Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 849: Feihuaxueyue Hunting Group!

After finding them, everyone agreed to join the WTO.

Xiao Jiajun, headed by Xiao Batian, Xiao Hai, Xiao Feng, etc., and Xiao Tong and Fat Dun have also become big girls and big boys. In addition, Shangguan sisters, absolutely unknown husband and wife, Tweet, Linger, Jin Xiangyu, Jiang Cheng Wait for everyone to appear.

When Xiao Chen came to the second woman with the mighty people, her eyes widened, especially Chu Yan'er, "You are not kidding? You let them all join the bounty hunting group, they are the strongest. The fairy king, you don’t have the right to survive in the ancient battlefield. Do you still want them to do the task?"

"I'm serious." Xiao Chen said, Xiao Jiajun and the Pirate Legion are only short of experience, and it will be a matter of time before they break through with their qualifications.

"Well, it's soy sauce anyway." Chu Yan'er didn't expect them to be able to do the task, and then awarded them a medal. Xiao Chen's medal was also changed, and a Feihua Xueyue hunting group was added.

After the Xiao Jiajun and the others managed it, they left directly together, leaving only Xiao Chen three.

"I will be the head of the hunting group." Qi Xue said.

"I have no problem." Xiao Chen said, he is not interested in being the leader anyway.

"I have no problem," Chu Yan'er said.

"In order to celebrate the establishment of the Feihuaxueyue Hunting Group, I have a treat. Let's go out and have a good meal." Qi Xue suggested that she was very excited now.

"Okay!" Chu Yan'er agreed, and then she directly asked a young girl to work for her.

"It seems that her status is not low." Xiao Chen was a little surprised. Not only could he go out at any time, but the person who replaced her was very respectful towards her.

Before leaving, Xiao Chen found a list of tasks that could be accepted, looked at it at random, put it away, and left the bounty union with the second daughter.

Xiao Chen followed the two to a luxuriously decorated restaurant. When Chu Yan'er appeared, the shopkeeper of the restaurant personally greeted them up.

Although Xiao Chen was curious about Chu Yan'er's identity, he didn't ask, just said one sentence without a word. In most cases, two people talked, and he listened.

When the three of them were eating, suddenly there was a quarrel outside the door, and then the box room was roughly opened, a man and a woman walked in, followed by several servants.

"Get out of here, the little master is wrapped up here." The young man said pretentiously, sweeping the people in the box with disdain.

"Go away, otherwise you will be at your own risk." Chu Yan'er said lightly.

"Smelly Sanba, do you know who Xiaoye is, dare to let..."

"Pop!" The man slapped his face before he finished his words.

Xiao Chen looked at Chu Yan'er, who was sitting faintly on the side, with a flash of shock in his eyes. She was the one who slapped the slap just now. From the shot to the return to the seat, it was only a short moment, and everyone did not understand what was going on.

"Who beat me?" The young man looked dumbfounded.

"Are you from the Wen family? You are only allowed to get out in three seconds, otherwise you won't blame me for being polite." Chu Yan'er said lightly.

"You did it just now? Since you know that Xiaoye is from the Wen family, you still dare to do it on Xiaoye?" The young man pointed to Chu Yan'er and said loudly.

"Bang!" Just as soon as his words fell, Chu Yan'er shot again, this time kicking the young man out of the restaurant.

"Go back and tell the Wen family that if they don't do the repairs to the restaurant, I will personally go to Wen's family to discuss something." Chu Yan'er said to the woman next to the young man in a domineering tone and even more threatening. In it.

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