Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1355: don't want a dog!

1355: Don't want a dog!

The energy of the emperor's nucleus continues to enter Ling Lan's body. Ling Lan only feels that the law in the body is more mellow, Ling Lan is not flustered, and begins to condense the law of the body. She asked the teacher, Mu Shuiqing, to enter the domain of God, the premise is to compress her own law to uncompressible, the law of the body is even more than the time that can no longer be accommodated, this is the time to shock the gods.

From the step that the master said, Ling Lan knows that there is still some distance. After all, she has just entered the imperial level, and she has just begun to compress. She only hopes that this emperor’s core will allow her to enter the half-step domain, so that she also has the confidence. Fight with the thirteen masters.

During this time, the more I learned the talent, the more I was shocked. The No. 1 tutor said that the talent is the strongest talent in the world. Ling Lan always thought that this was only reflected in the mech control. Now, she really understands why the No. 1 tutor I will say so. As far as the insights she has mastered, she is already enough to overcome the talents. If she really grasps this talent... then the space law that makes the world talk about tiger color change is not worth mentioning.

It is because of this that Ling Lan is sure to fight with the thirteen masters of the thirteenth.

Ling Lan's compression of the body's laws is very stable. In this way, repeatedly doing this thing, Ling Lan did not know how many days have passed, and I don't know how long I have practiced. Just as Ling Lan believes that it will continue until the emperor's nuclear energy is exhausted, or someone disturbs, she will interrupt the cultivation, but I can't think of it. The nucleus of the emperor, which has been smoothly outputting, suddenly broke out when she was caught off guard.

Every emperor-level field is willing to condense the king's core before dying, and has a certain purpose. Some are purely intended to give rise to future generations, and some contain secrets that are unknown. If it is the former, as long as it is used with care, there will be no problem. I am afraid that it is the latter kind, and that is the real defense.

Ling Lan’s luck looks a bit bad. The emperor’s nucleus is not the former, but the latter. It is still the most annoying one, with the nuclear of the emperor with revenge.

The emperor's nucleus, which originally implies this kind of consciousness, will reveal some darkness, but this emperor's nucleus, no matter from the outside or the breath, does not have this feeling, which is what Linglan will ignore.

It can only be said that some things can not be trusted, and the nuclear of the emperor is extremely rare after all. Even if there are statistics in the federal top secret archives, how can it be completely statistical, there will always be omissions.

Ling Lanxin, comparing the information written on the file, thought that this is the core of the former class of emperors, will be bold to use, if you know the latter... Well, Ling Lan will still use, but will be more careful, more Prepare for prevention.

But everything was late, and the energy of the king's nuclear suddenly broke away from the control of mental power and frantically squeezed into Ling Lan's body.

"噗~" Linglan body can not withstand the impact of this huge law force, a stream of blood directly sprayed out.

Different law forces began to tear Ling Lan's body, Ling Lan eyes flashed: "Double Kaifeng!"

Seeing the Linglan forehead snowflake imprint, and then turned into black and quickly spread the entire forehead, the demon charm is abnormal, while the hair is violent, and the second becomes silver.

"Give me the town!" The dual imperial-level field law also suppresses the law energy of the riots in the body, while Ling Lan compresses the laws of these riots again and again. At this time, Ling Lan has already taken care of the different laws within it, even though she knows This will have huge aftereffects for her future promotion, but at this time, in order to survive, it must be ignored.

The two forces are fighting against compression in the body, and the damage to Ling Lan's body is a few steps.

Ling Lan Guo cut a pot of the second generation of the female 娲, the second generation of the niece quickly nourished Ling Lan's body.

In this way, the power of the law destroys Ling Lan's body. When Ling Lan can't bear it, Ling Lan will fill the niece remedy, and then re-compress and compress. Finally, Ling Lan drinks the last pot of pharmacy. But it has not stopped, Ling Lan heart condensed, is she really going to announce her failure today?

The efficacy of the last can of the drug is weakening, Ling Lan's body is getting more and more pain, and the blood in her mouth is flowing down.

Since I have been to the world, she is vomiting blood when she has nothing to do. It is also the kind of spit and death. It is a bit funny.

At the moment of life and death, Ling Lan’s mind appeared to be this sentence.

"It's a little funny, but it's really the kind of vomiting blood that doesn't spit, so I won't take the dog." Ling Lan opened his mouth and yelled: "If you want to retaliate, you will retaliate against the Lord, my TMD." I don't want to play with you."

"I am more TMD than a dog."

"I just want to live, see if you are powerful or I am powerful." Ling Lan grinned, since the body can not eat, then do not need the body.

Ling Lan decisively brought the energy of the riots to the brain. The power of tyranny made her whole head painful, but Ling Ling’s mental strength was strong enough, and she did not faint because of this severe pain.

"You want to rush, I will give you a rush, go." Ling Lan guides this huge force directly to the learning machine.

"Ah~!" Ling Lan Yang Tianxiaoxiao, silver hair flying, the impact of the pain is very human can bear. At this time Ling Lan, the forehead on both sides of the blue veins, the expression with a crazy decision, unsuccessful will become a benevolence.

I have been warming up the number one of Xiaosi and others, and suddenly looked up, the face that has been cold and expressionless, the first time there was a shocking color.

The next second he came to the learning machine lobby and raised the palm of his hand and slammed into the entrance of the learning machine.

"Hey!" Two powerful forces inside and outside, finally breaking through the closed passage.

"Well?" On the 1st, I felt that the energy of this law was not Linglan's. The brow was slightly wrinkled, and a transparent barrier appeared in the next second, protecting several gates.

As for the other gates, the number one did not pay attention.

I heard the endless stream of "I rely!" "What the hell?" "Who sneaked on Laozi?" "MB, give the old lady out" and so on, and the next eight other mentor appeared in the lobby very wolfly. in.

No. 1 lightly looked up at the channel position The mouth seems to have a little arc: "Although some stupid, very dry, but still, finally opened."

Then it disappeared in place.

"That... just one number, is it a smile?" The third face was shocked.

"No, you must have read it wrong." Muzhi Mujue's six hundred and eighty-three mentor answered in unison.

On the 9th, he quickly recovered his shocked color and restored the cold look of the past.

On the 5th, I smiled and smiled at the No. 9 and silently made a mouth shape: "Your brother, I really laughed."

On the 9th, she gave a blank eye on the 5th. She did not admit that her family had an iceberg face and her brother who had never had other expressions would laugh and never admit it.

On the 4th, I touched my chin thoughtfully: Well, this fun, I didn’t expect the big iceberg to have a little expression, it was even more handsome, I really like it.

PS: Second! sleep after!

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