. Only patiently waiting for them to take the initiative.

The bottleneck of Qi Long has only recently appeared, so his enlightenment mentor did not know that his students had come to his first bottleneck.

Ling Lan was in a good mood and did not expect an unexpected fight on the starship. Help Qilong solve this problem. The fighting level of l13 is obviously higher than that of Qilong. The most perfect thing is that his fighting style is very close to Qilong. The breakthrough bottleneck and fighting style are almost the same as the opponents.

At this time, Ling Lan, who is in a good mood, has less grievances about l15. My heart decides that if the other party does not provoke her, she will never take the initiative to deal with her.

When everyone thought that the fight ended, the accident happened. Ling Lan even said to the starship instructor: "Is this instructor not as good as us?"

The instructor heard a deep look at Ling Lan, this is the way: "I am in line with my heart!" Ling Lan cleanly intercepted the strength of l15 to make the instructor shake. Even more so that Ling Lan directly broke the fierceness of the l15 wrist, even when Ling Lan's blood leaked slightly, a fear straightened to the heart.

The instructor is very clear that Ling Lan's strength is very strong, maybe he is not much worse than him, so I also want to personally play against Ling Lan. Let him really see the strength of this child. The Scouting Center is known as the enchanting genius concentration camp. This is obviously the strongest point in their strongest genius.

Ling Lan’s words made all the Scouts excited. I didn’t expect Ling Lan to challenge the instructors of the Starship. Everyone knows that the instructors of the Starship must be the strongest of the Starships.

The people watching the game consciously snorted and stared at the two people on the fighting platform.

Ling Lan and the instructor are only in the opposite direction. They stand on each side. It seems that the fight has not started yet, but the people on the side know that it is not because the two people are very serious. Even faintly feel that an invisible force between them is slowly forming. Even the people watching the battle felt a pressure on their minds, and people could not help but retreat.

Soon, the audience in the fighting room left the fighting platform more than ten meters, and the people with higher starships stood up, and the Scouting Academy. The only ones who can stand in this area are Qilong and Wushu, while Li Yingjie Luolang is one step behind them, while Ye Fulin Zhongqing is slightly behind Luolang and they are half-step, which is exactly what they are.

The most external scouts occupied most of the time, which also made Scouts secretly bite their teeth, decided to practice harder, and could not give them a special class A shame. Everyone looked at them in the forefront of Qilong. One day they will also stand by their side...

As for Ling Lan on the battle platform... Hey, that’s not people, they don’t compare with the enchanting.

Ling Lan and the instructor's momentum collided with each other, and each other had to suppress each other. The instructor did his best for the first time, but found that Ling Lan stood there as a pinnacle of the sea, and could not shake.

The instructor took a deep breath and knew that his power had reached the highest point. It was time to shoot...

When the onlookers were waiting patiently, the two men on the stage suddenly rushed out at the same time, and each punched a punch.

This punch doesn't look so heavy. It seems that there are still some light cats. There are no tricks of fighting tricks. It's just a simple punch. It's fast, but not fast. All the onlookers see two. The fists are on the same straight line, getting closer and closer, and finally colliding together.

A loud bang! Obviously, the seemingly random punches broke out with a deafening explosion. Not only that, the invisible strength of the fists collided and forced the people to watch the battle again, and Qilong Wuyi was again angered by this. Forced back three or four steps, the chest was dull, it seems to be hit hard.

Wu Hao and Ye Xu looked at each other with amazement. Li Yingjie’s face changed greatly. Qi Longluo’s face was calm, and Lin Zhongqing’s eyes flashed flashing.

And some ordinary starship crew members were even overwhelmed by this enthusiasm. This punch made all the crew members look shocked. Originally, there was still a slight contempt for the Scouting students, which was completely gone.

In the captain's room, Laolian saw this scene, his face changed greatly and changed his voice: "How could this be, he actually reached the level of strength..."

The level of physical skills is embodied in six levels: basic, present, micro, qi, field, and oracle. In addition to the basic, the current level has ten levels, the other four levels belong to a realm, the manifestation of each realm is the extent to which the person understands the realm.

The difference between the basic and the ten levels is that the boxing force, speed, and nerve reaction, and after reaching a certain amount of data, a bottleneck naturally occurs. If the bottleneck is broken, it enters the micro level of the body, and it also proves Officially entered the ranks of physical masters.

Therefore, there is a saying in this world: in the body, under the micro, all are mediocrity.

In the general Scouting Academy, students under the age of thirteen are in the scope of basal surgery, and those over the age of thirteen are basically at the current level.

Of course, a few talented children can enter the current level when they are less than thirteen, and Qilong’s talent is amazing. He has already touched the micro level and only waited for the final breakthrough bottleneck to formally enter.

Therefore, Ling Lan entered the gas level at this age, even if the old and sophisticated old company could not help but change his face, his face could not be trusted...

Cheng Yuanhang was actually shocked by Ling Lan’s strength. Ling Lan was very strong and he knew it, but it was unexpected to him.

Of course, this also blames Ling Lan has not shown his strength, as long as he hits Luo Lang or Qi Long, he will take the initiative to admit defeat and terminate the game. The previous battles were all a move, so that they did not have a chance to see his strength. Today, this fight finally made him understand why Ling Lanping refused to take the shot when he practiced fighting. In the Scout Center, except for the enchanting in the last senior grades, there is a possibility of fighting. Other students are playing with him, which is definitely the kind of abused food.

He was awakened by the words of the old company, but soon showed a look of a heart, and said hard: "Why not? In our Scout Center, genius is everywhere."

The old fire glared at him: "Since there are so many geniuses, why not send us a few?" Each time the recruits assigned to them are very mediocre.

Cheng Yuanhang shrugged and looked helplessly: "You also know that we only train, as for distribution problems, but your military tops... And these enchanting geniuses will first be taken away by the military academy... Can your starship be able to get it?" In the end, the old starship is too low...

The old company couldn’t help but sigh a sigh of relief. Indeed, the secret teams that survived in the gray area could not have the geniuses with bright future.

On the fighting platform Ling Lan felt from the colliding fist that the other party's strength began to weaken, knowing that the other party had reached the end of the strong, her mind was moving, and the strength of the other party weakened and weakened, the last two because Each other's strength rebounded back a few steps.

The two separated again, again a few meters apart, facing each other, seemingly waiting for the beginning of the next move.

Unexpectedly, the instructor chose to close his eyes and seemed to be feeling the feeling of the previous move, but soon, he opened his eyes and forcibly excited: "What is your name?"

"Ling Lan!" Although Ling Lan had a face and continued her facial image, she could see that her brow was slightly light and she was in a good mood.

"Thank you, I remember this person. Also, I lost this game." The instructor said, and nodded to Ling Lan. Winning or losing was not the focus. The key point was what he realized.


Sorry, last night, my baby fell asleep again. Today, I took the time to make up a chapter to make up for yesterday. The parents first watched, and there was a chapter at night. If the state is good, there will be more, and the 50 pink plus will be completed. ......()

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