Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 877: Rebirth!

"Tianyu Tianxian, Tianyu Tianxian, isn't this the title of Qi Tianyu, the first generation patriarch of my Qi family?" An elder of the Qi family suddenly reacted and said in shock.

"The first patriarch of the Qi family?"

There was a shock of shock in Xiao Chen's eyes. The first generation patriarch of the Qi family was said to have died in that war. He did not expect that he would have retained the complete fairy soul.

Although he didn't know why he could keep the fairy soul, or why he appeared now, no matter what the reason, Xiao Chen felt an ominous feeling.

"I didn't expect anyone to remember me." Qi Tianyu murmured.

"Participate in Tianyu Patriarch

"Participate in the patriarch of Tianyu!" The Qi family expert received Qi Tianyu's approval and hurriedly knelt down and shouted respectfully.

Qi Tianyu didn't look at the Qi family powerhouse, but looked into the distance and muttered: "It has taken so long to finally enter the body of the Tianyu fairy beast, and I can finally see the sky again."

When the voice fell, Qi Tianyu's fairy soul suddenly disappeared. When everyone was confused, a strong immortal body broke through, and Qi Tianyu's fairy soul reappeared.

"The power of the fairy soul is too weak, but fortunately enough people come in"

Qi Tianyu murmured, looking at the strong man on the island, as if seeing food.

And when his voice fell, several immortals exploded and died one after another.

The strong man who saw this scene showed fear in his eyes.

They were all shocked by Qi Tianyu's actions. You can know Qi Tianyu's purpose without thinking.

"Swallow the soul and rebirth." Tian Xing'er's voice sounded in Xiao Chen's mind.

"Duo She." He was not familiar with Diao She. He was originally an otaku on earth. After reading many novels, he naturally understood what it was about.

"Why did he appear in Qi Chang?" Xiao Chen glanced at Qi Chang who was unconscious, and asked the doubt in his heart.

"Qi Shang is a descendant of Qi Tianyu. A trace of Qi Tianyu's immortal soul has been attached to Qi Chang's primordial spirit. Sometimes he will control Qi Chang. The treasure of Tianyu Pavilion is estimated to be passed by Qi Tianyu through Qi Chang."

"You mean Qi Tianyu did it all?" Xiao Chen said in surprise.

"Yes, his purpose is to bring everyone into the Heavenly Feather Fairy Beast, so that his fairy soul can be fully revealed, by swallowing the power of the primordial spirit, strengthen his own fairy soul, and then choose a suitable body to achieve rebirth. purpose."

Tian Xing'er said coldly.

"The fairy soul above the immortal emperor, if they want to devour my soul, shouldn't they be able to stop it?"

Xiao Chen asked solemnly.

"Daddy Xiao Chen can rest assured that everything about him can only be used as wedding dresses." Tian Xing'er said coldly.

And when the two communicated, not only the Immortal Venerable, but even some strong immortal emperors also exploded and died, which made the surviving strong feel extremely fearful.

At this time, looking at Qi Tianyu’s fairy soul, not only were the three powerful clans, Chen Kaitian, Tian Youran, and Dongfang Hongyi had a deep look of fear in their eyes. They had nothing to face the fairy soul of the immortal emperor level. The power of resistance.

After the strong people on the island reacted, they began to flee, but countless white feathers appeared on the island, surrounding the entire island, even if these strong immortal emperors attacked, they couldn't break it.

This made them completely desperate.

"Senior, don't kill us, we are willing to do whatever you want!"

Seeing that they could not escape, they hurriedly begged for mercy.

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