Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 876: Fairy soul!

"Qi Chang, what is going on?" Lei Bao, Li's family, Wen's family, Chen Kaitian, Dongfang Hongyi, Tian Youran and others were not far away, looking at the surrounding environment, Tian Youran asked gloomily.

"Aren't you looking for the treasure of Tianyu Pavilion?" Qi Chang smiled faintly: "The treasure of Tianyu Pavilion is here."

"What, the treasure of Tianyu Pavilion is here?"

Dongfang Hongyi was the first to ask, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

Refining the dying emperor realm strong primordial spirit, gaining the power of the rules, breaking through the immortal emperor is extremely dangerous. If you don’t pay attention, you will be backlashed by the immortal emperor’s primordial spirit. A wandering soul floating in the tomb of an emperor like a soul.

He had heard that there was a way to directly break through the immortal emperor without refining the emperor realm strong primordial spirit in the Tianyu Pavilion treasure, so he chose to cooperate with the Li family.

The others also looked at Qi Chang enthusiastically.

Qi Chang looked at the expressions of everyone, his eyes were full of sneers, and black gradually appeared in her eyes, and her voice became gloomy: "If you want to become a powerful emperor, you can only refining the emperor soul, of course, there is another kind. Method, the emperor realm soul refines your soul, occupying your body, you can also become an alternative immortal emperor powerhouse.

"What do you mean?" Dongfang Hongyi looked at Qi Chang with a gloomy expression.

Xiao Chen also looked at Qi Chang, and suddenly he found that Qi Chang's state was something wrong at this time, and his face seemed to be cruel.

Suddenly, there was a huge coercion on Qi Chang's body, a phantom of the soul slowly appeared on Qi Chang, Xiao Chen's eyes widened, the soul was not Qi Chang, but a middle-aged man. Face, he was wearing an extremely wide robe, a look like a fairy style.

And with the appearance of this primordial spirit, Qi Chang fell directly to the ground. At this moment, everyone was staring at the middle-aged primordial spirit.

"Old man, are you still there?" the middle-aged man said lightly.

As his voice fell, there was a screaming sound from the island, and then a figure rushed out from the depths of the island. When everyone saw it, it was a sky feather fairy beast that had shrunk countless times, and it was also in the state of the soul.

After seeing the middle-aged person, the Tianyu fairy beast was very intimate, and the middle-aged person also gently stroked the white hair of the Tianyu fairy beast.

"This is the imperial primordial spirit, and it is still the emperor primordial spirit?" Tian Youran said in shock.

"What, a spiritual and wise emperor realm primordial spirit?" Shocked expressions flashed in the eyes of everyone. Although they are only immortal emperors, they still know the emperor realm very well. , Master the power of the rules, and the soul has evolved into the soul of the emperor, as long as the soul is not dead, it can be reborn

Those remnant souls in the emperor's tomb are the immortal emperor powerhouse who was beheaded and the primordial spirit was crushed, but they did not completely dissipate, becoming an unconscious wandering soul.

They never thought that they would meet a soul with wisdom.

"You are wrong, you can't be called the Emperor Realm Primordial Spirit, but should be called Xianhun."

The middle-aged man in the robes smiled faintly.

"I don't know who the predecessor is, why did it appear on Patriarch Qi Shang?"

Chen Kaitian asked with his hands.

"It's been too long and I forgot my name, but I remember they called me Tianyu Tianxian at that time."

The middle-aged man in the robes said lightly, his eyes flashed with reminiscence.

"Tianyu Tianxian? Why is this name so familiar?"

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