Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4057: Through arm monkey!

"No, it's a thigh-armed monkey. This monkey is very vicious, delicious, and powerful, so be careful."

Bai Wei's expression changed, and he shouted in a deep voice. Everyone was ready for defense, staring solemnly at the thrifting monkey.

But this through-armed monkey came straight to Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen's face sank, and nine swords had already appeared in his hand.

When the others saw this, they had no idea of ​​preparing for rescue. Only Jing Er was preparing to rescue. It was just that the thrilled monkey was too fast, and Jing Er had no time to rescue. The thuch monkey had already come to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was about to take a shot with a nine-cut knife in his hand, only to realize that the target of the pass-arm monkey was not him at all, but the barbecue he had just thrown on the ground.

Xiao Chen's movements suddenly stopped.

The pass-arm monkey swallowed the barbecue in a few mouthfuls, and then grinned at Xiao Chen, his eyes were very fierce. Xiao Chen knew some advanced animal language, but he could understand the meaning of pass-arm monkey.

"Is there anything to eat? If there is nothing to eat, this girl will eat you."

Xiao Chen looked at the thigh-armed monkey with some surprise. The thug-faced monkey with such a ferocious face turned out to be a female, and his voice was not very loud, he was probably underage.

Xiao Chen took out a whole roasted pig, put it on the ground, and said to the cross-armed monkey: "Come, sit down and eat."

The cross-armed monkey understood Xiao Chen's meaning, came to the roast pig, took the whole roast pig in his hand, then sat down, like a human, and began to eat.

Everyone stared at each other and looked at this scene with some puzzledness. Throw-armed monkeys are known for their brutality and especially love to eat humans. This is the first time they have seen such peaceful through-armed monkeys.

It wasn't until three whole roasted pigs were eaten that the pass-arm monkey patted his stomach in satisfaction.

"Are you full?" Xiao Chen asked.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten so full." The arm monkey said contentedly.

"It's good if you are full, by the way, what is your name?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Name, is it like your human name? I don't have a name." The arm monkey said.

"The commander actually talked to the through-armed monkey?" Jing Er's eyes widened, and Bai Wei and the others looked at each other. They could understand Xiao Chen, but they couldn't understand what the through-armed monkey said, so it felt weird.

"Then I will give you a name, how about?" Xiao Chen said.

"Okay, I also want to have a human name." The through-arm monkey said happily.

"Although you look fierce, but with snow-white hair, you are very beautiful, like white snow, so why don't you call Ruxue in the future." Xiao Chen said.

"Ruxue, Ruxue, I finally have a human name." The through-armed monkey danced happily like Xue. Everyone who watched was startled, thinking that the through-armed monkey was going to be mad, suddenly became cautious.

"Sure enough, it's a little girl." Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, as if the strange bird who abducted Lori, smiled.

"Ruxue, why did you appear here? Shouldn't you live in the depths?" Xiao Chen asked. He already understood the life habits of the thong-armed monkeys. It stands to reason that this is not a deep place in Huijie. At that, the thigh monkey shouldn't be here.

"They bullied me, I couldn't beat them, so I ran out." Ruxue said aggrievedly.

"They?" Xiao Chen was startled, and said in his heart: "I'm afraid it's them. Could it be that Ruxue was bullied by other spirit beasts?"

"From then on, follow me. I promise you will not be hungry and you will not be bullied."

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