Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 962: Find the difference!

"Qi Yu, you are here too." Xiao Chen's gaze fell on sister Qi Xue.

"I came with Xueer. Although my strength is not strong, I can help you take care of some bounty groups. I have heard that your goal is to make Feihua Xueyue a king. "

Qi Yu smiled faintly, looking at the young man in front of him, he was full of emotion, and at the same time there was a feeling of luck in his heart. Since their sisters met Xiao Chen, their branch has also returned to the main clan, and they have followed. Next to Qi Chang, and Qi Chang deliberately trains her to become the next generation master of the Qi family.

And all this is because of the boy in front of him.

"Is that so hard for you, Xueer is the head of the Feihuaxueyue bounty group, you can help her more."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"I will." Qi Yu nodded.

Xiao Chen's gaze then fell on Qi Chang, "You have come to the frontline battlefield, what will the Qi family do?"

"I have given everything to the Great Elder, and the ancestor went back to Tianyu City after leaving the customs, and shocked the other ancestors. Now they are very obedient." Qi Chang laughed, "and there is no As an old saying goes, marry a chicken, marry a dog and a dog, where my husband is, I will naturally follow."

Speaking, Qi Chang held Li Yuanba's hand tightly, while Li Yuanba stupidly touched his head and laughed.

At the same time, Xiao Chen also found that Lei Qianjue, Gao Fumei, and Monk Ran Xiaoqi Qiuyu had all come out of the same room, and Xiao Chen found that Zhan Taihuo's eyes looked at Qi Xue a little different.

"Well, it seems that our Feihuaxueyue team is about to change to Fenghuaxueyue." Xiao Chen glanced over several people and said with a smile.

Several people looked at each other and laughed.

"I don't know who the two beauties, Xiaojun and Qingwu, will end up with." Xiao Chen smiled and looked at the second daughter.

A trace of crimson flashed across Luo Qingwu's face, and Xu Xiaoyun's face was as cold as Chu Yunmeng's face, without any change.

"Of course it falls on our hands."

Suddenly, the gate of the compound was kicked open, and then a group of people walked in with a laugh, with a hideous black tiger printed on their clothes.

Walking in the forefront is a young man who looks very arrogant. Beside him are two glamorous women, leaning on him.

"The beauties of Feihuaxueyue, the deadline has come, how about it, consider whether to join our Black Tiger Mercenary Group, our captain has long been fascinated by several of them." The young man laughed, and the people behind him also Both laughed loudly.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on the headed youth, and the eyes of others also fell on the youth instantly.

"He is the captain of the second squadron of the Black Tiger Brigade, Manghu, the Fifth Emperor of the Immortal Emperor. The Black Tiger Brigade is one of the five big teams in Xuanbing City. The captain of the Black Tiger is the peak power of the Immortal Emperor. They are all peak powers of the Immortal Emperor. They have ten squadrons and dozens of squadrons, ranking fifth among the five squadrons." Qi Yu's faint voice rang out, explaining the situation of the Black Tiger Mercenary Group.

Hearing Qi Yu's voice, Xiao Chen nodded faintly, then looked at Manghu, and said: "The strength of the Black Tiger Brigade is too weak. We Feihua Xueyue look down on it. Go back."

"what did you say?"

Xiao Chen's words made the faces of Manghu and the members of the Black Tiger Brigade gloomy, and the expressions of the two glamorous women also instantly became gloomy.

"By the way, you just kicked the broken door, remember to compensate."

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