Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3989: Too boring!

"Those imperial capital Tianjiao won't release the water, right?" The tall young man frowned and asked, thinking of this, an imbalance rose in their hearts.

They were beaten severely and humiliated, so why can others pass safely.

The more you think about it, the more unbalanced the minds of tall young people.

"You are cheating!" the tall young man said.

"What cheating?" Xiao Chen was stunned suddenly.

"Is it not? The imperial capital Tianjiao deliberately released water on you, this is not what cheating is!" The tall young man refused to accept.

"Something's wrong!" Xiao Chen said, too lazy to bother about these indifferent people. They had met right away, so there was no need to say so much.

"You stand still, cheating is still reasonable. I hate cheating people the most. Since the Emperor Tianjiao didn't teach you, let us teach you!"

The tall young man said coldly: "Enclose them for me!"

When the voice fell, a group of people directly surrounded Xiao Chen and others. It was not only the tall young man who was unbalanced in their hearts, but his other companions were also very unbalanced.

"There are mad dogs every year, and this year is especially large. It seems that there will be a war." Xiao Chen said lightly, his eyes gradually cooling down, and Daolong and others, their eyes were all cold, looking at the tall young man and others, already Ready to go to war.

"You dare to call us mad dogs, you're looking for death, let me go together." The tall young man said coldly, and he was ready to do it with a big wave.

"Stop it all for me!"

At this moment, a faint voice rang, and then more than a dozen figures walked over, headed by a young man in a white robe with an arrogant complexion.

After seeing the white-robed youth, the tall youth and others' expressions changed. The tall youth rushed forward and said with a flattering smile: "Brother He Yuan, why are you here?"

"I'm relatively bored, so come and have a look. I wanted to beat you up and amuse myself, but I didn't expect to encounter something interesting." He Yuan said lightly.

Saying that he has come to the front, he glanced at the tall young man and the others, and then at Xiao Chen and the others, with a faint smile: "Aren’t you ready to fight just now? Let’s go, your two teams will fight us together. We have a lot of fun. After all, the prey that will not resist is meaningless."

Hearing He Yuan’s words, the tall young people and the others were full of embarrassment. They were the prey that He Yuan would not resist. It was not the first time that they met He Yuan and others. Have never resisted, but He Yuan and others like to beat them for fun.

"It's going to fight, Geng Bo, go ahead." Xiao Chen said.

"Who wants to go, go on yourself." Geng Bo gave Xiao Chen a white glance.

"Don't you want to show? I missed it before, but now it's a good opportunity." Xiao Chen made a stubborn mouth.

"With my strength, do I still need to perform?" Geng Bo asked rhetorically, "I'm talking about dealing with them, I don't think I can show my strength."

"That's right, after all, they are too weak." Xiao Chen agreed.

"Yes, it's really meaningless, let's go." Geng Bo agreed.

"Okay, let's go." Xiao Chen nodded.

At this time, the arrogant expressions of He Yuan and the others all stiffened on their faces. The tall young man and the others were first stunned, then looked at Xiao Chen and the others like an idiot, and finally turned their eyes to gloat.

Xiao Chen and the others ignored the others and left.

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