Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3991: Three people fighting!

After Xiao Chen stabilized his figure, he looked at He Yuan and said, "I didn't expect you to be so bad, but your strength is quite strong."

"Kill the gods, I think you can't do it, let me come." Geng Bo fell beside Xiao Chen, and before Xiao Chen could speak, he rushed towards He Yuan.

Then the two of them got a match, but Geng Bo was also beaten back to Xiao Chen.

"I also said that I can't do it. It's you who I can't do." Xiao Chen sneered.

"I went, this guy is so powerful that he can actually block my attack." Geng Bo's face was full of surprise, and then he looked at Xiao Chen and said, "And you kid, you can even block his attack. Your current strength is a bit strong, how about us?"

"Okay!" Xiao Chen said, fighting against the peak powers of the Unconfused Realm, that is a rare opportunity.

"Come on, then." Geng Bo hit Xiao Chen with a palm, and Xiao Chen also punched him, and the two of them fought back and forth.

Many people were dumbfounded, and the two started fighting as they said.

He Yuan's face was pale, these two people, when he didn't exist, they were really unbearable uncles and aunts. They turned into eagles, and eagle claws entered in disorder, and joined the battle between the two.

Xiao Chen, Geng Bo, and He Yuan fought in chaos. The three of them fought each other, one punch, one palm, one claw, then one punch, one palm, one claw, and one another, and then they exchanged opponents.

The three of them fought back and forth, it was so exciting, the other two sides of the battle also stopped because of the exciting battle of the three.

Finally, everyone stopped and looked at the three people fighting together.

"I'm going, I'm not convinced, kill the gods, your cultivation is so low, why have such a strong power!" Geng Bo yelled while blocking Xiao Chen's attack.

"Is his cultivation base very low?" He Yuan asked suddenly.

"He only has the first life stage!" Geng Bo said.

"What, Shiming Realm!" He Yuan's eyes flashed shock upon hearing this. Not only him, but almost everyone was shocked. The people they had followed for so long were only Shiming Realm?

Especially Daolong and others felt incredible.

"Geng Bo, what do you mean, do you despise me?" Xiao Chen dissatisfied.

"Didn't you hear that I was complimenting you." Geng Bo said.

"Impossible, but I am not at the pinnacle of the realm of confusion, even if the cultivation base is suppressed, you can't take my attack." He Yuan vetoed, how could it be possible to take his attack from a beginning life realm.

"Isn't it at the pinnacle of the puzzle? Although it is said that the cultivation base is restricted here, it is a blessing to be able to fight against two experts at the pinnacle at the same time." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"You can see through my cultivation." Geng Bo's eyes flashed with surprise.

"What, are you also the pinnacle of the Unconfused Realm?" He Yuan looked at Geng Bo in surprise.

"Why, I can't be the pinnacle of Unconfused Realm?" Geng Bo asked rhetorically.

"No. It's just..." He Yuan said, he wanted to say, how could a genius at the peak of the Undoubted Stage appear in a lowly city? You know, even in the imperial capital, the geniuses at the peak of the Undoubted Stage are rare. It's all but Li Jing, or ordinary Unconfusion, a remote city has a peak of Unconfusion, he naturally can't believe it.

"It doesn't matter what his cultivation level is, it's rare to meet someone who can fight against each other. Let's enjoy the fun of fighting." Xiao Chen said.

"That said." Geng Bo said.

He Yuan suppressed the shock in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "I want to do my best."

As the voice fell, He Yuan let out an eagle howl in his throat. He Yuan's breath became very sharp, and his offensive became sharper. Every attack carried a strong tearing breath.

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