Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4012: The power of command!

Cheetah pointed out with one hand and easily broke the Demon Buddha's palm print. The corner of his mouth was full of disdain: "Boy, I admit that you are a bit capable, but if you do it with me, you are still far away."


It was just that his words fell, and Xiao Chen suddenly slammed his chest with a punch, and took the cheetah a step back.

The court instantly calmed down, and the cheetah's disdainful expression stiffened on his face, and then slowly turned into gloomy, cold, and angry.

One of his four great leaders was actually punched by a contestant and took a step back. This is a huge shame to him!

The cheetah slapped it directly.

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed, and he wanted to dodge, but there was no time at all. He slapped his body directly, and the whole person went out directly. Xiao Chen's body turned a few times in the air and landed firmly on the ground.


Just as soon as Xiao Chen landed, he spewed a big mouthful of blood, his internal organs were in pain, and his whole body seemed to be hit by a train.

Xiao Chen raised his head and looked at Cheetah. With just a slap, he was seriously injured. The four leaders are so strong.

On the stands, Geng Yan and Jiang Fengshu looked cold, staring at the cheetah, with killing intent flashing in their eyes.

"It's interesting that you can stand up." Cheetah sneered.

"The cheetah rules, but so." Xiao Chen sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Looking for death!" Cheetah's eyes were cold, his face was a little gloomy, and he pointed out with a finger that he was directly touching Xiao Chen's head, obviously with killing intent.

Xiao Chen’s return to the moon was activated, leaving behind an afterimage, avoiding the cheetah’s attack, and then, a beast roar came from Xiao Chen’s throat. The next moment, Xiao Chen was completely beasted and turned into a giant ape Holding the nine sticks, he smashed it down at the cheetah.

The nine sticks smashed down with the momentum of breaking through the air, and all the debris around was blown away. However, after all the dust settled, everyone found that such a terrifying stick was picked up by **** of a cheetah.

There was cold sweat on Xiao Chen's forehead, and the commanding strength was beyond his imagination.

"An ant that is overwhelming." Cheetah sneered and flicked his fingers. Xiao Chen and his nine sticks were all shot out.

Xiao Chen fell to the ground and slowly recovered.

Geng Yan and Jiang Fengshu in the stands also stood up, ready to take action at any time.

Cao Zhen frowned slightly. The Cheetah was over, so narrow-minded. It is no wonder that the Cheetah team is the weakest among the four special teams, and it is getting weaker and weaker. With such a person as the leader, it is strange to be strong.

However, she did not stop speaking out. First, Xiao Chen and her for no reason. Second, she wanted to see what Xiao Chen would do next, continue to challenge, or bow her head to admit defeat?

The goshawk and black tiger on the ring also frowned slightly, but the cheetah was serious with a contestant?

"Third brother, are you okay." Geng Bo and He Yuan both asked worriedly, but due to the Goshawk and Black Tiger, they could not help.

"Don't worry, the one who can kill me hasn't been born yet." Xiao Chen said lightly. The nine sticks in his hand had already been transformed into a sword.

"Sky-extinguishing style, sky-extinguishing flashes!"

Xiao Chen said lightly, the voice fell, and the aura of destruction flashed, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly appeared behind Cheetah.

The cheetah stood there and didn't move. At this moment, a piece of hair fell from his head. Looking at the falling hair, the cheetah's face became heavier and heavier, and he was cut again.

Although only one hair was lost, it was still a shame to him.

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