Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4056: Are you satisfied?

"Now everyone listens to my orders." Xiao Chen pointed to a team member and said, "You go straight west for two hundred miles."

Xiao Chen pointed to another person: "You go straight east for three hundred miles."

"You head south."

"You follow this direction."

Xiao Chen gave orders to ten people including Bai Wei, but no one moved, just looked at Xiao Chen with a sneer.

Xiao Chen was not angry either, just looking at Bai Wei.

Bai Wei thought for a while, and said solemnly: "Follow what he said, in order to make him willing to lose, don't do fakes."

"Okay." Everyone responded, and in a blink of an eye, they disappeared in place.

"Commander, why did you let them go to those places?" Jing Er asked puzzledly.

"The mountain man has his own clever plan." Xiao Chen said with a mysterious smile, then walked to a stone, lay down, closed his eyes and calmed down.

It didn't take long for a recent person to return, looking at Xiao Chen, with a little weirdness and confusion on his face.

Xiao Chen did not speak, nor opened his eyes. He still closed his eyes and calmed his mind. After a while, all ten members, including Bai Wei, returned.

The ten members looked at each other and all saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes faintly, and then stood up without asking anything, just saying: "Let's go."

Everyone glanced at Xiao Chen, but did not refute this time, and followed Xiao Chen obediently.

Next, Xiao Chen kept directing them, and they had no complaints, and obediently followed orders. That night, their group surrounded the bonfire.

Xiao Chen took a bite of the unfamiliar barbecue and said lightly, "How is it, are you satisfied with today's harvest?"

Everyone did not speak, but was a little silent. Every time Xiao Chen pointed to a place, they were able to obtain a kind of unconfined realm-level heaven and earth treasures or spiritual medicines. Their harvest this day was fruitful.

The only thing that puzzled them was how Xiao Chen knew that the place had great talents and was so precise.

"If you don't speak, it seems that you are still satisfied. Then I will continue to take the position of the team leader." Xiao Chen said lightly.

The crowd still did not speak, and Bai Wei did not speak either.

"Since you don't speak, then I will take it as your acquiescence. I am willing to accept the bet and hope you can keep your promise." Xiao Chen glanced across the crowd and said lightly.

Everyone still did not speak, and it was considered acquiescence.

"The commander is really powerful." Jing Er looked at Xiao Chen admiringly. The ten Bai Wei sitting there, but the ten strongest among the cheetahs, these ten are willing to listen to Xiao Chen's orders, that is to say, the entire cheetah will Listen to Xiao Chen's order.

Xiao Chen smiled, and suddenly his eyes condensed, and he stood up instantly.

"Commander, what's the matter?" Everyone looked at Xiao Chen puzzled.

"There are spirit beasts haunting." Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"Spirit beast?" Bai Wei and others frowned slightly. They did not perceive the breath of the spirit beast. How did Xiao Chen perceive it? They just wanted to scold Xiao Chen, but in their perception, the spirit beast suddenly appeared. The breath is coming towards them.

Everyone’s complexion changed. Xiao Chen actually perceives the spirit beast's breath before them. This is incredible. How did Xiao Chen do it, and the previous resources, Xiao Chen is in their minds. It suddenly became very mysterious.

It was just too late to think about it. Suddenly, a monkey-type spirit beast appeared in the sight of everyone. The monkey in front of him was all white. Although he was small, he had six arms. It was grinning and very vicious.

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