Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3773: Excited Shen Yue!

"This is my territory. Either retreat or come to fight!" Luo Chang clenched his fists and looked cold.

"I don't know whether to live or die!" The black armored young man said coldly, and the big knife in his hand suddenly cut, and a bright sword light appeared in response.

It was just that Luo Chang blasted out with a punch, and the powerful blade light shattered. The young man in black armor stared in front of him in a daze. Obviously, he didn't react. After he reacted, he hurriedly shouted: "Retreat to the safe area immediately."

The voice fell, and the group hurried back. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared.

"Let's go." Luo Chang did not chase, but continued to set off toward the destination. Soon, a towering mountain peak appeared in the sight of everyone. In front of the mountain peak was a plain of Pingchuan, and on the plain, standing volley in the sky A group of people, and this group of people is the black armored youth and others who ran away before.

It's just that the aura of these people at this time is completely different from before, a force of indifference, a sense of horror, covering the entire plain.

"There is already sun shining here, and these people are all powerful in the Sun Yao realm. Are they from Sun Yao Road?" Shen Yue muttered, as the voice fell, Luo Jun Luo Chang's face had become very solemn , A strong solar realm who possesses the power of the sun, that can display the real strength of a strong solar realm.

"Step into this place, die!" The black armored youth shouted indifferently. If you look closely, you will find that with the mountain as the origin, the sun is scattered within ten miles, and the armored youths are standing in the sun circle. Fall within.

"What to do?" Luo Jun asked in a deep voice. Although he was the king and hegemony on Yueyao Road, he was now facing a strong Solar Realm.

Luo Chang's expression also sank, and she didn't expect that this place would have been occupied by a strong solar realm.

"Hey, it's time for you to be on the stage." Just when the two of them were silent, Xiao Chen's faint voice came out, and his gaze was already looking at the four Shen Yue. You must know that the four of them are all genuine days. The powerhouse of Glory.

"Finally it's our turn to play!" Shen Yue muttered, her eyes flashed with excitement, even her body trembled because of the excitement, Huajiao and Lu Dong were similar. To be honest, no one knew their passage How frustrated time is.

Obviously they are the powerhouses of the Sunlight Realm, and they are clearly outrageous in strength, but on Yueyao Road, they can only look at a group of strongmen of the Moonlight Realm, contending for hegemony, and showcasing their might, and they can only watch behind them silently. .

At this time they finally had a chance to perform, and naturally they were unwilling to be lonely, and they all jumped out one by one. They wanted to let these people know who was the real strong.

"You step back, they are my prey, I have rounded up by myself." Shen Yue waved, said domineeringly.

"Our hands are itchy." Lu Dong said flatly, shaking his head, pinching his fingers, eager to try, he was also suffocated and panicked, and naturally he would not let the prey he got in his hand.

"I said, they are all round, if you make a move, I will fight with you." Shen Yue was tough, who is she? She is the ancestor of the Shen family, even if the Shen family is destroyed, she is still the overbearing ancestor of the Shen family.

"Fight and fight, don't forget, who was chased and ran away." Lu Dong refused.

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