Chapter 139: Exit or stay?

The fierce beast slammed into the railing. When everyone thought that the railing must have been broken, the facts shocked them. I didn't expect the fragile railing to be very strong, and even the horrible electromagnetic force. As soon as the beast hit the railing, the railing made a harsh electric shock, and the arc flashed. Soon, the beast was turned into a coke and finally fell on the ground outside the railing.

Ling Lan noticed that there is a lot of such coke outside the railing. It seems that there are many beasts who commit suicide in this way, not just the beast in front of them.

Han Jijun shouted: "Electromagnetic guardian wall!"

This sound made the face of the Scout students shocked, and only the electromagnetic guard wall has such power.

It seems that the beast of this planet is not simple, otherwise it will not use the strongest guardian of the Federation. Ling Lan thought of this, not only Ling Lan thought, many Scouts thought about it, their faces began to show a nervous look, I have already felt that this hunting course is not as simple as they think.

“The students of the Scout Center Academy...”

At this time, a loud voice was directly introduced into the ears of each Scouting student: "Welcome everyone to the wild star. This time, 50 students from your college will be hunting here. I sincerely hope that each of you can complete it. This class, but before I finish the course, I hope that each of you can survive from the hunt!"

These words made the Scouts suspicious. They didn't know why simply taking a hunting course would be linked to life.

"You didn't get it wrong. This course is likely to give you life, because the beasts you will deal with are not the meek animals you see, but the monsters that reach the h level."

Scouting students heard that the lowest level is the h-level monster, suddenly picked up, and his face is unbelievable.

The Federation has announced that there are all kinds of powerful beasts in the universe, and beasts below j level are controllable, which means that the damage is not large. However, at the beginning of the j level, he entered the beast level directly from the range of the beast. Of course, the j-class is still the weakest beast. The strength is roughly the same as that of the second and third grades. The people who have the fighting talent and have learned the fighting for three or four years can cope with it.

But the level of i is not the same. The strength of the beast is close to the level of the basic fighting, and the monster of the h level is equal to the level of the basic fighting, which means that half of the foot is in the current level.

Most of these scouts have reached the basic level. Only a few people have entered the higher level of the present level. In the face of these h-level monsters, they have no advantage.

This makes the Scouts puzzled. Is this a hunting course? It’s just that they let them go directly to Bo. What's more, this is only the lowest level monster here. If it is unfortunate, it is g level or higher level. Didn't they just finish playing it?

At this time, the loud voice once again sounded in the ear of the Scout: "If you want to take this course, the choice is yours. Now you have time to quit. Your right hand side is the place to register and exit. Now give you three minutes. Choice time..."

At this time, Ling Lan stood on the right hand side, a soldier holding a light brain was waving at them, indicating that he wanted to quit, please look for him.

The sudden choices made the Scouts into confusion and didn't know where to go.

At this moment. Wu Yiyi pulled the leaf and indicated that they had discussed with Ling Lan in the past. Li Yingjie’s eyes flashed a bit, and he slammed his teeth and followed.

"Ling Lan, what do you think?" Wu Hao asked.

Ling Lan was a little surprised. I didn't expect Wu Hao to come over and ask her for advice, but I was amazed. She still told Wu Hao his decision: "Continue the course."

"Don't you be afraid of danger?" Wu Hao asked, and felt that some words were unsatisfactory, and added a sentence, "I am talking about your team members." Ling Lan's match with the instructor on that day made Wu Hao know the strength of Ling Lan. They are too different. Perhaps this hunting is not dangerous to him at all, but they are not the same for Han Jijun Lin Zhongqing...

"It is true that this hunting is very dangerous. It is very likely that the kind of thing they said happened. But the danger also brings opportunities and the improvement of strength..." Ling Lan said here, turning his head and glanced at the side Long several people, then went on to say, "I believe that Qilong will protect themselves, then become stronger and find their own opportunities."

After finishing this sentence, Ling Lan once again focused on nodding: "They are so strong!"

This sentence is very powerful, and the confidence of Ling Lan is a hundred percent.

This sentence also attracted a few bright smiles from Qilong. This is a moving expression. At that moment, they had a strong feeling of death for the confidant in their hearts... Ling Lan’s trust made their original heart calm.

Wu Hao looked at Ling Lan deeply, then nodded: "Yes, although this hunting is dangerous, but also has the opportunity that belongs to us, of course, it is impossible to give up the course."

When Wu Hao’s words made Ling Lan slightly decapitated, he no longer spoke. Li Yingjie heard the dialogue between the monk and Ling Lan. The original hesitation also disappeared. He secretly said that he must not lose to Ling Lan and the monks. They can OK, he can do it too.

No one knows, at this time, the monk's heart is somewhat lost. Just now his question was with purpose. Originally, Ling Lan's answer was that kind of indifferent words that could make Qilong feel awkward. But did not think Ling Lan's answer instead let Qilong they are more convinced Ling Ling.

At this time, he knew that if he wanted to let Zilong leave Ling Lan, it would be impossible to cooperate with him. This also means that his chances of passing Ling Lan are almost zero.

Yes, from the first year, the monk did not think about admitting defeat. He always wanted to win Ling Lan. When he saw that the road to single-handed Ling Lan was not feasible, he chose the team challenge. He set the goal of the decisive battle in the seventh grade, that is, when he was 13 years old, challenging the virtual network level.

However, the strength of the Linglan team is also very strong. Has two talented masters Qilong and Luo Lang. However, Wu Hao did not feel discouraged. He did not think that Qilong really died in Linglan, especially Qilong. They have always been the top of their class. Are they really willing to become Ling Lan’s hands?

So this time he specifically asked a question about traps. If Ling Lan showed indifference to the team members, he had the opportunity to do something in it and provoke Qilong’s dissatisfaction. Finally, the Linglan team will be divided. (The team members can choose to build their own teams when necessary. Then the other team members can re-select the captains they want to follow and carry out the team split and reorganization. This is a supplement to the irreconcilable conflict between the teams. Option).

The result, let him down, the friendship between the Linglan team is really iron, everyone knows their position. There are no dissatisfaction he imagined.

In fact, Wu Hao has these ideas because he does not understand Ling Lan’s position in Qi Long’s mind. He wants to say that the Ling Lan team is the most admired Ling Lan, not that others are Qi Long. It should be said that Ling Lan is a half-mented teacher of Qi Long. Many times, the confusion that Qi Long encountered in fighting is solved by Ling Lan. Therefore, Qi Long can not accept other people, but will never disappoint Ling Lan.

Luo Lang has been closely following Qilong's footsteps. He and Qi Long are actually competitors. When Qi Long is confused, he is also confused. He is also making progress while Qilong is progressing. Ling Lan is a half mentor of Qi Long. It is also his. Therefore, Luo Lang never thought about leaving Ling Lan. He only hoped that he could step on Qilong one day and become the first younger brother of Ling Lan (the little four did not convincedly jumped out. Hey, the boss’s first A younger brother is a couple of even couples... (The following saves thousands of even words) ← There are unknown creatures invading, please ignore them).

He has always had some doubts about Ling Lan, but Han Jijun, who is not very conspicuous. The fighting ability is very common in the class. He likes to use his head to solve problems. Therefore, he does not look at those people with simple limbs and simple minds. Even if the strength is higher, Under some scams, it can also make the other party lose a mess. Later, it was discovered that Ling Lan was actually very black (here there is more than half of the small four. Ling Lan is not as complicated as Han Jijun thinks), this is really convincing, and Ling Lan is their boss.

As for Lin Zhongqing, who finally entered the squad, it was originally sold out. He hasn't fully been approved by Ling Lan. He is now thinking of getting the boss's heart to accept the boss, so there is no idea to leave Ling Lan's thought...

The three teams of Class A also decided to leave the course. The people who were somewhat hesitant followed their minds and expressed their willingness to stay.

In fact, they are willing to leave their confidence. Ling Lan, Ling Lan’s fighting game with the instructors not falling into the wind, let them believe that as long as they are not g-level monsters, they can completely defeat them according to Ling Lan’s strength. of.

Although Ling Lan is very cold to people, it seems that the face is not very good, but they believe that at the crucial moment, Ling Lan will definitely help.

Three minutes passed quickly. I saw that the Scouts did not have a choice to leave. The chief of the military camp was very satisfied: "The little dolls are really good and the will is very firm. Unlike the previous years, there will be several choices to leave... In this case, we must not neglect the general intentions, be alert, and not let them really be in danger."

"Don't worry, sir! Our ace team is ready. As long as the Scouts go out hunting, they fly into the air to protect them, and they will never let them go wrong." The staff smiled.


Thank you for the cherry blossoms, the fireworks, (2 votes), qlhlys (2 votes), (2 votes), ladybugzzzz (2 votes), Mo Zhen, 1122, g10016, Jingying, Zijing (2 votes), In the snow, daze, [Anonymous], 妃喧, 凤舞御天, 痴冰冰 (2 votes), rock sugar 79, peach demon, Huo Ying Bing Xin, 19870511, bule_angel pink support!

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The list of thanks is likely to be missed. Please forgive me if you don’t have a point. Some time ago, there were a lot of things, and the update was intermittent. Fortunately, I finally supported it. I completed the pink 50 plus this month's owed chapter. I felt very proud. ← This cargo festival is gone.

Well, no debts are light! The pressure is gone. ()

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