Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 878: Only do wedding dresses!

Qi Tianyu's expression was indifferent, and he didn't stop at all, one by one the strong burst into death.

"Boss, what should I do?" Li Yuanba helped Qi Chang and the others to gather around Xiao Chen. They wouldn't think Qi Tianyu would let them go just because they helped Qi family.

"Don't worry, how is Qi Chang?" Xiao Chen said lightly, then looked at Qi Chang in Xiao Chen's arms.

"She just passed out in a coma." Li Yuanba said.

"You don't seem to be worried at all?" Guan Yao also came over with a complicated expression on her face. In the current situation, no one could stop Qi Tianyu, but for some reason, she could feel that she could survive.

"They are people who have been dead for hundreds of thousands of years. What waves can be made." Xiao Chen's voice was so loud that almost everyone heard it.

Xiao Chen said it deliberately, because he felt a little unbearable when he saw those strong men die one by one. Of course, it wasn't the kindness in Xiao Chen's heart, but the people in front of him were all living experience points and immortal values.

Hearing the voice, Qi Tianyu glanced at Xiao Chen, and then he ignored him. Instead, he said to the fairy soul of the Tianyu fairy beast: "That kid has a special aura on him. It's helpful to you. Go and devour him."

Qi Tianyu was referring to Li Yuanba, Qi Tianyu's words fell, and the Tianyu fairy beast had rushed towards Li Yuanba, very fast, and came to Li Yuanba in the blink of an eye.

And just as the Heavenly Feather Immortal Soul was about to rush into Li Yuanba's body, Xiao Chen stretched out a small hand above his head, and at an incredible speed, he pinched the Tianyu Immortal Soul's neck, and then pulled it hard to draw him closer to Xiao Chen. in vivo.

In Xiao Chen's soul, Tian Xing'er appeared in it, and Tian Yu Immortal Soul was not far away, screaming.

Tian Xing'er stretched out her finger indifferently, and lightly tapped Tianyu's fairy soul. The moment of Tianyu's fairy soul turned into starlight, and all of it was integrated into Tian Xing'er.

Xiao Chen looked at the dissipated Tianyu Immortal Soul without expression.

After Tian Xing'er absorbed those light spots, her strength was greatly improved.

"how about it?"

Xiao Chen asked.

Tian Xing'er slowly opened his eyes, "Very well, I can find more remnants in the future."

When the voice fell, there was another fairy soul in front of Tian Xing'er, it was Qi Tianyu.

"This is this kid's soul sea, why did I suddenly appear here?"

Qi Tianyu looked around, muttered, and then looked at Tian Xing'er fiercely. After seeing Tian Xing'er's indifferent eyes, Qi Tianyu unexpectedly revealed a rare fear in his eyes.

"Who are you? Why do I feel you are dangerous?"

Qi Tianyu asked in shock, "You got me here? What is your purpose?"

"Same as your purpose, to devour your fairy soul and restore strength!" Tian Xing'er's indifferent voice fell, pointing out a golden light in his hand, penetrating Qi Tianyu's fairy soul, his expression became dull, and then he banged, The fairy soul was torn apart, turned into a little bit of starlight, and finally absorbed into the body by Tian Xinger.

The first generation patriarch of the Qi family disappeared!

After Tian Xing'er absorbed the starlight, her level was directly promoted to the peak of Xianjun.

Then Tian Xing'er made a seal and said to Xiao Chen: "Dad Xiao Chen, this sect used the body of the Tianyu fairy beast to form a suppression formation in its body. Now everyone on the island has been suppressed to the point where the cultivation bases are suppressed. Xianzun peak."

"This formation lasts for one day. When the time comes, the formation will be broken, and the body of the Tianyu fairy beast will be broken, and you can leave!"

Tian Xing'er's voice fell and then disappeared directly.

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