Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3855: The monkey shows hello!

"Squeak!" The monkey suddenly jumped off the tree branch and onto Xiao Chen's shoulder, squeaking nonstop.

"Are you trying to follow me?" Xiao Chen was a little startled.

"Squeak!" The monkey nodded, looking very happy.

"Since you want to follow me, then follow, but since you are following me, then I will give you a name." Xiao Chen stroked the little head of the monkey and said with a smile.

"Squeak!" The monkey jumped to the ground, his paws gestured on the ground, and the words Xiaobai were written.

"Xiao Bai, is this your name?" Xiao Chen asked in amazement, "How come you are called Xiao Bai if you are black and fall, and also, you actually have a name, did you pick it yourself, or do you have a master?"


Xiao Bai squeaked, and at the same time, a sound wave entered Xiao Chen's mind. The next moment, Xiao Chen seemed to understand Xiao Bai's meaning, and Xiao Bai actually said that he was too annoying.

"The temper is really big." Xiao Chen underestimated, but he was a little curious, how did he understand Xiao Bai's meaning.

"This monkey is not simple. This is a high-level beast language. Through high-level beast language, high-level spirit beasts can communicate directly with humans or low-level beasts." Gan Lao said suddenly.

"High-level beast language?" Xiao Chen was a little surprised: "You mean, Xiao Bai is a high-level spirit beast?"

"Yes, but the old man is a little curious, how can there be high-level spirit beasts in such a remote place, and the high-level spirit beasts also take the initiative to show you good, where exactly are you blessing?"

"This is the charm of personality." Xiao Chen smiled, and then said to Xiaobai: "Although I don't know why you came to me, since you come to me, I will cover you in the future."

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes and said, "With your strength, you can take care of yourself."

Ha ha, was even looked down upon by a monkey, and Xiao Chen expressed helplessness.

Xiao Bai shrank to the size of a palm, then squatted on Xiao Chen's shoulders, and walked towards the gathering point that Old Man Bai said.

When Xiao Chen walked to the gathering point, everyone else had finished cleaning and returned.

When the old man Bai saw Xiao Bai on Xiao Chen's shoulder, his eyes flashed by surprise.

"Are there everyone?" The old man glanced at everyone and asked lightly.

"Brother Bai, Brother Ye Chong has not returned yet." a disciple said.

"Ye Chong?" The old man murmured. Ye Chong naturally knew that the only one of the eight had a triple initial stage and had a proud personality. He looked at him with contempt.

"Let's go find it." The old man Bai said. Just about to find it, he found a few people walking over, headed by a woman who seemed a little charming, and Ye Chong followed behind him.

Old man Bai glanced at the clothes on the woman, then stepped forward and said, "Sister!"

"I have seen senior sister!" The others also saluted.

The woman nodded, and then pointed to Ye Chong and said, "I want him. From today on, he will be the person of my Spirit Beast Peak."

Hearing this, the old man frowned slightly: "Senior Sister, he is just an outside disciple, this is not so good."

"There is nothing wrong with him. He is also willing. If you don't believe me, ask him." The woman said lightly.

"As an outer disciple, you must keep your feet on the ground and don't always think about shortcuts." The old man looked at Ye Chong and said in a deep voice.

"I am already a disciple of Spirit Beast Peak, you should call me a senior brother." Ye Chong said proudly, looking at the gaze of Old Man Bai with disdain.

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