Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 848: Bounty hunting group!

Chu Yan'er introduced, and then took out a bronze sign with a pattern of swords and swords carved on the sign.

"Acknowledge the Lord with a drop of blood, and then engrave your name. Of course, you can also write down your strength and so on. You are a bronze five bounty hunter!"

Xiao Chen took the bronze plaque and, after dripping his blood, carved Li Xiaoyao and Xianjun six layers.

After Chu Yan'er received the token and recorded the information, she handed it back to Xiao Chen and said, "Congratulations on becoming a bounty hunter for the bronze five."

"Sister Yan'er, can you do me a favor?" Qi Xue said expectantly, blinking her big eyes.

"No." Chu Yan'er vetoed directly.

"I beg you, Sister Yan'er." Qi Xue pleaded with a full face.

"It takes at least ten people to establish a bounty hunting group, and one of them must be a silver-level bounty hunter. It is impossible for you to set up a hunting group."

Chu Yan'er seemed to know what Qi Xue was going to say and said directly.

"Bounty hunting group? What is this?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Some bounty tasks are more difficult and can be completed in groups. Of course, some large tasks can only be accepted by bounty hunting groups." Chu Yan'er explained.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the control of the fairyland side quest, the strongest king!"

"Task requirements: the player becomes the strongest king bounty hunter in the fairyland, and the player establishes a bounty hunting group to become the strongest king bounty hunting group in the fairyland!"

"Task time: a hundred years!"

"Task reward: unknown."

"Even a side mission was triggered, but what the **** is this reward unknown?"

Xiao Chen was speechless, although he didn't know what the reward meant, but this task was quite interesting. To become the strongest king and establish the strongest king bounty group, there should be a lot of wind.

"It's not difficult to find someone, but do you know a silver-level bounty hunter?" Xiao Chen looked at Qi Xue and asked.

"Can you find someone to join the bounty hunting group?" Qi Xue was taken aback.

"You don’t plan to find someone to join the bounty group, that’s not possible. To upgrade the bounty group, you need bounty points. If you don’t have enough points, the bounty group can only stay at the level of Bronze Five, which is totally absent. Anything." Chu Yan'er said.

"I understand." Xiao Chen said.

"Sister Yan'er, aren't you a silver-level bounty hunter, why don't you join us?" Qi Xue looked at Chu Yan'er and said excitedly.

"You turned out to be a silver-level bounty hunter?" Xiao Chen looked at Chu Yan'er with some surprise. He checked the token just now. To become a silver-level bounty hunter, not only needs enough points, but also needs to complete one. Silver-level tasks, and silver-level tasks, even some immortal emperors are difficult to complete.

"No way?" Chu Yan'er said proudly.

"I'm clumsy at the bottom. I didn't expect Miss Yan'er to be a silver-level bounty hunter. I was looking for a few people, plus Miss Yan'er, and the bounty hunting group was established." Xiao Chen laughed.

"Great, I can finally set up a bounty hunting group. I have decided on the name, and it's called Feihuaxueyue Hunting Group." Qi Xue said excitedly.

Chu Yan'er was stunned, "Have I said I want to join you?"

"I'm going to find someone." Xiao Chen dropped a word and walked out of the reward union.

Afterwards, he directly contacted the One Piece Army and Xiao Jiajun.

They have been in retreat for a long time and should join the WTO to increase their actual combat experience.

Moreover, they possessed the Devil's Mark and the World of War Token, and Xiao Chen did not worry about their safety.

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