Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1356: 1 Back to the beginning of libe

1356: Back to the beginning of liberation!

After borrowing the law of the emperor's nucleus to rush into the channel of the learning machine, Ling Lan's brain field slammed and the whole person was unconscious.

Even if the spirit is strong, such as Ling Lan, the horror energy generated by this momentary shock still prevents her from resisting, and the brain automatically self-protects, so that Ling Lan’s gods are self-sleeping and repairing.

In this way, Ling Lanzhen for a period of time, do not know how long it took, finally she had a feeling, do not know who, is gently calling me her cheeks, let her some itching, some uncomfortable.

Ling Lan slowly opened her eyes and saw the big round eyes with tears in her eyes, which made her feel itchy. It was Xiao Bai who used it to gently wipe the blood of her mouth. .

Seeing that his own owner woke up, Xiaobai screamed excitedly.

"Hey, master, you finally woke up, you slept for three days, Xiaobai thought you didn't want me, wow wow..." Xiaobai said, tears fluttering, it seems that Linglan's sleep is indeed Frightened it.

Ling Lan reached out and gently touched the white head, hoarsely: "Reassured, I will not want you."

The white hair of the white has been ash, and some places are even knotted, contaminated with the already dried mud, and the east is a piece of west. It seems that in the past few days, Xiaobai has been concentrating on it, and even cleaning his own white hair can't be taken care of. I have to know that Xiaobai was especially clean and clean, and when I have nothing to do, I will do my own white hair washing and beauty work. When I was so diligent, I couldn’t stand Ling Lan.

Now it seems that she is the most important one in Xiao Bai's heart. It is not the kind of reluctance that she thought she was forced to follow the situation. In this case, she will regard Xiaobai as the most important family member and never give up.

It is really difficult to get approval from Ling Lan. Ling Lan’s feelings never take the initiative to pay for it. However, if she really feels the true heart of the other party and wholeheartedly treats her well, Ling Lan will not blame her own sincerity, and will put the other party into her own responsibility and give her true feelings.

"Hey..." Master, how do you feel now? You spit a lot of blood, I am so scared.

Xiaobai thought of the horror of Linglan in the first two days, and suddenly he was afraid. The whole person shrank in Linglan’s arms and shivered. In those two days, it really left the master, and it could no longer see the master open his eyes. Talk to it.

"I woke up, it's okay." Ling Lan hugged Xiaobai, gently stroking the white hair, the white body temperature, let Ling Lan have the reality that she is still alive.

At the moment when Ling Lan directed the emperor's nuclear energy impact learning machine and felt the explosion of the brain, Ling Lan really thought she would die. However, it seems that the king of Jurassic is also afraid of abandoning her troubles and kicking her back.

"In the past few days, what happened to the colorful palace?" Since nothing happened, Ling Lan went back to reality and asked Xiaobai what happened in the past few days.

"Oh..." No, it’s very quiet.

Xiaobai seriously thought about it, although its body has always been with the owner, but the colorful palace hall still retains its avatar, the person who looks down at the colorful palace, and has not seen anyone to eliminate it in these few days, it should be nothing.

"Forget it, wait for me to raise my wounds, then go up and see." Xiaobai's answer made Ling Lan laugh and laughed. According to Xiao Bai's simple thinking, he couldn't ask anything.

"Oh..." Master, you can rest assured that I will protect you. Xiaobai is busy with dog legs.

Looking at Xiaobai's appearance, Ling Lan Zhan Yan smiled: "Well, then please, please."

After that, Ling Lan closed his eyes again and began to cultivate the body and mind to repair the damage caused by the energy riots of the former king's nuclear law.

Ling Lan has cultivated her body and mind from her mother's womb. She has never stopped interrupting for more than 20 years. She does not know how many grades she has in her body and mind. But in terms of repairing physical injuries, Ling Lan estimates this. The level should not be lower.

Slowly combing the intricate laws of the body, in addition to the ice law and the law of insight, there is a strange law energy that does not belong to it, Ling Lan knows that this must be the harm that the emperor's nuclear energy riot brought to her. Ling Lan attempted to expel the law of this bad thing from the body. Unexpectedly, this law was closely intertwined with his own insights. Ling Lan couldn’t move the other side.

After failing dozens of times, Ling Lan finally died. Because she found that the more she was separated from the expulsion, the strange law energy was more closely entangled with her own insights. It’s as if she just did not evict, but to compress and fuse.

"Oh, God wants to marry, I want to marry, let him go." Ling Lan gave up, began to concentrate on using his body and mind to repair his own physical wounds, over and over again, to raise body and mind, automatic circulation, no need for Ling Lan At that time, Ling Lan put his attention on the brain.

The explosion of the brain field made Ling Lan very worried. It was only at the beginning that the body was too severely wounded, so she first took care of the physical injury. Now she is not bothered by the physical injury. Ling Lan decided to investigate her brain. Know the situation.

Carefully sneak into the brain to realize the sea. Sure enough, the sea of ​​consciousness is extremely bad. The dark clouds and the squally thunder and lightning do not say that the sea of ​​consciousness that had been worshipped in the vast expanse has disappeared, leaving only the devastating, like the end of the world.

"It's really terrible, once I returned to the beginning of liberation." Ling Lan just wanted to use spiritual strength to practice, but unexpectedly a headache almost let her faint in the past, this is the performance of mental exhaustion. Ling Lan is currently unable to use spiritual strength to cultivate, and only allows mental strength to recover naturally.

"Now, I can only listen to my life." Ling Lan helplessly.

Since the sea of ​​consciousness does not need her, Ling Lan’s eyes are directed to somewhere in the sea of ​​consciousness. She used to refuse her entry. Now, what happened?

Ling Lan has some embarrassment in her heart. She hopes that the law of the nuclear riots of the emperor will impact the success of the learning machine, but she is afraid that the result will be failure. Obviously, you can know the truth as soon as you explore it. But Ling Lan is sometimes a bit afraid and somewhat timid.

In the unlikely event of success, she is now in such a horrible situation that she does not know when there will be an opportunity to attack the learning machine. Her little four, her mentor... She really wants to think about them, even if she hears the blame of the first mentor, she will feel warm.

Losing too much Ling Lan, wanting to have a relative to accompany her, she is afraid that this hope will be shattered, she does not know if the result is bad, she will not be so mad.

PS: First, send the first one, the second will be around 12 o'clock, please be patient!

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