Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3990: Just hit it!

"Stop for me!" He Yuan's slightly gloomy voice came.

"Why, something else?" Xiao Chen looked at Xiang Heyuan in confusion.

"What do you mean by what you just said?" He Yuan asked gloomily.

"It means literally." Xiao Chen said.

"You are very arrogant. Those who came from a small group of lowly cities dare to be presumptuous in front of us. Originally wanted to have fun. Now it seems that we want you to understand how big the gap between the lowly cities and the imperial capital is." He Yuan said gloomily, his eyes flashed cold.

"Brother He Yuan, we can also help." The tall young man leaned forward.

"You don't have to take action, just stop them and don't let one person escape." He Yuan waved his hand.

"Okay." The tall young man hurriedly responded, and then waved his hand, and the people behind him moved around.

"I said, don't the people in the imperial capital discriminate against people from other cities?" Xiao Chen looked at Geng Bo, a country boy, and a lowly city, and this was not the first time he heard.

"The imperial capital is a place where a group of pretentious hypocrites live. Just get used to it." Geng Bo said.

"It's really uncomfortable, anyway, we haven't worked hard for a long time, why don't we have fun as well?" Xiao Chen said with an unhappy expression.

"Okay, what are you waiting for, come on!" Geng Bo said.

"Kill!" Xiao Chen gave an order and rushed out first, Qianmei Yilian, Zhu Dachang and others followed closely, and Geng Bo also rushed out excitedly.

"Damn, let's start the fight." Daolong hadn't reacted yet, Xiao Chen and the others had already rushed up, and immediately followed suit. Seeing this, the others also rushed towards the surrounding enemies.

"The humble people are humble. It's overwhelming to dare to take the initiative to attack us." He Yuan sneered and waved his hand. All of his people greeted him and fought together instantly.

A melee began. Xiao Chen relied on his strong physical body and Geng Bo relied on his strong cultivation base. The two went on a rampage, and soon emerged on the battlefield, attracting many people's attention.

Zhu Dachang and others usually exercise their physical bodies under the supervision of Xiao Chen. When the original power is limited, the powerful physical bodies can play their role better. Their performance on the battlefield is also very good.

"Xiao Chen, let's compare and see who defeats it more." Geng Bo said suddenly.

"Come and come, who is afraid of who!" Xiao Chen said, physically fighting, he is the best at it, even if Geng Bo's cultivation base is higher than him, he will not lose.

"You two untouchables." He Yuan was extremely angry when he heard the voices of the two people. He even bet on them, really reckless.

"Shoot the man first, shoot the horse first, capture the thieves first, capture the king first, and if you take him down, you will have a more sense of accomplishment. If you fight hard, he will belong to me." Xiao Chen said.

"I went there, why didn't I think that there are too many to be defeated, and it is not refreshing to defeat the boss!" Geng Bohui's intestines were green, and he hurried to He Yuan.

"You two really don't know how to live or die." He Yuan was even more angry, looking at Xiao Chen who was the first to rush over, a cruel expression flashed under his eyes, his palms turned into claws, and he slammed Xiao Chen down.

Xiao Chen turned his palm into a fist, and fisted with He Yuan. A powerful force suddenly dispersed, Xiao Chen's complexion changed and he flew out.

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