Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3857: He has a monkey!

In the dormitory, Xiao Chen gloomily looked at Ye Chong's back, which could really cause trouble.

However, he was not afraid, and soon left Ye Chong's matter behind.

"Senior Brother Killing God." The old man suddenly walked in.

"Brother Bai." Xiao Chen arched his hands.

"Junior Brother Killing God, come out with me." The old man greeted Xiao Chen and walked out of the dormitory.

"Senior Brother Bai, something?" Xiao Chen followed.

"There is a task that needs your help." The old man said straightforwardly.

"Mission?" Xiao Chen was startled. Although Xiao Chen has only been here for a few days, some things are clear. Guiyue Sect has a sect mission. By completing the sect mission, you can earn points in exchange for resources. Sect missions, only inner disciples can accept, like their outer disciples, they can only earn points by constantly doing chores.

"Whether to go or not, as long as the task can be completed, I can give you ten rough stones." The old man asked.

"Ten rough stones?" Xiao Chen murmured, Gui Yuezong is terribly poor. The outer disciples can only obtain one rough stone after doing chores for half a year. Ten rough stones are already a good income for the outer disciples. Up.

But how could Old Man Bai find one of his outer disciples, but soon Xiao Chen thought of Xiao Bai, the purpose of Old Man Bai was obviously Xiao Bai, and he was just incidental.

"Can you tell me what to say, are you going?" The old man said.

"Go, why not go." Xiao Chen said, "But Brother Bai, you are only an outer disciple. This task is led by an inner disciple, right?"

"Well, you will know when you go." The old man said.

Xiao Chen nodded.

The two left the outer gate together and came to the back mountain of Guiyuezong. At this time, there were two people waiting in the back mountain. They were dressed in the costumes of the inner disciple, and they were obviously inner disciples.

"Old Baitou, you are here, who is he?" The two inner disciples were obviously familiar with the old man, and smiled and said hello. One of them looked at Xiao Chen and asked suspiciously.

"He's called Killing God, I brought it together, so make up the number." Old Man Bai introduced briefly.

"Both of them are Dachangfeng inner disciples, one is called Bai Hao, the other is Bai Ming, the two are brothers, and they are distant relatives with me." The old man Bai introduced the two to Xiao Chen again.

"Old man Bai, you have always been prudent, but this time it's a bit overwhelming. He has only the first destiny. With him, it will only drag us down. If it is because of him that causes the mission to fail, can you afford it?" Bai Haochen Soundtrack.

"He has a monkey." The old man said lightly.

"Any monkey or a monkey, he can go, but our ugly words are ahead, if something really happens, we will definitely not be able to save him." Bai Ming said coldly.

"He has a monkey!" The old man said.

"We're talking about business, why are you always talking about monkeys?" Bai Hao doubted.

"He has a monkey!" The old man said again.

The two brothers of Bai Hao and Bai Ming looked at Old Man Bai in a daze. Bai Ming glanced at Xiao Chen and said, "You mean, he has a monkey, is he from Ling Beast Peak?"

"He is an outer disciple, but he has a monkey!" The old man Bai said, his meaning is very clear, although Xiao Chen is not in the spirit beast peak, but there is a monkey.

"Since you found it, then forget it. In addition, we have also found a senior for this mission. I must be here in a while."

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