Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4011: Command the chaos!

The eyes of Goshawk and Hunting Tiger also flashed regret.

"It seems that they won't be able to tell the victory or defeat for a while, and can't delay it. The three of you, each of you choose one to stop, and whichever you stop will join you." At this moment, Cao Zhen said lightly.

As soon as her voice fell, the Goshawk and Black Tiger left an afterimage, which had disappeared from the seat.

"Damn, these two beasts are really fast." Cheetah slowed down a bit. When he reacted, Goshawk and Black Tiger had already appeared on the ring, cursed, and rushed to the ring.

On the arena, Goshawk and Black Tiger had already stopped Geng Bo and He Yuan, respectively. The Cheetah was a little slower and could only stand in front of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen looked at the cheetah in front of him, frowning slightly. He didn't know why the cheetah appeared, but he could feel the hostility from the cheetah.

The cheetah looked at Xiao Chen indeed with hostility. The reason was very simple. Because Goshawk and Black Tiger took Geng Bo and He Yuan away, he could only choose the remaining Xiao Chen, naturally with resentment in his heart, and even Xiao Chen was also blamed. Up.

"Garbage." Cheetah said dissatisfied.

Xiao Chen frowned again. He didn't understand where the cheetah was so hostile, but he was very upset with the cheetah in his heart. He tightened the nine-cut knife in his hand, and the next moment, Xiao Chen cut the cheetah with a single blow. .

Cheetah's eyes were cold, his fingers clamped Xiao Chen's nine-cut knives, and he said coldly: "You dare to shoot at me?"

"This is the ring. Now that you are in the ring, aren't you here to fight?" Xiao Chen said coldly, his body surged, and the nine swords were overturned, and he slashed at the tiger hunting again.

"Haha, the ring is here to fight, let's be completely violent." Geng Bo laughed loudly, took the black knife, and Mietian hand patted the goshawk in front of him.

"These two people dare to attack the leader, so bold." Everyone was shocked.

He Yuan was also a little astonished. The prestige of the four chiefs in the imperial capital was only that of the national teacher, and even more prestigious than the ruler of the royal family. No one had ever dared to be disrespectful to them, let alone attack them.

He Yuan clenched his fists. The three of them became brothers of the opposite sex. Although they didn't get along for a long time, he learned a lot. The strong never feared fighting. Even if the opponent is strong, there should be no fear in his heart.

Xiao Chen and Geng Bo were already fighting with the two commanders. As their brothers, he couldn't lose their face. Thinking of this, He Yuan raised his swords and stab at the black tiger in front of him.

"Interesting." Heihu's mouth raised a smile, easily blocking He Yuan's attack.

Goshawk was also full of smiles. When Geng Bo Mie Tianshou attacked, he only waved his hand easily and blocked the Mie Tianshou from all directions. Like Heihu, he was interested in playing.

Cheetah blocked Xiao Chen's attack with one hand, his eyes flashed with disdain and contempt, and at the same time he was a little angry. Tianjiao, who came from a small city in a small city, dared to attack Cheetah, one of his four great leaders, simply ignorant. The person is fearless.

The stands are completely boiling!

The three contestants actually fought with the three leaders. This is a rare sight in a century.

Although the three commanders did not fight back, it did not hinder their excitement.

"Mietian Hand." Xiao Chen suddenly took nine knives, and a phantom of the Demon Buddha condensed behind him, and the Demon Buddha's hand was photographed against the cheetah by the Mietian Hand.

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