Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 964: A pair of panda eyes!

Feeling that the dish was coming, Xiao Chen made a mistake and avoided the attack. When he looked at the person who attacked him, his face was full of consternation.

And this change directly stunned others, whether it was the maid or others, they looked at that person in astonishment.

"Boss..." The maids didn't understand at all. How could the boss, who usually looks gentle, suddenly violently attack the guests.

"Father-in-law." Xiao Chen looked at the man and said in surprise, and that man turned out to be Xiao Chen's father-in-law, Shangguan Bo.

"Xiao Chen, labor and capital killed you." Shangguan Bo was full of anger, and the long knife appeared in Shan's hand, slashing directly at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was taken aback and hurriedly avoided.

"Father-in-law what are you doing!"

Xiao Chen hurriedly yelled, but Shangguan Bo ignored Xiao Chen at all. He lifted the knife and cut, and the entire private room instantly became chaotic. The maids and Li Yuanba and others were hiding far away, looking at Shangguan Bo chasing dumbfoundedly. Kill Xiao Chen.

"Why didn't my brother-in-law resist?" Chu Yan'er said in a puzzled way. He could naturally see that Shangguan Bo was only Xianzun, and Xiao Chen was just hiding, and had no intention of resisting.

"Yes." Qi Nishang was also puzzled.

This is Xu Xiaoyun who looked over and said to Qi Nishang: "He is your master's father, that is, your master's father-in-law."

"Master?" Qi Nishang was taken aback.

Shangguan Bo kept swinging his knife and Xiao Chen kept dodge. Gradually, the two of them hit the first floor. All the tables and chairs were destroyed, and all the guests were hiding far away. At this time, another person joined in the pursuit of Xiao Chen. In the middle, Hong Xiu Qingwu is exactly the unfeeling fairy.

The faces of Shangguan Bo and Fairy Unfeeling were full of anger, and Xiao Chen looked depressed.

The fighting here attracted a lot of people's attention. Suddenly three people walked out of the crowd. The leader was a man in white clothes with two snowflakes printed on it. After seeing the Junqing restaurant, his face sank. A man who pulled him over asked directly: "What's the situation inside?"

The man was suddenly pulled over with an angry look. When he saw the two snowflakes on the man, his face immediately turned into a respectful look.

"Master Qi, I don't know what happened. It seems that the restaurant owner and the proprietress have a deep hatred with the kid."

The man said respectfully.

The white-clothed man directly threw the man aside, a trace of thought flashed across his face, and the next moment, a little bit below his feet, the figure had already arrived in the restaurant, with a palm facing Xiao Chen's back.

Xiao Chen didn't understand why Shangguanbo and Fairy Jueqing were so angry, but he felt a fire in his heart. He felt that someone was attacking behind him. He turned around and grabbed the opponent's hand and pulled it directly in front of him. The attack fell directly on the man in white.

Looking at the panda eyes of the white-clothed man, Shangguanbo and Jueqing Fairy were stunned.

"Di Qiu, why are you!"

The unfeeling fairy looked at the man in white with surprise, and Shangguan Bo also looked at the man in surprise.

"The two seniors are good." Di Qiu rubbed his eyes and said respectfully to them.

After speaking, Di Qiu turned around and looked at Xiao Chen coldly and said, "Who are you who dare to make trouble in the Jueqing Restaurant? Don't you know that you are not allowed to do things in the ice and snow area?"

"Di Qiu, give me a beat on this kid," Shangguan Bo said.

"What's the situation?" Li Yuanba and the others said in a puzzled way.

"Okay senior, wait a minute." Di Qiu's face was joyful, and he looked at Xiao Chen, a trace of undisguised pride flashed in his eyes.

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