Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3854: Monkey!

Return to Yuezong, Spirit Beast Peak!

The old man came to the door, saluted the four guards, and then took out a token.

One of the guards looked at the token and nodded. Then the two guards came to the door, and the spears in their hands struck at the same time, the barrier opened and a passage appeared.

The old man walked in with everyone, and old man Bai said: "Don't rush in after you enter. There are many powerful spirit beasts inside. If it becomes spirit beast food, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

After entering, everyone seemed to have come to the zoo, where there were many restrictions, and all of them were spirit beasts. The old man gave a command, and everyone scattered around and cleaned.

Xiao Chen carried a broom and came to a quiet place, cleaning the debris.

"The road is long and long, and I will search up and down. I didn't expect that I will kill the gods and I will sweep the floor one day."

"The Guiyue Sect is really poor, the spirit beast is very weak, the primitive aura is very thin, and the resources are not many. You should leave here as soon as possible."

Gan Lao said disgustingly.

"This is not anxious in advance, my task now is to sweep the floor." Xiao Chen said lightly, a small Guiyue Sect naturally can't keep him, but he still has to do the things that promised Sect Master Wu Ji.

While cleaning, Xiao Chen ran the Nine Turns Shenhuang Jue, absorbing primitive energy.

"Finally cleaning is finished."

Two hours later, Xiao Chen leaned against a big tree and breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes condensed suddenly, then his head tilted, and a black shadow wiped past his skin. Hit the big tree behind him.

The big tree instantly turned into a powder!

"Who!" Xiao Chen yelled sharply, then turned his head suddenly, and then he was taken aback, only to find a black-skinned monkey grinning at him not far away, and the black shadow that just attacked him was the monkey in front of him. .

"Spirit monkey?" Xiao Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then took a closer look at the spirit monkey, only to find that this was just an ordinary monkey, but the attack just now was not like an ordinary monkey.

The monkey squeaked twice, then grabbed Xiao Chen again, the speed reaching the extreme.

"A beast in a small area dare to attack the **** of death. It's really looking for death!" Xiao Chen yelled, and directly hit the claw of the monkey. However, the next moment, what shocked Xiao Chen was that he actually felt it. The tiger's mouth hurt for a while, and his entire arm was numb, and then Xiao Chen's body straightened back, taking a dozen steps to stabilize his figure.

"Interesting!" Xiao Chen shook his numb arm. Without any hesitation, Haoyue Liuli's divine body turned on and rushed directly at the monkey.

Suddenly, two figures shuttled through the woods, and there was a collision sound from time to time. The speed of the monkey was not weaker than Xiao Chen, who stepped on his feet to return to the moon, and his power was not weaker to open the Haoyue glazed glaze body.

One man and one monkey kept fighting each other. The two of them fought for half an hour, and they were not even winning or losing. Xiao Chen leaned on a big tree to recover his strength, while the monkey squatted on the branch of the big tree not far away.


Suddenly at this moment, the monkey threw a banana over Xiao Chen's head.

Xiao Chen took the banana and looked at the monkey in doubt.

"Squeak!" The monkey yelled twice.

"Give me food?" Xiao Chen was startled.

"Squeak!" The monkey nodded.

"Thanks." Xiao Chen said, he could feel that the monkey was not malicious, and then he ate unceremoniously.

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