Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4010: Guide one or two!

He Yuan's spikes are very sharp, and the already broken ring is even more horrible.

Xiao Chen had already spent a lot of energy to block Geng Bo's attack before. At this time, under He Yuan's attack, there were a lot of wounds on his body.

Geng Bo's Sky Destroying Hand is not weak, and He Yuan's spikes can't break through his defense at all.

After a round of attacks, He Yuan recovered, fell down, and looked at Xiao Chen and Geng Bo and said solemnly, "It seems difficult to win the two of you."

"I said, two elder brothers, are you stupid, and not in a group battle, using such a force-consuming move." Xiao Chen said speechlessly. The nine-piece stick in his hand has been converted into a nine-piece sword, and the Mietian Qijue sword is launched, Xiao Chen sharp and domineering slash directly towards He Yuan.

He Yuan's double swords appeared and stood in front of him. The next moment, he felt a powerful force coming, and He Yuan flew out instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen spun, and the Mietian Qijue Sword had already slashed towards Geng Bo. Geng Bo blocked him with a trident. Under the powerful force, his figure couldn't help but retreat.

"You have finally used the Heaven-Extinguishing Pose." After Geng Bo stabilized his figure, excitement flashed through his eyes, and the trident in his hand turned into a black knife, a little bit, a whirl, and he had already cut towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen rotated in the same way, and the two knives directly blasted each other, and a terrifying aura of destruction spread all around.

"Tiantian style is very strong, there is no doubt that, just so, let me try how strong the elder brother's style is. I can't say I can guide one or two." Xiao Chen said with a smile on his face.

"I'm going, I'm a senior, if I want to guide you, I will guide you!" Geng Bo instantly exploded. He had been in contact with the Sky-killing Pose since childhood, and Xiao Chen had been in touch with the Sky-killing Pose, and he had no time for half a year. Also guide him, it's strange that he doesn't burst.

"No way, my talent is better than you. Although I have been in contact for a short time, I can still do it by guiding you one or two times." Xiao Chen laughed.

"Damn, you succeeded in angering me, then let's try, who is instructing whom!" Geng Bo was angry, holding a black knife, and constantly bumping into Xiao Chen, suddenly the blades scattered, and the aura of destruction raged. Extremely fierce.

He Yuan's eyes sank slightly, and then he sighed slightly. Although both were the peaks of the Unconfused Realm, there was still some gap between him and Geng Bo.

"I definitely can't lose." He Yuan clenched his fists, not only to win the champion, but also the position of the boss. He and Geng Bo had discussed in private. Whoever wins is the big brother. He can Don't want to be the second child.

Thinking of this, He Yuan armed with two swords and joined the battle. The three of them fought together again, and the three of them fought inextricably. Unconsciously, two hours passed.

Except for sweat oozing on their foreheads, the three of them showed no signs of weakness.

"These three have been fighting for more than two hours. That kid is really surprising." Goshawk said in surprise. He was not surprised at Xiao Chen's strength, but at Xiao Chen's physical strength. After all, Xiao Chen was just the beginning. Fate, the original power can't be compared with the peak of Unconfusion, but how can he not be surprised that he has persisted in such a high-intensity battle for so long.

"This kid is a bit weird, his strength is outrageous, and the original power in his body is also outrageous. Unfortunately, his cultivation base is too low."

Hei Hu shook his head, his face was full of regret. To be honest, if Xiao Chen's cultivation was not too low, he would definitely recruit Xiao Chen into the Black Tiger team.

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