Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 963: dinner!

Xiao Chen then added another sentence, which made the members of the Black Tiger Brigade angry.

"It seems that you are very ignorant. Although Xuanbing City is not allowed to kill, it is okay to teach you a lesson." Manghu pushed the two glamorous women behind him and said coldly.

"The man has a fight, and the woman takes it back!" Manghu ordered directly.

"Yes!" A member of the Black Tigers stepped forward grimly.

"Then according to what they said, the male will fight and the female will throw it out." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Okay." Shang Qiuyu came out, squeezed her hands, a cruel look appeared in her eyes, and said, "I am enough."

As the voice fell, a terrifying murderous aura swept out, and black tiger claws appeared on both hands and feet of Shang Qiuyu, instantly appearing in the black tiger brigade, a dark shadow flashed by, and the silhouettes were shot flying.

When Manghu and the others reacted, only him and the two coquettish women beside him were left.

"It's impossible..." Manghu's face was full of consternation. There were several immortal emperor experts in the group of people he brought, but all of them were unexpectedly caught in a flash.

Then, in his shocked eyes, his body flew out directly, leaving only two fascinating women in the compound, full of shock.

"You two get out by yourself, I'm afraid I will get my hands dirty."

Shang Qiuyu looked at the two with a cold expression and said without emotion.

Hearing this, the two did not say a word, and ran out in a panic.

Several people didn't take the Black Tiger team as a thing, and Ran Xiaoqi suggested: "It's hard to see the boss, should we ask the boss to get together?"


"Master is very rich, let him treat him." Xu Xiaoyun said coldly.

"The most famous restaurant in Xuanbing City is the recently emerging Juqing restaurant, let's go there." Qi Yu said.

"Okay, I wanted to go to the Jueqing restaurant a long time ago, but unfortunately it is too expensive. Just because my brother-in-law is here, let him treat him." Chu Yan'er looked at Xiao Chen with a smile in her eyes.

"You will be short of spirit stones?" Xiao Chen gave a white glance. Chu Yan'er is the president of the bounty union. How could there be a lack of spirit stones, but Xiao Chen did not object, and then led a group of people to the Junqing Restaurant. .

Jueqing Restaurant is located in the ice and snow area. The ice and snow area is the richest place in Xuanbing City, and it is also the richest place. Of course, it is also the most lively and orderly area in Xuanbing City.

When they came to the Jueqing Restaurant, Xiao Chen and others found that the Jueqing Restaurant was not as tall as expected. It looked like an ordinary restaurant with elegant decoration and only two floors.

Xiao Chen walked in with everyone, and a maid greeted him immediately, "Welcome to the Junqing Restaurant."

"You are really lucky. There is still a private room in Jueqing Restaurant. It costs three hundred high-grade spirit stones. Do you need it?"

The maid asked with a smile.

"Thank you, we want it." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, please, several people here." The maid introduced several people into the private room.

The few people were not polite, they just ordered the expensive ones, and soon a table of wine and food was served.

After taking two bites, Xiao Chen suddenly asked a familiar one.

At this moment, the door was opened, and several maids walked in with a few dishes and a person behind them.

"Several, your dishes are ready, you all have a good meal." A maid said.

At this moment, the last person saw Xiao Chen, his face was startled, and then he was instantly full of anger, and the dish in his hand patted Xiao Chen directly.

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