Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4055: Follow my orders!

"The commander's cultivation level is so low that I dare to come. If I dare not come, wouldn't it be too shameful." Jing Er explained.

"Why, are you laughing at my low cultivation base?" Xiao Chen made a face.

"No, no, although the commander cultivation base is low, but the strength is very strong." Jing Er said hurriedly.

"You just laugh at my low cultivation base." Xiao Chen said angrily.

"I really didn't, commander, I really didn't laugh at your low cultivation level." Jing Er said, hearing the voice, almost crying.

"I remember you. You just laughed at my low cultivation level and hurt my young soul. If you don't listen to me in the future, I will hate you forever."

Xiao Chen said, when he finished speaking, he shuddered involuntarily. It sounded so awkward. It was a bit like a girl's coquettish tone. After that, he acted, and he was disgusted.

"It's the commander, I will be obedient in the future." Jing Er hurriedly promised.

"Be obedient, your benefits are indispensable." Xiao Chen said.

In the front, Bai Wei also heard the words of the two of them, and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. Jing Er had the same name as his, and both were two. With a few simple words, he was taken over.

Huijie was not close to the Great Wei State. It took them five days to reach the periphery of Huijie.

When entering Huijie, Xiao Chen suddenly stood in front of Bai Wei.

"Something?" Bai Wei asked with a frown.

"Although I don't know what the task you are doing, I know that your purpose is to obtain resources. I will lead the team and I will lead you to find more resources. How about?" Xiao Chen said.

Everyone looked at Xiao Chen, and shook their heads involuntarily, letting Xiao Chen lead the team, because they were afraid that Xiao Chen would take them to the Palace of the King of Gods.

"Are you serious?" Bai Wei's face was calm, but he asked lightly.

"Nature." Xiao Chen said.

"We can't just give you the position of the team leader with just a word from you, so let's let you lead the team for three days. If you lead us to find the resources that satisfy us within three days, then the position of the team leader will be given to you in the future. You, if you can’t satisfy us, in the future at Cheetah, you just need to be a decoration."

Bai Wei said solemnly.

"Okay, I accept this bet." Xiao Chen didn't even think about it, so he agreed to decorate it, isn't it just about asking him not to interfere with the cheetah? If he can't subdue them, he wants to intervene, but he can't intervene.

"Okay, then it's settled." Bai Wei said.

"Captain, do you really want him to lead the team?" a team member couldn't help asking.

"It doesn't matter, this is just the periphery, and there are only three days." Bai Wei said lightly.

"Well then." Bai Wei said so, and everyone has no opinion.

"Go old, start working, open Tianbaojian, start." Xiao Chen said lightly in his heart, there is the crazy upgrade system as a cheater, the map of the entire Huijie is under control, resources of various levels, various levels of resources Spirit beasts, all in control.

"Go!" Xiao Chen was energetic and waved his big hand. Everyone entered the Hui Realm. Xiao Chen didn't stay in any way and encountered no trouble. It took two days to get inside.

"Commander, there is only one day left." Jing Er asked anxiously. In two days, they just rushed, but they didn't get anything.

"Xinben commander, this commander makes you full." Xiao Chen patted Jing Er on the shoulder, then turned his head to look at the sneer of people behind him.

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