Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3856: One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer!

"Since you have decided, you can do it yourself, brother." Old man Bai said.

Ye Chong snorted coldly, then looked at Xiao Chen, and said coldly: "I will go back to the outer door in two days. You are waiting for me."

When the voice fell, Ye Chong followed the woman and others and left here.

"Let's go too." The old man said, and then led the crowd and left the spirit beast peak.

"Brother Bai, is there something wrong with the senior sister of Ling Beast Peak?" Xiao Chen leaned to the old man Bai and asked in a low voice.

"What did you find?" Old white man asked.

"No, I just feel something is wrong with that senior sister." Xiao Chen said.

"If it's someone else, I'm not too lazy to say it, but if I see you pleasing to your eyes, I'll tell you for free." Old man Bai whispered, "The woman at Ling Beast Peak prefers to collect yang and replenish yin."

"Oh, brother mean, Ye Chong was treated as a furnace tripod by that woman?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

The old man nodded, and said, "After Ye Chong has no effect, he will be fed to the spirit beast. Unfortunately, he is still complacent, but he knows that he is not far away from death."

"Do you care about this kind of thing?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

"One is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure, what is there to manage." The old man waved his hand and said calmly.

"That's what I said." Xiao Chen said.

"By the way, your monkey is not easy, treat it well." The old man suddenly said.

"Do you know Xiao Bai?" Xiao Chen looked at Old Man Bai with a little more serious expression in his eyes.

The old man smiled without answering.

Xiao Chen looked at Old Man Bai deeply and knew Xiao Bai. It seemed that the old man in front of him was not simple.

Everyone returned to the outer door. In the following days, in addition to cultivating, Xiao Chen cleaned up. It was a rare peace.

On this day, Ye Chong returned to the outer door proudly.

In the dormitory, Ye Chong glanced at everyone with disdain, with a lofty expression on his face. Then his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and he said calmly: "I saw the brother, don't you know how to salute?"

Xiao Chen looked at Ye Chong and said straightforwardly: "Are you here to trouble me specifically?"

"Hmph, you are not qualified to let me come to trouble you specifically." Ye Chong sneered with disdain.

"Then what are you here for?" Xiao Chen asked.

"I'm here to tell you a happy event. Senior Sister Mo Li is looking for two people to join the Spirit Beast Peak. If any of you wants, you can come to me." Ye Chong said lightly.

"Is this looking for a new furnace tripod?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly, but as long as he didn't find him, he didn't bother to pay attention.

"How about it, do you want to go? If you want, you can ask me." Ye Chong looked at Xiao Chen with a smile.

"Not interested." Xiao Chen flatly refused.

"Don't pretend, as long as you beg me, I can speak for you in front of Senior Sister Mo Li and give you a chance to become a disciple of Spirit Beast Peak." Ye Chong said.

"Not interested." Xiao Chen said.

"If I must ask you to beg me." Ye Chong's face sank.

"Are you sick?" Xiao Chen looked at Ye Chong, "If you are sick, treat it. Don't bite people here."

"Kill God, I am now a disciple of Spirit Beast Peak, you dare to speak to me like this!" Ye Chong said coldly.

"I think you are not only sick, but also very sick." Xiao Chen said coldly: "If you want to make trouble, then just draw it down, otherwise, you just go back and forth."

"Since you don't know each other, don't blame me for being impolite. I have to see. Senior Sister Mo Li came to you in person, will you be so hard-hearted." Ye Chong sneered, "Kill the gods, enjoy your last Time."

When the words fell, Ye Chong left the dormitory, leaving Xiao Chen with a gloomy expression.

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