Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1357: the best son, the best brother.

1357: The best son, the best brother.

"Ling Lan, your TMD is really weak." Ling Lan closed his eyes sharply. Ling Lan, who was afraid of timidity, let her spit and open her eyes again. Ling Lan's eyes became calm and no hesitation.

What if it fails? Nothing can stump me Ling Lan, the same is true for the learning machine.

Ling Lan firmly stepped forward and slammed the door of the learning machine that stopped her for too long.

The door opened and the Linglan heart was ready to fail, but I couldn’t think of success so much that Ling Lan was directly paralyzed.

"Everything is coming, what is stupid standing there?" The voice of the first mentor came to the ear.

This familiar can no longer be familiar with, the voice that Ling Lan’s dream has always missed, directly defeating Ling Lan’s firm heart: “No. 1... Mentor!”

Ling Lan tears silently, this is the tears of joy, and Ling Lan sees people who can rely on the heart, and rarely a weak performance.

"Come in." The voice of the No. 1 instructor was still indifferent, but Ling Lan seemed to hear an almost inaudible sigh.

"Yes." Ling Lan's figure disappeared in place, and the next second appeared in the space of the first mentor, the top of the mountain.

The No. 1 instructor sat on the stone platform and was closing his eyes to practice.

Feeling the arrival of Ling Lan, he slowly opened his eyes and said: "You borrow unidentified external forces, too reckless, and learn the lesson next time."

Ling Lan bowed his head and respected him: "Yes, the number one tutor."

"Although the results are not bad, but for your future development, there will be a certain impact, I think you have already understood." No. 1 instructor looked at Ling Lan, and his eyes flashed.

"Well, the original dual-system rule is a scorpio to the promotion of the sacred domain. Now there are more unknown laws that do not belong to me. If I can't solve this problem perfectly, I can only stop at the emperor for life, and I can't miss the **** domain." Ling Lan will Her sentiment was said.

"You know it." No. 1 instructor faintly replied, "It is a blessing that is not a curse. It is a curse. Everything is the root of your own blessings. How do you solve it?"

"Thank you for the guidance of the first mentor." Ling Lan grateful. In addition to the father's mother Lan Lanfeng, only the instructors in the study space did not personally point her.

"However, you can get through the learning channel so quickly, but it is a good thing for Xiaosi." No. 1 instructor saw Ling Lan learn the lesson and praised it. The No. 1 tutor knows that criticism and encouragement should be carried out in a two-pronged manner, so that Ling Lan’s struggle for enthusiasm will not be cold.

"Little four?" Ling Lan stunned in the heart, she found that she came so long, the little four did not come to her, this is not right. It is reasonable to say that Xiaosi has not seen her for so long. In the first time she came, she will rush to ask for help and pamper.

"You come with me." The No. 1 instructor stood up and smacked his fingers.

Ling Lan followed the No. 1 instructor into the space, and the next second came to the space where Xiaosi was sleeping.

Seeing that Xiaosi was lying quietly in the air, the whole body was connected with the light belt of energy transmission. Ling Lan’s heart burst into tears, and the voice instantly became hoarse: “What is going on?”

"Follow me." The No. 1 instructor did not answer, but only told Ling Lan to follow him to the next space.

In this space, there are two pronuclear fluorescing, one bright, but it feels a little off, a dull, it seems that the next second will be extinguished.

Ling Lan felt the energy of the two pronucleus, familiar with the tears that made her eyes fall out of control.

"This is the father and Xie Yi." Sure enough, her instinct for her father did not go wrong, but what surprised her was that Xie Yi still left a line of vitality, which made her happy. Perhaps Xie Yi's lifeline is so small that it can be neglected, so the insight into the talent is not aware of Xie Yi's vitality. Ling Lan always thought that Xie Yi really left them. Luo Lang heartache, she didn't feel bad, just as their boss. She can't let herself be like Luo Lang and vent her pain. She can only bear it silently until she can't bear it.

"Yes, when Xiaosi saw your father blew himself up, he rushed out and wanted to converge on the mental power that was radiated after you died...just he forgot that your original mental strength was only a few levels, and your father’s mental strength was What kind of existence, the consequences of exceeding his own ability, is the anti-phagic, no collapse, it is fortunate." No. 1 instructor told Xiao Lan why the fourth coma.

"Small four, he really is the best son of his father and mother, my best brother." Ling Lan said proudly with tears.

At the beginning, she said that her parents were the parents of Xiaosi, and Xiaosi was her only younger brother. She said that she was really sincere, but thought that Xiaosi did not understand this feeling. Perhaps he said that Mom and Dad are just fathers and mothers in writing, and they do not understand this kind of flesh and blood that can die for each other. Now it seems that she is wrong, Xiao 4 not only understands, he has done it, and done much better than her. She is still a father and mother who cares about the child to be protected, while the fourth child protects her father.

"Son? Brother?" No. 1 instructor flashed a trace of horror. He always thought that Xiaosi’s death to absorb Ling’s spiritual core was due to Linglan’s sake, and he did not want Linglan’s sadness. Ling Lan. It seems that this is not the case. Is it true that His Highness has evolved to the point where he already has all kinds of feelings?

"Yes, Xiaosi is my younger brother of Linglan, the son of my father Ling Lan's mother Lan Luofeng." Ling Lan finally understood that the name of the small four is following her The name comes from, her blue has a grass head, so his fourth, there must be a grass head, even if he does not care with Li Yuyu.

Xiaosi is really wanting to be the son of Ling Lan Lan Luofeng, her Ling Lan's younger brother, rather than casually talking on her mouth.

The No. 1 instructor was silent for a long time, and finally sighed: "In this case, Ling Lan, after the fourth day, I will hand it over to you, don't let him down."

Perhaps, His Royal Highness no longer needs them to monitor. With Ling Lan, the four halls will not evolve into the wrong route.

Ling Lan was a disciple who was carefully cultivated on the 1st. He was also the most proud disciple of his life. Although he never said it on the 1st, he was very trusting in Ling Lan. He believed that Ling Lan would never let him down.

"Yes, the number one tutor." Ling Lan nodded, even if the first teacher did not say so, she will never let down the fourth in this life.

"You have seen it now, and everyone's situation is not so good." No. 1 instructor temporarily put down the fourth, pointing to the two light cores clearly defined.

PS: The second is sent, and tomorrow will continue, everyone good night!

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