Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 847: Bounty Hunter!

Qi Xue also noticed Xiao Chen's gaze, and immediately looked over, with a smile on her face, and introduced: "That building is a major feature of the ancient battlefield, the bounty union."

"Bounty Union?"

"Yes, the bounty guild was founded by the fairyland alliance and has a stronghold in a big city, and there are various bounty tasks in the bounty guild. Completing the bounty tasks can get a large amount of bounty, and these complete bounty The powerhouse of the mission is a bounty hunter!"

Qi Xue introduced that when he mentioned bounty hunters, there was a look of worship in his eyes.

"Bounty hunter, interesting?" Xiao Chen thought of the bounty hunter in One Piece World.

"Let's go take a look." Xiao Chen said.

"Okay!" Qi Xue nodded excitedly, and then walked into the bounty union.

After the two entered the wide hall, they heard all kinds of noisy sounds.

"Bounty missions are mainly to kill foreign races, strong orcs, and some human demon, villains, etc. will also be rewarded, of course there are some assassination missions."

Qi Xue introduced while looking at the bounty union.

And Xiao Chen also saw various reward tasks, and even tasks such as collecting fairy beast materials. There were so many types and countless.

"How to become a bounty hunter?" Xiao Chen asked.

"It's simple, there can be a bounty hunter there, as long as one hundred middle-grade spirit stones are enough." Qi Xue pointed to a counter not far away and said.

"Are you planning to become a bounty hunter?" Qi Xue continued to ask.

"Well, it feels very interesting, and you can make some money." Xiao Chen smiled and walked directly over.

Qi Xue also hurriedly followed. At the counter there was a very beautiful woman with big eyes and a raised nose, not under Qi Xue.

Xiao Chen walked up and just wanted to ask, Qi Xue next to him had already spoken: "Sister Yan'er."

"Xue'er, you are here, why do you still want to be a bounty hunter?"

The woman who became Yan'er said with a smile.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Qi Xue's face, her face turned red, and she hurriedly explained: "No, it's my friend who wants to become a bounty hunter. I will accompany him to go through the procedures."

Yan'er looked at Xiao Chen beside Qi Xue, her eyes lit up, "Is this handsome guy your little lover?"

"No, he is my good friend." Qi Xue blushed and hurriedly explained.

Xiao Chen looked at the two silently. He didn't expect that they would know each other, and Qi Xue, the girl, could blush too much. Isn't this this place without silver three hundred taels?

"Hello, my name is Li Xiaoyao, I'm here to go through the formalities of becoming a bounty hunter."

Xiao Chen introduced himself.

"Hello, hello, my name is Chu Yan'er, what do you think of me, handsome? How about you accept me."

Chu Yan'er approached Xiao Chen and said with excitement.

"Sister Yan'er, you're in love again, but it's a pity that Big Brother Xiaoyao has a wife." Xiao Chen hadn't spoken yet, Qi Xue had already said first.

"Little girl, she's still protecting her calf." Chu Yan'er smiled.

"I didn't." Qi Xue's face flushed in defense.

"Well, can you apply for me as a bounty hunter first?" Xiao Chen said helplessly.

"Okay." Chu Yan'er said sternly: "Bounty hunters are divided into six levels, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamonds, and kings. Completing the bounty task can earn points. The higher the bounty level, the higher the acceptable task. The higher you get, the more you get paid, and you can get some conveniences provided by the bounty union, such as intelligence."

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